First of all: I have no clue where to post this...there isn't a suggestions forum nor is there a general discussion. So I put it here because this is my faction and it is in regards to the character you use.
Now to the point: I have played many MMOs, Aion, Tera, City of Heroes, Lord of the Rings: Online, WoW, Guild Wars 1 and perhaps a few others..
However World of Warcraft is the one I played longest since 2007..and I think I know a small piece of WHY they are so successful, that being they bring your character to life.
What do I mean by this? Well have you noticed that when you create your character in ESO you get a voice option that is utterly worthless? In WoW character customization is horrible, you get like 4 faces, 20 hairstyles, a couple of random trinkets like 4 horn types for tauren or 6 tusk types for trolls and that's basically it.
However when you do /flirt or /joke or /charge or even /taunt each character has cultural specific lines like 4 or 5 variants maybe more. Night Elves talk about nature in their jokes and flirts...Blood Elves play up that "pretty boy/girl" stereotype with haircuts and getting their nails done etc... Trolls play up on the tribal theme and so forth.
Even though every character SOUNDS EXACTLY THE SAME they feel ALIVE and part of the world! A troll joke is contextual to troll culture and ties in with the lore.
In addition with the new character models coming out WoW is giving each character facial expressions. When you do /fear they now actually look terrified. When you do /laugh they have joyful expressions. Even when they talk their mouths and faces are animated, and this started in 2011 with the Goblins and Worgen...then again when Mists came out with the Pandaren.
Now over to our favorite game here ESO. Does my character's face ever change? Does he ever look afraid? Does his face change other than the muppet flapping mouth when he talks, if that even happens AT ALL? Even when you do /yell in WoW they throw their hands into the air and look like they're shouting at someone far away.
In ESO does my character do ANYTHING? There is no /taunt or /flirt or /joke or anything to use one of the like 8 different voice options. Seriously, what was the point in having so many voices if they're never used except when screaming while you fall?
My character doesn't even effing feel like a Khajiit. In response dialogue my character doesn't refer to him in third person or "This one" and no NPC seems to recognize his race. Even if WoW's quests weren't voiced acted they at least had modifiers for #class or #race where it would insert that specific to YOU.
This is a modern MMO so why do the characters SUCK ASS? No facial animations for fear or smiling or anything, just static face. No options to use the voice that I picked. Bare bones characters and you don't even feel like a certain race. I love this game, honestly I do, but I am just really sad that this seems like such a big and missed opportunity and I'm not sure how they can even rectify it.
Does anyone else agree or disagree and why?