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I'm sorry this has been discussed but I need need more personal advice

There are a lot of articles on this already but I can't seem to find any kind of concensus and i can't afford to keep respecing. I am a 2h dps Dk I run a lot of dungeons and play solo a lot as well. Plan on pvping more at higher lvls (currently lvl 30).

I cannot decide on armor. I use 5 heavy and 2 light right now and even though I use more magicka based dk abilities I am still running out of stamina rapidly. I had an earlier build that was 2 light 5 medium but being a front line melee dps I was getting killed way too easily.

I have green dragons blood slotted but it's not enough and I really don't want to have to use spiked armor as well since as a dps player I don't want two of my slots reserved for healing /tanking abilities.

Would it be stupid to go 3 heavy 2 med 2 light? I just need some advice thanks guys...
  • bkpiazzab14_ESO
    wow almost 50 views and no responses, either everyone is as torn about this as I am or you guys just dont like me :)
  • Yankee
    I took a DK to 40 something in beta but he was a sword/board heavy armor tank type. Never focused on primary DPS.

    Either way, on all my classes I split my skills between magicka and stam so as not to run out of resources so fast.

    You probably also know that you can have a 2 hander in both weapon slots. You could then have the same stuff on both except for a couple defensive spells on one bar. Then just practice at swapping in combat.

    Don't know if you are dodging in PVE, but I found it burns too much stamina and just running instead when the red circles form works fine for me.
    Edited by Yankee on April 14, 2014 5:39PM
  • Vampiresbane
    In my limited experience you should have a magicka build or a stamina one. If you use a magicka build, have 4 skills slotted that use magica, 1 that uses stamina. If you use stamina, have 4 skills slotted that use stamina, 1 that uses magicka.

    You might be able to spec/gear for max stats (sta/ma/hp) at lvl 50/VR10, but you sure can't do it while leveling.

    I personally go 5H/2H, 1:1:M:H and no points into stamina. I slot 4 ma skills and 1 stamina skill. Using the stamina skill once per fight allows me to both dodge and block when needed.
  • Daverios
    If you are dps you need to ditch heavy armor and go full medium.

    If you are still running out of resources you are casting too much and need to rely more on heavy attack crits.
  • DFDelta
    I don't use any heavy armor on any toon I play as DPS.
    I use the 5med 2 light you mentioned for my melee DK builds, two handed axe in first weapon slot, bow in the secondary for emergencies.

    Try to use more stuns (I always have a version of Stonefist slotted, or Silver Bolt when its undeads/daedra) and work on your blocks/interrupts if a lot of enemy skills get through.
    Thats the only tips I can give without knowing more.
    EU Megaserver
    Chany Therall - Templar VR1
    - Tank in PvE, support Mage in PvP
  • Teroh
    If you have no desire to Tank. Max out both light and medium armor. PVE go full light 7/7 with destruction staff, and use fiery breath, dark talons, impulse etc. Use 2hander on your second ability bar with a mix of stamina and magic abilites.

    If you plan on going heavy stamina based 7/7 medium heavy magic 7/7 light.
    The Fallen Legion is Recruiting, Help us Retake Cryodiil! Message me for more information.
  • Azarul
    I would stick to the 3-2-2 for leveling purposes. Then @ 50 switch over to a 5/2. You will want the 5/2 for one of the bonuses.
  • Daverios
    5/2 is a waste IMO. Go full medium if you want to 2h op. The bonus you get for 2 peices of light is not worth. The reason is with 0 light or 2 light you will still never crit a spell ever so that 2% reduce cost and mana regen adds up to next to nothing.
  • bkpiazzab14_ESO
    Thanks guys for the input. So in your opinions if I were to stay focused on using a 2h weapon what would be the best to focus on for overall best dps (mob, boss and pvp) magicka based DK skills or stamina based 2h skills?
    Edited by bkpiazzab14_ESO on April 14, 2014 6:25PM
  • Daverios
    Thanks guys for the input. So in your opinions if I were to stay focused on using a 2h weapon what would be the best to focus on for overall best dps (mob, boss and pvp) magicka based DK skills or stamina based 2h skills?

    Stamina. Comes down to this simply if your spell crit is higher stack magicka if your wpn crit is higher stack stamina.

    If you go magicka / spell crit you basically have to drop 2h and pick up destro staff as staves crit off spell crit. It is viable but not the playstyle your going for OP.

    I will also mention that the difference in survivability in heavy vs medium is negligible until you stack the tanking talents/passives. But the difference in dmg output is massive even with just a few points spent.

    Edited by Daverios on April 14, 2014 6:33PM
  • bkpiazzab14_ESO
    too bad medium is so fugly...
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