Population balancing?

Do people have any ideas about how ZO can balance the campaign populations while still allowing the emperorship to be taken? Maybe if I join a campaign solo then I am automatically placed into a campaign where I am most needed? Groups join as groups, etc?

I ask because I've been noticing a major imbalance in some of the campaigns. I selected Dawnbreaker as my home campaign but it's extremely boring. AD controls everything on the map and there is rarely any PvP going on. Because of this there are never any missions to take other than bounty. I have resorting to guesting onto busier campaigns. This gives me an unfair advantage in the rest of the game because of all my perks. I am now stuck in a seemingly dead campaign for the next 70+ days but I am hopeful it won't stay this way.

Thank you.
  • Phaade
    I am pretty sure you change campaigns every 24 hours, though I have never tried - so you might want to flip to Auriels Bow or Wabbajack, but beware of queue times (the queues work pretty good though...not usually a long wait). There are times throughout the day where one or another alliance is ruling the map on A.Bow, but AD has a very strong lead (and typically I higher pop).
    In the overall scheme of balance, I think it is way too early to tell what should be done other than to reduce the number of campaigns by at least half (that's obvious).

    Why do I say that?

    #1 Level Cap --- It takes forever and a day for people to hit level cap (too long for a pass time ZO...I know people that have already moved on once they realized level 50 was only one third to level cap). I am not talking about the power levelers - I mean the people that want to get through the content so as to acquire all the perks (not necessarily experience all the content...omg). So my point is, most people are not VR10, or VR anything for that matter, yet. Bottom line, a lot of the pvp population 'to be' is still leveling. We all know what happens to level 30 somethings out there...muhuhahahahha

    #2 Product Sales --- I am going to assume that even though there's been some attrition, the overall population is growing through sales. Give it a full 3 months and let's see what the overall population is and its impact on PvP balance.

    In the end, I think there are maybe two obvious changes to make:

    - reduce the number campaigns by at least 50%
    - shorten the duration of campaigns to 45 days (90 is freaking forever)


    My wish list on the other hand is very simple, and has 1 item related to the thread -

    #1 - Give us a small map where groups of 4 or smaller are allowed (i.e. Craglorn concept for PvP). This is much needed...I don't care about who's winning what or who owns what keeps, I am in it for good small fights where individuals make a difference. Zerg v Zerg, imho, is for easy moders (excluding those that seek to lead ZvZ, that certainly takes skill).

    Wouldn't it be sweet if you could choose to login into the center of Cyrodil for small street and bush whacking fights, or, login into the larger map for roaming and ZvZ?

    Good Hunting,


    ps - the vamp qq since update is such a beautiful thing...I think they passed up 6 years of LOTRO Hunter qq in about 3 hours ;-)
    Edited by Phaade on May 8, 2014 9:47PM
    VR12/PvP-R16 NightBlade
    AD - Wabba
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