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Its been two weeks

Wondering how you guys doing in ESO, i pulled out two weeks ago for not enjoying the game. Lack of realism is one thing, just that ESO is about any other MMOs there is. I doubt if i will ever come back playing this game, if i want to play a MMO it would be Mortal Online or maybe Darkfall. Darkfall kinda suck due lack of realism as well. And Mortal Online is very slow at developing and so many things need to add to the game.

Anyway been working on my projects and when i take a break, still love playing that ol' Morrowind with graphics improved. Didnt care for Oblivion much and Skyrim, well that just another game.

I am hoping they will remake Morrowind someday with better graphics and realisms.
  • Thete
    You like using the word 'realism'. Real life is fairly realistic, maybe try that if you don't like computer games.
  • Zilas
    so you're not playing the game, have no intention of playing the game in the future yet you make a thread on its forums? :S
  • SpireofSouls
    Well i figured that they will make ESO better than this, the reason i posted this on the forum because IT IS lack of realism. Incase you havent played any ESSeries esp Morrowind, then you wont understand what i am talking about here. Let me explains here, there is no weight limits, cant craft arrows or stock up on them, looting npcs belongings, etcs. That have taking out roleplaying realism. There are so many features are missing, maybe they did this on purpose for a cheap basic MMO for Elder Scrolls. So this isnt my kinda game at all. This isnt worth 14.99 a month for my parts, its like going back playing WoW or Everquest. There is no different, but still you going to have to deal with problems with players that can ruin your day while playing it.
    Edited by SpireofSouls on April 15, 2014 8:20AM
  • mutharex
    Zilas wrote: »
    so you're not playing the game, have no intention of playing the game in the future yet you make a thread on its forums? :S

    19 days of free month left and counting....
  • Zilas
    Well i figured that they will make ESO better than this, the reason i posted this on the forum because IT IS lack of realism. Incase you havent played any ESSeries esp Morrowind, then you wont understand what i am talking about here. Let me explains here, there is no weight limits, cant craft arrows or stock up on them, looting npcs belongings, etcs. That have taking out roleplaying realism. There are so many features are missing, maybe they did this on purpose for a cheap basic MMO for Elder Scrolls. So this isnt my kinda game at all.

    Single-player game, multi-player game, big difference.

  • SpireofSouls
    Zilas wrote: »
    Well i figured that they will make ESO better than this, the reason i posted this on the forum because IT IS lack of realism. Incase you havent played any ESSeries esp Morrowind, then you wont understand what i am talking about here. Let me explains here, there is no weight limits, cant craft arrows or stock up on them, looting npcs belongings, etcs. That have taking out roleplaying realism. There are so many features are missing, maybe they did this on purpose for a cheap basic MMO for Elder Scrolls. So this isnt my kinda game at all.

    Single-player game, multi-player game, big difference.

    It maybe a big difference, but they arent very creative making this game. Perhap within six to twelve months? Or never??

  • AngelofAwe
    You play games for realism? That's like watching action movies for realism...
    Angel of Awe (Aldmeri Dominion EU)
    Imperial DK - VR10
    Aldmeri Trinity/ Crime Syndicate
    Sanguine's beta tester
    Warrior of the Chrysamere campaign
  • Thete
    Well i figured that they will make ESO better than this, the reason i posted this on the forum because IT IS lack of realism. Incase you havent played any ESSeries esp Morrowind, then you wont understand what i am talking about here. Let me explains here, there is no weight limits, cant craft arrows or stock up on them, looting npcs belongings, etcs.

    Yes, I had a friend who was mad about Morrowind. Said he created a character that could leap from town to town. Also, he had to be careful because if he wasn't he could burn the entire town and population to ashes with a single spell. Massively realistic.

    Also, how many arrows could you carry? Carrying arrows has been done in MMOs; it has long ago been abandoned as a pain in the arse and when you are hauling around several hundred, you can't even say you're doing it in the name of realism. No RPG ever made had an inventory that a person could realistically cart around, so don't give me that realism cobblers.
  • SpireofSouls
    AngelofAwe wrote: »
    You play games for realism? That's like watching action movies for realism...

    You ever watch any movies that was poor directed? Like things out of places and stupid peoples? Guess there alot of players doesnt understand what realism is lol. Why waste my time playing something that is unbalance or doesnt feel right, almost like watching one of those stupid movie again in the 80's. But some movies in the 80's are really good and its all about storylines, characters and who directed it. If they take their times and go over the details without making a mistake, it would be great. But low budget movies or games, wouldnt be that great.

  • montgomery.luke07b16_ESO
    Dear god I can't wait til the 30 days free are up.....
    By Hircine's hand i mark thee!
  • SpireofSouls
    Thete wrote: »
    Well i figured that they will make ESO better than this, the reason i posted this on the forum because IT IS lack of realism. Incase you havent played any ESSeries esp Morrowind, then you wont understand what i am talking about here. Let me explains here, there is no weight limits, cant craft arrows or stock up on them, looting npcs belongings, etcs.

    Yes, I had a friend who was mad about Morrowind. Said he created a character that could leap from town to town. Also, he had to be careful because if he wasn't he could burn the entire town and population to ashes with a single spell. Massively realistic.

    Also, how many arrows could you carry? Carrying arrows has been done in MMOs; it has long ago been abandoned as a pain in the arse and when you are hauling around several hundred, you can't even say you're doing it in the name of realism. No RPG ever made had an inventory that a person could realistically cart around, so don't give me that realism cobblers.

    There are mods to fix that, and yes there are some glitches in Morrowind that i dont like. Some cant be fixed as far i know, i just simply dont use them or avoid it at all cost. The arrows does have weight btw, have you ever played Mortal Online? The hard parts about MO is that is hardcore sandbox game, hardly anyone can handle the heats, esp getting killed and losing their stuffs.
  • deamor666eb17_ESO
    Ah, Morrowind. It really was an awesome game.

    however, I personally wouldn't call it any more realistic thsn TESO.
    Inventory for example. You're 1 weight away from overencumbured and you can run like a superhero for miles on end.

    And then you grab that one more arrow from the ground and BANG, you can't move an inch.

    Very realistic indeed.
  • darkkterror_ESO
    If I really wanted realism I'd go outside.
  • Zerl
    Realism, in a fantasy game based on fictional lore?

    Go home Roger, you've had 1 too many...
  • Spryt
    Realism would be non respawning npc and monsters. Everything would be dead within a week and you would end up as a unemployed "hero" forced to take a job you hate in a local shop that doesnt even cover your repair costs. Your charcter would then die cold, naked and hungry and you would have to buy another copy of the game to try again.
  • Fina
    There is another great game I would recommend. The problem is there is no leveling system and the amount of effort it takes for success turns some people away. However, it is extremely realistic.

    It has extremely realistic graphics, realistic AI, realistic weight limits (you actually have to work out to increase your carrying capacity), realistic crime and punishment system, it's totally F2P, open world PVP (keep in mind the crime and punishment system though), nearly unlimited options when choosing your character appearance (so every character is totally unique, whether it's their actual character or just the outfit they wear), millions of crafting opportunities, a truly massive world for exploration, nearly unlimited emotes, and a fully implemented romance / marriage system. There is even an option to have children. The game is also fully voiced and has realistic weather, season, day and night cycles.

    So if you are really looking for a realistic experience then I'd totally recommend this game real life instead of video games because no video game is going to be completely realistic. Don't we play video games to escape reality?

  • drkeys143
    Dear god I can't wait til the 30 days free are up.....

    I second that :)

  • Thete
    about MO is that is hardcore sandbox game, hardly anyone can handle the heats, esp getting killed and losing their stuffs.

    You mean you die, and your prime concern is losing your stuff? This is realism, is it?
  • mutharex
    Thete wrote: »
    about MO is that is hardcore sandbox game, hardly anyone can handle the heats, esp getting killed and losing their stuffs.

    You mean you die, and your prime concern is losing your stuff? This is realism, is it?

    I alphaed and betaed MO. Some really good idea wrapped around a horrible game. DF with all its problems it's AAA compared to MO
  • Lalai
    Sorry to tell you Spire, but the hardcore realism that you're looking for is a very, very niche market that in all honesty is not likely to survive in a sub based environment in today's age of gaming. There is a reason things like arrows in your inventory have been discarded for the large part in MMOs, and it isn't because there's a huge mob of players clamoring to have them there, or the devs are just neglecting "realism".

    This game has been the most immersive MMO I've every played, hands down. I'm paying attention to quests for goodness sake.. I never do that! If the realism isn't there for you because they don't have weighted inventory, or arrows.. then I'm sorry. We obviously have different views on what it takes for a game to feel realistic within it's fantasy boundaries.

    Yes, there is a certain nice element to the more hardcore MMOs I've played like Ultima Online and Shadowbane... where you can lose your stuff if you die, your buildings can be destroyed, PvP is enabled everywhere, and there's no real clear indication of which direction you should be headed. That's a different type of game though, and isn't really the type of game that does remotely well in today's market.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • SpireofSouls
    I can understand some of you like it simple, most players do. Some of us like a little more edge into MMOs. When i first got Skyrim, wasnt too impress with it. Many features were taken out and later on some nice mods came along to make it more realism. Like Darker Nights, Eating and Sleeping, etcs. I remember awhile back in Mortal Online, someone in general chat (newbie players) were freaking out in the dark and it was funny.

    So yes this game isnt for me, so have fun playing and wasting your money on this game.
  • mutharex
  • Fina
    So yes this game isnt for me, so have fun playing and wasting your money on this game.

    What is "a waste" for you is money-well-spent for millions of others.

    If it isn't for you, why are you still here? You say you left 2 weeks ago, but it looks like you're still here.

    If other games are so much better then isn't your time better spent playing those games?
    Edited by Fina on April 15, 2014 10:36AM
  • Zubba
    Dropping loot when you die would be really nice.
    Add PvP loot drops for some risk/reward in this game.

    Captain Morgan Society

    How'd ya feel like scraping the barncles off me rudder.. Matey..
  • SpireofSouls
    Fina wrote: »
    So yes this game isnt for me, so have fun playing and wasting your money on this game.

    What is "a waste" for you is money-well-spent for millions of others.

    If it isn't for you, why are you still here? You say you left 2 weeks ago, but it looks like you're still here.

    If other games are so much better then isn't your time better spent playing those games?

    Guess you didnt get the picture and i asked how other players are doing? During the beta stage of this game, most players hated it. Unfort i wasnt one of the beta, if i was i wouldnt have bought the game in the first place.

    I cant get my refund though :(

  • Gaudrath
    As someone who worked on a total realism mod for Skyrim, trust me it wouldn't work in an MMO. Not only it's impossible to make a realistic MMO, the game would fail. And hard. Realism is a niche reserved for a small minority of players.

    For others its a massive pain in the butt. Imagine if you could only carry a realistic weight and volume of items. That's your sword, a bow, maybe a dagger and a shield. Your armor has weight too. The rest is maybe a dozen small items such as gems. Maybe a potion, just one. Spend it and you have to get another one from your pack horse and a large cart you'd need to carry everything this game requires you to carry in order to be able to play it.
    And you can't take those into dungeons. So, you go into a dungeon and kill a bandit. You can loot everything he was wearing on his person. You can't, however, carry it all. So you can't really loot him, can you, unless you like making half a dozen trips to your cart and back, what with his weapons, armor etc.

    You're limited to 30ish arrows at a time. Arrows break. You shoot a dozen arrows per encounter. Say we want to make that realistic too. You can now get one-shotted by an NPC. So try taking on more than one. I actually did that in my mod, you could describe it as being ultra-nightmare difficulty - you can one-shot everything, but the same can happen to you. You die, a lot. People would be rage quitting in droves.

    How about food and drink? Sleep? You need those too. But how do you make a character sleep for eight hours in a persistent world without making the player wait for eight ingame hours to pass? You can't.

    So no MMO will ever be realistic. You just can't design it that way. ESO actually comes closer than most, for anything more you will want a single player game.
  • SpireofSouls
    The best MMO i ever played would be Mortal Online, since it pretty good realism involvement. Sadly they are very slow developing it. If you never heard or played it, i suggest you try it out, its free. But only if you like realistic roleplaying, but i have to say, its hardcore!
    Edited by SpireofSouls on April 15, 2014 11:36AM
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    The game itself *at the moment* i'm enjoying.


    They seem to be listening to a certain group of players and with every patch i'm not liking the direction they take.

    Pretty sure I won't be playing after the free month is up. It's a shame, it was looking to be a decent game but i'm just not liking the look of where it's going and who they are listening too.

  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    I cant get my refund though :(

    Double post incoming ... yay

    I threw my teddies out of the pram on the first day of early access with all the damn bugs and got a refund.

    Then decided I still want the game so bought it again a couple of days later.

    11 days later and I still haven't had that £49.99 back. I paid twice for this game.

    Had to report them to my banks fraud department this morning. I haven't had any help from their support about it so i'm going to have to try other means to get the money they owe me.

    In short, don't get a refund, they tell you they have refunded you but you won't see your money.

    Company is a joke.
    Edited by rawne1980b16_ESO on April 15, 2014 11:40AM
  • SpireofSouls
    I cant get my refund though :(

    Double post incoming ... yay

    I threw my teddies out of the pram on the first day of early access with all the damn bugs and got a refund.

    Then decided I still want the game so bought it again a couple of days later.

    11 days later and I still haven't had that £49.99 back. I paid twice for this game.

    Had to report them to my banks fraud department this morning. I haven't had any help from their support about it so i'm going to have to try other means to get the money they owe me.

    Heh sorry to hear that, i got a email from ESO Team, saying that i cant get my refund, i have to contact gamestop where i download it. Gamestop are hard to deal with :(

    So i doubt i will buy anything from Gamestop!
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