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Are you kidding me?

Werewolves and Vampires are allowed to be members of the fighter's guild? Aside from the fact that this is a moronic oversight in terms of lore, doesn't this mean vampires get both the vamp passives and the anti-vamp passives in PVP/PVE?
  • Severan
    Yeah? Seeing how both guilds are part of the main quest line of the story...
    Xbox One - BeScurred
  • DanMan3395
    Severan wrote: »
    Yeah? Seeing how both guilds are part of the main quest line of the story...

    Your point being?

  • Supersomething
    DanMan3395 wrote: »
    Severan wrote: »
    Yeah? Seeing how both guilds are part of the main quest line of the story...

    Your point being?

    Point being this is a MMORPG of a TES game, so the rules that were in single player are more than likely not going to apply to a Multiplayer version of it.

    Game mechanics and rules can change drastically between the two due to the fact that you have more than one person in the same game, and exceptions are made so certain functions that exist to progress the character do not hinder the character.
    Remember, you're unique... just like everyone else.
    Tiberius Aulus
  • DanMan3395
    DanMan3395 wrote: »
    Severan wrote: »
    Yeah? Seeing how both guilds are part of the main quest line of the story...

    Your point being?

    Point being this is a MMORPG of a TES game, so the rules that were in single player are more than likely not going to apply to a Multiplayer version of it.

    Game mechanics and rules can change drastically between the two due to the fact that you have more than one person in the same game, and exceptions are made so certain functions that exist to progress the character do not hinder the character.

    In what way is this mechanic necessary? They could have just kicked you out of the fighters guild upon performing the vampire quest and just moved the story arc to the vampires. Same goes for the werewolves. I see no context in which this games status as an MMORPG requires this condition.
  • liquid_wolf
    I'm a werewolf fully decked out in all fighters guild abilities and poison/fire.

    I kill other werewolves and vampires. It is my sole mission in life.

    Death to the (other) monsters!
  • DanMan3395
    I'm a werewolf fully decked out in all fighters guild abilities and poison/fire.

    I kill other werewolves and vampires. It is my sole mission in life.

    Death to the (other) monsters!

    lol first good answer. While I can accept this as the workaround for the lore (albeit a huge stretch). It does not validate the issue of being able to use both fighters guild and second race passives in combat. I guess I am wondering, outside of RP, what is the point in just being human/elf instead of a lycan or vamp?
    Edited by DanMan3395 on April 14, 2014 3:07PM
  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    Single player game truth about both skyrim and oblivion... You can be part of ALL guild regardless of alignment vampirism lycantropy etc the only guild you cant theoricaly join as a vampire is dawnguard and that's because you got to choose between them and the volkihar. Even then as a dawnguard you can get the disease directly from Serana and still become a vampire lord.

    Ive become a vampire ive done the full questline of the thief guild and the dark brotherhood before becoming archmage... does this mean an Archlich Mafioso mass murderer rules the mage council? Well why not
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
  • DanMan3395
    Single player game truth about both skyrim and oblivion... You can be part of ALL guild regardless of alignment vampirism lycantropy etc the only guild you cant theoricaly join as a vampire is dawnguard and that's because you got to choose between them and the volkihar. Even then as a dawnguard you can get the disease directly from Serana and still become a vampire lord.

    Ive become a vampire ive done the full questline of the thief guild and the dark brotherhood before becoming archmage... does this mean an Archlich Mafioso mass murderer rules the mage council? Well why not

    All interesting facts except that in this game they re-purposed the fighters guild into a demon and vampire extermination service. Its way out of canon but apparently in the 2nd era the fighters guild was the original vigilants of stendarr.
  • neiljwd
    Except they haven't re-purposed the guild intentions.
    The guilds simply been hired by someone who's paying them to war against Daeda.

    And yeah, being a vampire, and Serena, in the Dawnguard, is pretty much the exact same thing. Except worse. In TESO, so far, I'm a nobody. In Dawnguard, I was the a Dragonborn vampire - ffs, I should have been number one on their hit list.
  • grim567
    I was a vampire in the fighters guild in oblivion so why should I not be able to be in the guild now. Vampires aren't all bad.
    What is this nerf you speak of?
  • DanMan3395
    grim567 wrote: »
    I was a vampire in the fighters guild in oblivion so why should I not be able to be in the guild now. Vampires aren't all bad.

    Ah, well if you read the dialogue in game you would see that they are currently eradicating your kind from nirn.
  • MoMoOG
    What about a dragonknight vampire?
  • 7788b14_ESO
    MoMoOG wrote: »
    What about a dragonknight vampire?

    That's what I play.
  • jdandrews108b14_ESO
    As far as I can remember, you could be a vampire and join any guild (at least in Skyrim and Obilvion, Morrowind was so long ago).
    However, depending on your stage of vampirism, it was more apparent to NPC's that you were a vampire. Hell, I remember a few quests in both Oblivion and Skyrim that lead you to a main person in lore who was a vampire hiding his true identity.
    If your idea of lore is breaking it, tell yourself your good at hiding your curse and your fighters guild members can't tell your a vampire.
    Note: Skyrim had no fighter's guild. Instead it was the Companions who were entirely werewolves just in hid it from everyone else.

    They also aren't all hunting vampires/werewolves for the sake of hunting vampires/werewolves. Some people in the guild will tell you they are fully against them, but others don't care as long as they aren't doing something bad.

    Welcome to a game were not every NPC has the same agenda.
  • Sorpaijen_ESO
    As noted, there are many easy roleplaying rationales for belonging to both a supernatural race and the fighter's guild.

    As for a game-mechanic reason NOT to become a vampire/werewolf.... the vampire line, in particular, seems to require a lot of micromanagement. Every 30 minutes you have to feed or you change "levels" and your vulnerabilities increase... the werewolf's vulnerabilities seem less severe but then again you cannot be a werewolf AND a Dragonknight (say) at the ~same~ time. You can be one OR the other, but not both simultaneously. So if you like to play a dragon knight, you have to weigh the vulnerabilities versus having the ~option~ to switch to werewolf when you want/need/CAN.
  • Natjur
    When they add the 'thief' and 'KOS' flags into game, Stage 4 vamps and werewolfs in 'wolf' form will have more issues with the fighter guild.

    While in human form and Stage 1 vamp, you look like a normal human, so why the issue? Using a vamp power, change form or being stage 4..... that's a different matter.
  • Khazaad
    DanMan3395 wrote: »
    Werewolves and Vampires are allowed to be members of the fighter's guild? Aside from the fact that this is a moronic oversight in terms of lore, doesn't this mean vampires get both the vamp passives and the anti-vamp passives in PVP/PVE?
    aside from the fact that a vampiric werewolf would be the coolest THING since .... I dunno, anything EVER!!

  • Wolfpack12c
    Khazaad wrote: »
    DanMan3395 wrote: »
    Werewolves and Vampires are allowed to be members of the fighter's guild? Aside from the fact that this is a moronic oversight in terms of lore, doesn't this mean vampires get both the vamp passives and the anti-vamp passives in PVP/PVE?
    aside from the fact that a vampiric werewolf would be the coolest THING since .... I dunno, anything EVER!!

    I did this in marrowind by mistake then saved worst idea ever... Die if outside during the day... You have to be a werewolf at night and if you don't feed you have only 1hp at wake up... Yeah bad very bad
  • The_Sadist
    .. Does it even matter?

    Yes they have access to the fighter's guild and no it's not moronic. Given how anyone can access the abilities within the guild I don't see the big issue.
    "They hunt monsters!" Well I was bitten during a dangerous mission and have made it my life goal to hunt the vampires who turned me (I really don't role-play, this is just an example). "That's a load of nonsense you can't be both a guild member and a fighter!" Why? Because YOU think that this somehow impairs your character? You'll get over it.
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • ZiRM
    The way I RP my main character is he shuns all abominations like WW/VP!
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • xMovingTarget
    Skyrim had werewolfs inside the fighter guild. just mentioning ;)
  • drewmoore99ub17_ESO
    Skyrim had werewolfs inside the fighter guild. just mentioning ;)
    ummmm nooooo, skyrim didn't have a fighters guild.....they had the companions who clearly call the fighters guild a bunch of milk drinkers

  • DanMan3395
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    .. Does it even matter?

    Yes they have access to the fighter's guild and no it's not moronic. Given how anyone can access the abilities within the guild I don't see the big issue.
    "They hunt monsters!" Well I was bitten during a dangerous mission and have made it my life goal to hunt the vampires who turned me (I really don't role-play, this is just an example). "That's a load of nonsense you can't be both a guild member and a fighter!" Why? Because YOU think that this somehow impairs your character? You'll get over it.

    Said like a true call of duty player. Who needs story, continuity, or believable narrative when you have face pwnage amirite?
  • The_Sadist
    DanMan3395 wrote: »
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    .. Does it even matter?

    Yes they have access to the fighter's guild and no it's not moronic. Given how anyone can access the abilities within the guild I don't see the big issue.
    "They hunt monsters!" Well I was bitten during a dangerous mission and have made it my life goal to hunt the vampires who turned me (I really don't role-play, this is just an example). "That's a load of nonsense you can't be both a guild member and a fighter!" Why? Because YOU think that this somehow impairs your character? You'll get over it.

    Said like a true call of duty player. Who needs story, continuity, or believable narrative when you have face pwnage amirite?

    Given I've never actually played call of duty you probably should step up your game when it comes to insults, because that just won't do! But good try, you'll get there.
    I gave you a story which makes logical sense for MY character and is believable and you resort to trolling, oh dear. You seem to be upset because a vampire can access the fighter's guild and.. what? Deal more damage to other vampires / werewolves? Gain some benefit in PvE? GAME BREAKING STUFF YO. The fact you don't like the notion of vampires in a fighter's guild and how it somehow breaks the lore aspect of the game, for you, has no ground. It seems to be more a matter of a personal role-play aspect over actual logic. The dark brotherhood have vampires, skyrim had the companions, the mage's guild are quite friendly to vampires.. and the fighter's guild are easily fooled by alteration magic. Pick a card, any card.
    I could understand if the vampires gained some sort of anti-human spell via the fighter's guild but they don't so I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to join.
    Edited by The_Sadist on May 1, 2014 7:16AM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • ancienthero
    Soul Shriven
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    The fact you don't like the notion of vampires in a fighter's guild and how it somehow breaks the lore aspect of the game, for you, has no ground. It seems to be more a matter of a personal role-play aspect over actual logic.

    Nail on the head here....or stake through the heart, whatever takes your fancy. It is a matter of personal taste. But I do think both sides have merit. From a game perspective I actually think it would be cool if you got kicked out of the fighters guild for being a VP/WW. I think that might make some players consider the decision if there were negative as well as positive consequences. Right now it feels to me like most people are rushing towards vampirism and that just seems a bit weird to me.
  • DanMan3395
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    DanMan3395 wrote: »
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    .. Does it even matter?

    Yes they have access to the fighter's guild and no it's not moronic. Given how anyone can access the abilities within the guild I don't see the big issue.
    "They hunt monsters!" Well I was bitten during a dangerous mission and have made it my life goal to hunt the vampires who turned me (I really don't role-play, this is just an example). "That's a load of nonsense you can't be both a guild member and a fighter!" Why? Because YOU think that this somehow impairs your character? You'll get over it.

    Said like a true call of duty player. Who needs story, continuity, or believable narrative when you have face pwnage amirite?

    Given I've never actually played call of duty you probably should step up your game when it comes to insults, because that just won't do! But good try, you'll get there.
    I gave you a story which makes logical sense for MY character and is believable and you resort to trolling, oh dear. You seem to be upset because a vampire can access the fighter's guild and.. what? Deal more damage to other vampires / werewolves? Gain some benefit in PvE? GAME BREAKING STUFF YO. The fact you don't like the notion of vampires in a fighter's guild and how it somehow breaks the lore aspect of the game, for you, has no ground. It seems to be more a matter of a personal role-play aspect over actual logic. The dark brotherhood have vampires, skyrim had the companions, the mage's guild are quite friendly to vampires.. and the fighter's guild are easily fooled by alteration magic. Pick a card, any card.
    I could understand if the vampires gained some sort of anti-human spell via the fighter's guild but they don't so I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to join.

    Are you serious right now? they open dialogue with you by explaining how they are eradicating molag bal's deadric and vampiric filth from nirn and then just toss good old vampy the key to the safe? If you are not able to see the lore problem there than you are not worth explaining it too.
    Edited by DanMan3395 on May 1, 2014 1:54PM
  • DanMan3395
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    The fact you don't like the notion of vampires in a fighter's guild and how it somehow breaks the lore aspect of the game, for you, has no ground. It seems to be more a matter of a personal role-play aspect over actual logic.

    Nail on the head here....or stake through the heart, whatever takes your fancy. It is a matter of personal taste. But I do think both sides have merit. From a game perspective I actually think it would be cool if you got kicked out of the fighters guild for being a VP/WW. I think that might make some players consider the decision if there were negative as well as positive consequences. Right now it feels to me like most people are rushing towards vampirism and that just seems a bit weird to me.

    The point is 2 fold. The games dialogue as is in effect now makes it clear that they are killing all vampires. Thus just wantonly inviting them to join the ranks in droves makes no sense. The second issue is that because there is no consequence to joining both, the doubled up passives create an imbalance in pvp.
  • The_Sadist
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    The fact you don't like the notion of vampires in a fighter's guild and how it somehow breaks the lore aspect of the game, for you, has no ground. It seems to be more a matter of a personal role-play aspect over actual logic.

    Nail on the head here....or stake through the heart, whatever takes your fancy. It is a matter of personal taste. But I do think both sides have merit. From a game perspective I actually think it would be cool if you got kicked out of the fighters guild for being a VP/WW. I think that might make some players consider the decision if there were negative as well as positive consequences. Right now it feels to me like most people are rushing towards vampirism and that just seems a bit weird to me.

    I disagree, from a game perspective you could get away with being a vampire in the fighter's guild in later Elder Scrolls games. If the vampire or WW had a quest line which resulted in the masses of exp and whatnot given I might reconsider.. alternatively what's to stop a person from completing the fighter's guild and becoming a vampire / WW and being 'kicked out'.. and in the process suddenly 'forgetting' all the knowledge they've gained. That seems a little silly in my opinion. Once they balance vampires they'll be less common, until that happens people bitching about how THEIR immersion has been damaged because of my game play needs to back up and think about things.
    DanMan3395 wrote: »
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    DanMan3395 wrote: »
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    .. Does it even matter?

    Yes they have access to the fighter's guild and no it's not moronic. Given how anyone can access the abilities within the guild I don't see the big issue.
    "They hunt monsters!" Well I was bitten during a dangerous mission and have made it my life goal to hunt the vampires who turned me (I really don't role-play, this is just an example). "That's a load of nonsense you can't be both a guild member and a fighter!" Why? Because YOU think that this somehow impairs your character? You'll get over it.

    Said like a true call of duty player. Who needs story, continuity, or believable narrative when you have face pwnage amirite?

    Given I've never actually played call of duty you probably should step up your game when it comes to insults, because that just won't do! But good try, you'll get there.
    I gave you a story which makes logical sense for MY character and is believable and you resort to trolling, oh dear. You seem to be upset because a vampire can access the fighter's guild and.. what? Deal more damage to other vampires / werewolves? Gain some benefit in PvE? GAME BREAKING STUFF YO. The fact you don't like the notion of vampires in a fighter's guild and how it somehow breaks the lore aspect of the game, for you, has no ground. It seems to be more a matter of a personal role-play aspect over actual logic. The dark brotherhood have vampires, skyrim had the companions, the mage's guild are quite friendly to vampires.. and the fighter's guild are easily fooled by alteration magic. Pick a card, any card.
    I could understand if the vampires gained some sort of anti-human spell via the fighter's guild but they don't so I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to join.

    Are you serious right now? they open dialogue with you by explaining how they are eradicating molag bal's deadric and vampiric filth from nirn and then just toss good old vampy the key to the safe? If you are not able to see the lore problem there than you are not worth explaining it too.

    'Fooled by Alteration magic' aspect must have went over your head, but I'm not exactly surprised. The lore problem is a problem you've made up in your head. When I'm well fed I'm physically the same as any other individual of my race so I can blend in.. I don't get your point at all.
    DanMan3395 wrote: »
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    The fact you don't like the notion of vampires in a fighter's guild and how it somehow breaks the lore aspect of the game, for you, has no ground. It seems to be more a matter of a personal role-play aspect over actual logic.

    Nail on the head here....or stake through the heart, whatever takes your fancy. It is a matter of personal taste. But I do think both sides have merit. From a game perspective I actually think it would be cool if you got kicked out of the fighters guild for being a VP/WW. I think that might make some players consider the decision if there were negative as well as positive consequences. Right now it feels to me like most people are rushing towards vampirism and that just seems a bit weird to me.

    The point is 2 fold. The games dialogue as is in effect now makes it clear that they are killing all vampires. Thus just wantonly inviting them to join the ranks in droves makes no sense. The second issue is that because there is no consequence to joining both, the doubled up passives create an imbalance in pvp.

    And the game constantly indicates I'm a mortal when I'm clearly not, what's your point? Like I said SPOILER there's a necromancer in the guild who goes unnoticed, why aren't you all up in that? You're under the assumption that the guild is aware we're vampires, which is just that, an assumption. The double up of passives causes an imbalance in PvP you say? Because everyone has access to the fighter's guild and gets all the same spells.. and the fighter's guild line deals damage to vampires/WW... There's no imbalance.

    You're grasping at straws because your idea of how the guilds should work isn't perfect, unfortunately a lot of people disagree with you.
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • AlliN
    Well, is Skyrim, Fighter's guild are Werewolfes (oops spoiler ;) - but Vampires would not be allowed in there.
  • Mykah
    I would like to see Fighter's Guild abilities and passives disabeled when a player is currently a vampire or ww.
    A player could still level their standing with the Fighters guild through questing, but not benefit from the abilities and passives designed to balance fighting their own kind.

    How exactly does a vampire or ww touch silver bolts to use them?
    How exactly does a vampire or ww cast a holy ring of protection that fears vampires and ww?
    How exactly do fighters guild abilities balance the effectiveness of vampire and ww if vampires and ww can also use them to their advantage?

    It just doesnt make sense, lore or balance wise.
    Edited by Mykah on May 3, 2014 5:35PM
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