Templars- Post Your Builds

Soul Shriven
This thread is too post and discuss your templar's build. Ask for advice, critique other's who ask, and discuss the class.

My weapon of choice is the bow. I'm using 4 heavy/3 light. I'm trying to cover both physical defense plus spell resistance. Stats are are about a 2/1/1 ratio for Magika/Health/Stam. I will most likely enchant armor for spell crit/magika regen.
My main bar consists of:
1. Vampire's Bane- I like the slow for backpeddling from mobs and the dot is nice.
2. Unstoppable- I have this in here as kind of an "Uh Oh" skill. The armor/resistance buff is quite nice, however I'm wondering whether or not to put it on my secondary bar and replace it with solar flare.
3. Eclipse- I love this skill. Anything mage is considerably hindered by this.
4. Binding Javelin- This skill works very well with the bow. Shoot something, slow it with Vampire's Bane, pewpew as it runs toward you, Binding Javelin it away, repeat.
5. Poison Injection- I have this in here because a) I need a dps skill that uses stam, b) I consider it very useful to have a dot ticking on something to make up for the time lost while drawing back the bow.
6. Solar Disturbance- This is such a great skill to me. The dot, the damage reduction,
and the snare, what more could you want?

I've not quite figured out what i want to do with my second bar. I really don't want to use a different weapon, so I'm trying to figure out a set of utilitary skills. Right now I only have Circle of Protection on it. I may move Unstoppable to this bar and put Solar Flare in my main bar.

IMO, This setup is great for single target dps. However, when it comes to more than 3 or 4 enemies, I find myself hardpressed.

Any thoughts on this build would be welcome, and if you'd like, post your own build.

Templars Represent!
  • lupusrex
    I like your build OP, you have even more CC available than I do. I may try some of those skills if I have issues later on. Here's mine.

    Martial Keen-Eye, DC Breton Archer/Healer
    Attributes - 4:2:1 M:H:S
    Armor - 5 light, 2 medium

    Weapon A - Bow
    A1 - Dark Flare - Nice for bosses or opening a group pull, sets a group up for a stronger A2.
    A2 - Reflective Light - It will DoT the target and do the initial instant damage to several more near it. I cast it on each mob so that they're all DoT'd, and the multiple initial hits add up. And of course it snares everyone.
    A3 - Binding Javelin - Nice for stun locking healers or strong single mobs.
    A4 - Bombard - Keep several melees rooted at a comfortable distance, or some damage that isn't magicka.
    A5 - Restoring Aura - I use it for my stam, or after fights when healing dungeons so that everyone recovers faster. I can't decide what morph to take.

    Weapon B - Resto Staff
    B1 - Mutagen - Bread and butter, and the emergency tick can be nice.
    B2 - Healing Springs - Stronger but not quite emergency group heal, cheap to use if you get enough people in the circle.
    B3 - Cleansing Ritual - Fire and forget, and others can do a synergy for their status effects. I can't decide on a morph.
    B4 - Steadfast Ward - I might get rid of this since it's kind of redundant with B5. I don't know what to get instead, probably Spell Symmetry from the Mages' Guild when it becomes available.
    B5 - Honor the Dead - Big single target heal. Apparently the magicka regain doesn't work, but I'm sure they will fix that eventually, so it's not worth respeccing over.

    Ultimate (both bars) - Practiced Incantation - Keep everyone alive through basically anything, and an empty magicka bar will be half full when it's over purely from the time spent channeling.

    I won't list all my passives. Eventually I'll have all class and racial, both armors, and both weapons with change for the miscellaneous stuff. I've been able to keep pace leveling three crafts while still affording all the combat skills I want. In fact, right now I have 5 points unspent with nothing available that looks immediately useful.

    I'm about to finish Alik'r Desert, and this build has served me well soloing and as either DPS or healer in dungeons.
    Edited by lupusrex on April 15, 2014 1:39AM
    Martial Keen-Eye ~ Templar Healer/Archer ~ Daggerfall Covenant

    "I ain't done nothin'."
  • Mortuum
    Mithrien Silverflame, Breton Templar

    Full support/heal build. After playing captain in LOTRO for 6 years i really missed it, and ESO allowed me to recreate my poor cappy:) So:

    Armor:5 heavy 2 light with 2 sets:
    -Set of The Seducer: reduce cost of spells by 3 %
    -Set of Twilight's Embrace: when you are healed, you gain additional 10% healing.
    All heavy and light passives.

    Stat distribution 2/1/0, at the moment on lvl 32 it is 21 magicka 10 health 0 stam.

    Weapon set 1: Shield and 1h sword. Why? Simply because having 2 items instead of 1 is better, shield gives you additional armor(on pair with chest piece so not small amount), can be enchanted and be part of set too.
    Not to mention bonuses to defense with passives, and lovely Deadly Bash which can hit same hard as our spells, but allowing me to regenerate magicka by using stamina if needed. Also makes offtanking way easier if i need to do it.

    1.Binding Javelin: amazing CC, and must have in PVP.
    2. Vampire's Bane:snare and longer DOTs for boss fights and those who cant cleanse it in PVP, especially all those twilight fans. Perfect name for skill.
    3. Dark Flare: great utility skill, giving damage buff to group and reducing healing(this is mostly for PVP)
    4. Switch skill depending on situation:
    -Cleansing Ritual in PVP
    -Breath Of Life solo
    -Eclipse if situation require using it
    5.Radiant Aura: typical support skill, as mentioned im 32 so may change it later to something else, as i heard it is not much use, with regen rates beeing almost on cap, for now its great to quickly recover health and stamina after fight, or for endless sprint in Cyrodiil with your group.
    Ultimate: Nova, need to figure out how to morph it yet.
    Weapon set 2:Restoration staff

    2.Steadfast Ward: good for keeping tank alive in ''O S**t!'' situations.
    3.Combat Prayer: great support skill, all in 1, heal, armor and spell resistance buff, and damage buff. Cant imagine playing without it, on r4 it gives +18% dmg buff and can be spammed.
    4.Healing Springs: only have it because it is targeted aoe heal. So i dont have to run into melee range if it doesnt look like good idea. Also healing people from keep walls is great fun.
    5.Lingering Ritual.
    Ultimate: Practiced Incantation. With cost of 143 ultimate points only, and passive(Prism) to get ultimate points while using Dawn Wrath ability it is amazing and free heal. Great skill lines synergy when 1 using one skill line buffs another.

    Passive skills: all from class lines, race, light and heavy armor, 1hand and shield, restoration staff.

    Mundus stone: The Ritual increasing healing done by 5%, and armor i have is full Divine set(each piece increase mundus stone effect by 5%.

    Divines are kinda hard to get, so if any heavy armor templar want it, or want sets im using ill be more then happy to craft it either for use or your own research.(only missing Divines for shoulders now but it will be fixed soon). Have Divine on shield too.
    Im on EU server PM Mithrien Silverflame or simply use @Mortuum.
  • DankShank
    I've got my own tankplar build posted elsewhere. 0:1:10 stats, stamina glyphs for uber bashing. I eat a sandwich to make up the HP hole.
    PvP bar is pretty chargy and bashy, 1h1s mostly. Pve is mostly aedric spear.

    Lots of knocking back, knocking down and stunning going on.

    But mortuum got me thinking. For my armor...
    I wonder if reinforced set or divines set with armor mundus gives more armor end game.
  • Mortuum
    @DankShank yes mate, Divine set buffs every mundus stone effect by 5%. So no matter you choose +healing, or +armor or +HP, or regen, it will buff it by 5%/piece of armor with Divine.
    So option you mentioned is best(and only) way to get max armor, but it will be easy overcharged. Unless you running in light/medium of course.
    Edited by Mortuum on April 15, 2014 6:57PM
  • thomas.manzellaub17_ESO
    Mine is a lvling build.
    cloth helm and leather belt just to lvl the lines and cloth helm for looks as well. rest is heavy armor.

    With armor i focus on 3 traits. +mundus, infused, reduce chance to be crit on, and +armor, mainly defense to crit and +armor though.

    dual wield: explosive charge, whirling blade, biting jabs, blood crazy, blinding fury, radial sweep

    sword and board: pierce armor, reflective light, biting jabs, immovable, lingering ritual, solar disturbance

    Enchants are mostly +magic but there are a couple that are +stam and + hp, weapon enchants vary depending on what i have and can do atm.
  • Traisa
    Obviously these will change as I level. The next skill I really want in my second slot is Cleansing Ritual. But for now, this is me:

    My Templar - Level 20

    I also create my own light armor using the Mundus stone trait. I always have The Lady active. In order to keep my allies alive, I need to stay alive too. :blush:
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