Redguard stamina bonus

How good is it? Is it really good? Leave my lvl 25 orc and reroll good?

I'm finding having to dump all my points in health, especially for tanking and pvp survivability. Which leaves my stamina pool rather low. Given both tanking and attacks are stamina heavy, I'm finding myself constantly running out of stamina.

Are the various stamina bonuses received by Redguard actually effective? Or just nominal?
Edited by icanhazfacemelt on April 15, 2014 8:47AM
  • ThatHappyCat
    Once soft capping comes into play those boosts won't be as good as they are in paper, and they're not that major even without capping.

    As a tank, stamina is probably more important than health. Blocking is the main way of mitigating damage, not facetanking. Also in PvP you can put all the points you want in health (and magicka and stamina and loads of other stuff like armour) and it won't make one bit of difference if you're below Vet rank, as everyone's given the exact same template thanks to scaling.
  • Lenthas
    the regen in combat may be more valuable since, even with soft caps, I doubt you can max on both raw stat AND regen exclusively through gear alone, especially if you want both magicka and stamina.

    Right now, the only uncapped stat is health, so imperials are on the lead, since they have the best hp racial and the same stamina racial as the redguards meaning they will have a easier time hitting their caps and maybe even enchant for some even more health if the gear allows it.
  • dw0011nrb19_ESO
    forget the +stamina

    why redguard is so appealing is the infight stamina regen And the stamina gain on hit.
    @Hrotha - EU
  • EnOeZ
    Did someone test that the stamina gain on hit is effective ? I cannot notice it in combat (got no combat log). Answer appreciated !
  • EnOeZ
    ✭✭✭✭ really is the stamina proc "Adrenaline Rush" working ? Somebody with FTC or something ?
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