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Lack of inventory space is stressing me out

Never before in a game have I struggled with my inventory space and had to return to town so many times to deposit in the bank than in this game. I am thoroughly enjoying the game itself but it is tainting my experience having to destroy items constantly to make way for new ones.

This is a game with an abundance of materials and I am the sort of person who checks every box, barrel and bag so my inventory space gets used up fast and I don't like destroying things :(

I have upgraded my bank once and bag twice and am saving up to do it again but am nowhere near the amount I need.

Is anyone else having the same problem? Am I just hoarding too much? And are the prices to upgrade inventory space too high or realistic?
  • Shimond
    Hoarding too much. There's a lot of provision materials you'll never use so you're just wasting space. At most you should be around 12 slots for skilling up provisioning (3 types of food, 3 types of drink, 2 mats per). Most people tend to have significantly more than that.
  • Dread_Takhisis
    I am with you. I am currently leveling my Woodcraft, Smithing, Clothing, Alchemy, etc. Just the mats for those skills have taxed my inventory to near bursting. I constantly destroy/sell items that I would rather keep in order to make room for things.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain
  • nerevarine1138
    +1 to not hoarding every provisioning mat. You will figure out which ones you need to start collecting once you hit endgame and start getting the really rare recipes.

    Also, if you do Enchanting, do yourself a favor and drop it. It's an insanely hard leveling process, and it takes up most of your bank/inventory, because you never find aspect runes with enough frequency to use up all the useless essence runes you find. You can buy glyphs from other crafters or even get basic ones from NPCs.
  • jonal11_ESO
    Spend money on bank and bags. The game makes you choose to focus on things. Just because the game gives you the option of doing anything, doesn't mean you get to do everything.
  • nerevarine1138
    I am with you. I am currently leveling my Woodcraft, Smithing, Clothing, Alchemy, etc. Just the mats for those skills have taxed my inventory to near bursting. I constantly destroy/sell items that I would rather keep in order to make room for things.

    That's your problem. The inventory/skill system is meant to make it extremely impractical to become a master of all crafts on one character. Pick one or two to specialize in.
  • disexistencenub19_ESO
    I'm using about 50 slots on provisioning, so I know what you mean. I have alts on different factions, and supply my character with mats and recipes. I keep multiple types and stacks of food for use on different character builds or to sell and trade, etc.

    And I also have alchemy on a character, and enchanting on another, and blacksmithing on one. This all adds up extremely quickly, even when sticking to collecting only the things you need on that specific character at the time, which I have resorted to doing, unless it's a rare materiel or something. I made a bank alt character just to hold junk like maps and weapons/armor I plan to research or scrap/sell.

    I feel like I have to go back to town to unload entirely too often myself. The inventory system is the one thing that greatly irks me in this game. Crafting supplies should have their own bag and space available at the very least.
    Edited by disexistencenub19_ESO on April 15, 2014 2:42PM
  • Imryll
    I sympathize, but until the bank bug is patched, I'd focus on increasing character/mule inventories rather than bank space. I still used mules when I had 100 bank slots. Now that the bug has eaten 40 of them, I barely play, inventory management is such a pain. However, JessicaFolsom posted that there might be a second patch this week to address the bug, so probably the answer is to hold off stressing about the situation for a few days until the disappearing bank slot issue is addressed, and they've announced restoration plans.

    As for should you hoard less, I'd say that depends on what makes playing fun for you. For me crafting is central to my enjoyment, and if ZOS makes it too much of a hassle, I'll do something else for fun.
    Edited by Imryll on April 15, 2014 3:00PM
  • The_Death_Princess
    Agree with the comments of this. BUT, in actuality I can not think of a game that hasn't had a personal bank as well. I think that structure should be implemented for sorting and organization needs.

    This means:

    Account bank say is 10 or 20 slots start and can be expanded
    Character Bank and Bags are 50 slots and can be expanded
    Horse bags - I am not getting this one. Seems least cost effective way for space.

    This method means that if you do no crafting, you can build your account bank to house goodies. If you do crafting, you can address the space needs of each toon in line with the craft needs. Overall, I can be on any toon, dump into the account bank, log in each and sort.
    Astaria Dødfurstinna
    Official Hunter Community Lead DAOC
    (Pendragon Beta through Catacombs release)
    Look at this but dont QQ: http://pcpartpicker.com/b/hfxYcf
  • FrauPerchta
    I agree, we need a character bank account and an account bank account for all characters to share.

    I have never run out of bag/bank space so fast in any other MMO.
  • Kng_Ayumayuma
    I agree we need a character bank too. I feel the bank expansions are way over priced as well.
  • stombrewerb16_ESO
    I have to say the lack of inventory space was a real problem until I got my character inventory to 70 and bank to 70 slots (around level 15-ish). I don't know if everyone is aware of it (even if it says so in the game), but any crafting item you store in the bank is available when you go to craft something.

    The way I make use of this when I return to town, is to put all runes and upgrade materials (hemmings, rubies, etc) and some provisioning items in the bank. Then I go to deconstruct drops, research traits and/or craft new items, and return to the bank to drop off any new/leftover items. When I leave town, I usually have between 20 to 25 slots free in my inventory (I always leave some ores, fibrous plants and rough wood of every type in it), which usually leaves me room for an hour or more of exploring (at which time it is nice to take a little break, anyway).

    Ok, it does helps that I am now at 80 character inventory slots, I have to admit that, but the process of pruning my inventory and sorting out the important from the less so, is now helping me to progress a lot better with my crafting in the mid-20s. It's not all bad.
    Ok, who aggroed? I did? Never! I wouldn't. I swear.
  • demendred
    Make some mules for jewels, gear mats, runes, ect.
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • StuppyJoe
    I'd like you to meet my alts:
    -provisioning stuff
    -wooden stuff
    -metal stuff
  • Tarwin
    If they could tag materials for what level crafting it would help. I have no idea what I need, will need, or don't need for provisioning, and alchemy. I just save everything and bank is overflowing
  • Tusnelda
    This is a time sink! I would prefer to explore the world, but actually I am busy with my inventory ALL THE TIME. Look at other MMOs - there are so many possibilities to make it easier to manage the inventory than in the actual way.

    - Make it cheaper to extend the inventory and the bank space
    - Let us craft our own bags
    - Make a crafting bank for all chars of one account
    - Every char of the account should have its own bank and an account bank for all chars
    - I hate to be forced to run to the bank every hour or two (there are so more interesting things to do!!!!) - this could be send out of the inventory with just one click
    Edited by Tusnelda on April 15, 2014 3:40PM
    Please remove @userid from Tamriel and replace it with our charnames
  • Shimond
    If they could tag materials for what level crafting it would help. I have no idea what I need, will need, or don't need for provisioning, and alchemy. I just save everything and bank is overflowing

    While that would be nice, you can figure it out yourself (that's what I did). Just go to a cooking fire and uncheck the filters to see what you need to craft the highest level stuff, ditch the rest. Rinse and repeat (or keep a list like I did so when I go looting containers I know what to keep and what not to pick up).
  • spawn10459
    I was thinking of making a crap guild for my self just for the 500 extra bank slots.
  • ClaudiaMay
    NixiPixi wrote: »
    Is anyone else having the same problem? Am I just hoarding too much? And are the prices to upgrade inventory space too high or realistic?

    Hoarding too much. And that's OK, I do it too lol. Just try and prioritize, and having alts helps.

    For example, I currently have four characters I plan to play through. Each has 1-2 crafting skills (except for my main who has 3). Each character keeps the majority of their crating materials in their own inventory. Provisioning stuff gets put in the bank, along with a few bits and baubles from each craft. So far so good, and as soon as I get finished with Provisioning first level, out goes the junk to make space for the next tier :smile:

    Just break down as many items as you can if you craft. Or sell them (I've started selling whites which seems to help). I may make a "hoarder" alt or two as well for now, but you can manage it!
    Currently Playing:
    Sorcerer Claudia Warren May, lvl 40. Woodworking 25/Clothing 25/Provisioning 50.
    Dragon Knight, lvl 8. Blacksmithing/Enchanting.
    Nightblade, lvl 3. Alchemy.
    Templar, lvl 7.
  • Zagadka
    It is ironic... in most MMOs, players would kill for a shared bank. In ESO, it is a huge drawback for some people.

    I get that they want to put limits on hoarding stuff by not allowing you to just mail stuff to an alt, but that is kinda pointless since you can just have an alt withdraw stuff anyway. I really wish there were an easier way to just give things for deconstruction to another char without juggling bank space, or trying to remember not to deconstruct an item because I need it for another char...
  • temjiu
    I of course run into this issue as well. And it isn't about trying to do all the crafts on one toon....the bank is shared across all your toons, yet doing just 2 crafts will fill it up quite easily. so your really limited to 2 crafts PER ACCOUNT if you base it solely on bank space.

    That of course is an arbitrary idea, but I'm putting it up there just to get the point across. personal bank space would resolve it, but so would crafting storage. both ideas would resolve the situation.

    if it's personal storage, then I could see it being initially small...30-40. 20 is a bit teeny...you'd be amazed how fast that will fill up.

    Crafting storage should more reflect the bank storage size. or bigger...but be only for crafting. then reduce the bank size since we don't need it to store crafting stuff (that's if we use the crafting storage option).

  • Darzil
    Zagadka wrote: »
    It is ironic... in most MMOs, players would kill for a shared bank. In ESO, it is a huge drawback for some people.

    To be fair, if that wasn't either a shared bank in addition to their existing one, or a shared bank the size of their existing banks combined they wouldn't kill for it!
  • Thete
    That's your problem. The inventory/skill system is meant to make it extremely impractical to become a master of all crafts on one character. Pick one or two to specialize in.

    Maybe it's meant to be, but it isn't. I began fully expecting to have to focus on 2-3 trades on my main whilst picking up the others eventually on alts. Turns out I have enough skill points to have my cake and eat it for now. I don't keep any provisioning materials or trait gems in my bank, and still manage to fill a 100 slot bank. Still, I enjoy my crafting so don't mind spending half my time on it. It's infinitely more fun than trying dungeons in PuGs.
  • Mehrkuri
    spawn10459 wrote: »
    I was thinking of making a crap guild for my self just for the 500 extra bank slots.

    Sadly, you can't do this. You need ten different accounts in the guild to get the guild bank, and if you kick them all out after getting to ten, the guild bank goes away.
  • reggielee
    yes, it almost made me quit due to frustration and having to spend so much time alt switching in order to get some crafting done. I eventually gave up on some ideals, spent a week buying bag slots and grinding for money to buy upgrades. it will take me a month or so to get to max but i think it will save my sanity.

    i want to craft my own stuff, i want to game and explore on my main and send good gear to my alts. I dont want to be punished for this by lack of inv to do it with. I want to check all cupboards/lootable places for artis and loot and then not have to spend time deleting it all later,even stuff i would like to keep to deconstruct on my crafting alts. it really is a pita
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • Lonzrick
    Banks? There are banks? Oh...you mean the big building that exist in maybe 1 of 5 towns? Every town / village / hamlet (usually) has all the crafting stations, and vendors just hanging outside by the public well...but only a few have banks. Worse than running out of inventory room is to run out of room then discover you have to abandon what you're doing to run across the map to the only bank in a 100 mile radius.
  • Shimond
    Lonzrick wrote: »
    Banks? There are banks? Oh...you mean the big building that exist in maybe 1 of 5 towns? Every town / village / hamlet (usually) has all the crafting stations, and vendors just hanging outside by the public well...but only a few have banks. Worse than running out of inventory room is to run out of room then discover you have to abandon what you're doing to run across the map to the only bank in a 100 mile radius.

    By run across the map, I assume you mean go to the nearest wayshrine right? It's a bit of a pain but not a huge annoyance.
  • Lonzrick
    For those with unlimited funds that can afford to drop the money to use the shrines there and back....

  • matthewameluxenub17_ESO
    Too much hoarding stuff you don't need.

    Provisioning: Pick one or two recipes you are actually going to use and only pick up the ingredients for those. Ignore the rest. You should still be able to keep pace with leveling the skill. It is an easy one to level.

    Smithing/Wood/Clothier: Shouldn't be too bad on inventory for the base mats. All the gems for separate traits WILL take up space, but so far keeping them in my bank hasn't been an issue.

    Fishing tackle: If you don't fish, don't pick it up.

    Enchanting: As a previous poster mentioned, this one is painful to level.

    Alchemy: Only keep water and level it in bursts. This one is actually very easy to level compared to the others. But if you don't want half your inventory taken up by herbs, probably best to set aside time to gather them, craft, and purge inventory of them.

    I have been leveling all crafting skills on one guy and while inventory can get tight at times, it hasn't been that bad as long as you are smart about it.
  • ElSlayer
    So... basically we have a HTFU problem here?
    @d0e1ow: There is no singular thing within a game's little ecosystem that will convince you that you hate the game, hate your life, and hate everyone around you faster than the game's official forums will.

    @TaffyIX: Life is too short to get upset by a video game.
  • ElSlayer
    So... basically we have a HTFU problem here?
    @d0e1ow: There is no singular thing within a game's little ecosystem that will convince you that you hate the game, hate your life, and hate everyone around you faster than the game's official forums will.

    @TaffyIX: Life is too short to get upset by a video game.
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