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Missing PvP Ui Components !!

I'd like to start this thread by pointing out a few things:

I understand and agree with the sensitivity to immersion when Adding these missing Ui Elements(shown below) nonetheless We should have an Option in regards to PvP!

If the Developers fail to add these Missing Ui utilities, third party addon makers will pioneer this!

Missing PvP Ui Items:

Zero CC Tracking - There are stuns in this game as well as silences etc. Outside of some animations There is no way to know when you are out of your stun/silence/etc. So you can use your abilities again!

Zero GCD Tracking - When you use an ability there is a split second that you cannot use another ability or the same ability. This is knows as the Global Cool Down(GCD) of your abilities. Since ESO offers NO GCD tracking You will find yourself Sometimes Spamming your abilities and using them twice wasting magika/stam for no reason. Another problem with this is being able to time your abilities and manage weapon swapping. Sometimes I am left with the wrong Weapon because I thought I weapon swapped however when I pushed the button I was on a GCD without even knowing and when I expected my axe I still had my bow.. This can all be avoided with a GCD Tracker or count down on our abilities!!

No Name Plates/ Limited Enemy/Friendly Health Bar Options-
Some people want to be able to see their enemies names above their Health bars!!
There should be an option to toggle this on and off for enemies and friendlies
Furthermore There needs to be more Options in adjusting the enemy Health bars ie. making them bigger or having options for class colors.

Zero Buff/DeBuff Tracking- Without Addons you pretty much don't see Ability procs and or dots/hots on yourself or your target. It is hard to believe there is no standard ui option for this!

No Mini Map-
If there is a Mini Map Option I certainly cannot find it! I find myself in the middle of Cyrodiil Opening my map constantly trying to see where the fight is. The in game Gps work great for things going on close However As of late in Cyrodiil its seems to buggout. Nonetheless an Option for this would be Great!

Please Discuss.

What other Ui PvP Options do you think are missing?

Edited by sSolutionSs on April 14, 2014 1:53AM
  • NordJitsu
    Use add ons.

    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • nicholaspingasb16_ESO
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    Use add ons.



    Sanguine's Beta Tester

  • sSolutionSs
    I'm Currently using a variety of addons. Nonetheless I think they can be done alot better by the developer.

    I don't know of an addon for a minimap.. or a gcd timer. Still haven't found anything to monitor stuns. What about a Name plate Addon?

    Please re Read A thread before you post. I clearly stated above my stance on third party addons and their ability to provide some kind of options for certain missing Ui Elements. However these are still issues with or without addons.
  • sSolutionSs
    Here are the addons I'm using and they are sub bar at best when considering the above suggestions to your PvP Ui

    Warlegends Hud
    Foundry Tactical Combat

    The buff tracker and scrolling battle text from Ftc is nice but the fact remains the same the above Ui elements are missing..
  • NordJitsu
    Look up ZrMiniMap.

    CC Tracking is clearly and perfectly handled by the base game. There are animations for every single effect and an animation for you CC immunity after you break them.

    Name plates are something that was originally in the game but removed because it didn't fall in line with their vision for the game.

    Buff/debuff are handled to a reasonable degree by FTC. But this is another thing that they specifically did not want in their game.

    They don't want you playing your UI. They want you playing the game. Learn to look for tells and effects that give you the information you're used to getting from a UI element. They are all there. And its great. Its a lot more fun to have to use actual player skill instead of having all the information spoon fed to you. It vastly increases the skill cap in the game, because good players are those who learn to read the animations, tells, and effects and react to them.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • sSolutionSs
    Not sure We are playing the same game. I just got stunned without any animation. No swirl thing above my head. No knocked over. No hunched over. Not All CC's Have animations and if they do they are certainly not all working.

    Also there is nothing to monitor procs or temporary buffs you gain.

    Where are you pulling this info from or are you speculating when you say "they dont want this in their game" or "it didnt fall in line with their vision"

    At times vs npc or players I have been standing straight up not able to move or use abilities, and not knowing when thats going to end. in other words I have been cc'd with no tell. bug missing or whatever this needs to be added/fixed
  • joshisanonymous
    Check out the reddit sub for ESO and search for "addons" or "mods" and find the enormous amount of discussion that occured the month or two before release about basically everything you mentioned. This can of worms has already been opened and firmly closed again.
    Fedrals: PC / NA / EP / NB

  • sSolutionSs
    Well I still Believe that action need to be taken by the developers to ensure this game stands the test of time.
  • jdandrews108b14_ESO
    The devs have said they don't what to clutter the screen with pop-ups and notifications and leave that up to the add-on community. That being said I had asked after every beta weekend for a "stunned" or "downed" indicator as the animations are a bit buggy and the stunned animation will not go off half the time.
    This leads to me frustratingly spamming my keys as I watch my character stand in the midst of four people and die. I would feel a little bit better if I knew it was because they stunned me and not because my character glitched out.

    Also I am not sure how the "break out of CC" works as everytime I try it I am simply bashing in place, yet still wont move.
  • sSolutionSs
    Im starting to Notice that like other mmo's this game is focused more on pve, with a mentality as Pve or gtfo and with all these issues being labeled as not something the devs want in game I'd say im fine with that, im just going to pvp somewhere else on a game that focuses on pvp, as well as all serious mmo pvpers should. I mean at the moment this game is riddled with bugs and crashes once or twice every 30 min of play time. In pvp you get 1 Shot by Vets at one of the max levels. PvP Seems very Thown together at the Last min!

    This 10 button zerg pvp game is going to need alot of work when it comes to pvp id say.
  • Izzban
    Well I still Believe that action need to be taken by the developers to ensure this game stands the test of time.

    Ah, so now the game will die because they don't have the things you want.

    Had I known that, I would have taken your thread more seriously than I have.

  • RaZaddha
    Im starting to Notice that like other mmo's this game is focused more on pve, with a mentality as Pve or gtfo and with all these issues being labeled as not something the devs want in game I'd say im fine with that, im just going to pvp somewhere else on a game that focuses on pvp, as well as all serious mmo pvpers should. I mean at the moment this game is riddled with bugs and crashes once or twice every 30 min of play time. In pvp you get 1 Shot by Vets at one of the max levels. PvP Seems very Thown together at the Last min!

    This 10 button zerg pvp game is going to need alot of work when it comes to pvp id say.

    No, the motto is "adapt or gtfo", if you search for "ESO API changes" google will show you a sea of tears.

    If you are stunned you are to either stun break or risk waiting. As far as I know stuns are short durations, 1-3 seconds, while disorients are longer (see spear shards of the templar, its 6 seconds) but they get broken if you take damage, the last disable I saw on pvp is silence (the ultimate from the sorcerer), but you can still move. If you are getting stunned the best option is to stun break, since it will make you immune to CC for 7 seconds.

    If you are stuck on ground but can auto-attack its a snare, if you can't move it's a stun, if you take damage and can move again it's a disorient, if you can't use abilites but you can move it's a silence. They changed the API so you can see how much damage you took, but you can't see who and how they killed you, so that change I don't think it's going to be reverted, they want you too look for the cues in your character and the enemy characters, not in your HUD, if animations are not playing properly you need to report it, but they said a death recap will be done.

    The weapon swap and abilities failing to start I believe is more of a bug, it doesn't seems to have a consistent GDC, we need more info and do more testing on GDC, but I don't think theres one, could be related to lag.
    Nameplates is a topic so old... It could one day be supported by add-ons if they change the API, but I don't see it being supported officially.
    Minimap/Buffs/Debuffs, theres mods for those (Foundry Tactical Combat, Combat Log Statistics), but the API limits the information, not going to be supported officially.

    Again, not much is missing, they want you to look in your character and feel "immersed", so you have to look as little as possible to your HUD. If you are dying and you don't know why you should play more carefully if you don't have the awareness to identify on why, also one reason why zerging into a single spot is a terrible idea. They said the API could be changed in the future if they believe it helps the game and doesn't make you spend more time looking at your HUD or giving you a tactical advantage.

    So no, these things will never be supported as in showing in your HUD if they stick to their view of the game, but they will give fix the bugs so you can more clearly the cues.
  • KillHimPlz
    even that i must agree with all the demands in this post. but i know that the dev don't want do much about it (can't?).
    there's only one thing that bother me... what's the addon to see a raid lead?
  • NordJitsu

    Its not speculation. I was a closed Beta tester and the devs regularly posted design documents from creative director Paul Sage.

    And its not "PvE or gtfo." Most people complained that the game had to heavy of a PvP focus. The immersive and skill based combat is GOOD for PvP.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • TheOnix
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    @sSolutionSs‌ And its not "PvE or gtfo." Most people complained that the game had to heavy of a PvP focus. The immersive and skill based combat is GOOD for PvP.

    Well its a good thing they destroyed PvP for those of us who were not interested in Skyrim Online. They could have at least told us beforehand.

    Btw, the current state of PvP is equal to "Go level to 50 in PvE, THEN come play some PvP... Oh and we even let in players as low as level 10 for you to massacre"
  • sSolutionSs
    TheOnix wrote: »
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    @sSolutionSs‌ And its not "PvE or gtfo." Most people complained that the game had to heavy of a PvP focus. The immersive and skill based combat is GOOD for PvP.

    Well its a good thing they destroyed PvP for those of us who were not interested in Skyrim Online. They could have at least told us beforehand.

    Btw, the current state of PvP is equal to "Go level to 50 in PvE, THEN come play some PvP... Oh and we even let in players as low as level 10 for you to massacre"

    Yea this is true. going to cyrodiil any level before Vet youre going to have a bad time, and yes you have to go pve to level up.

    I played 30 min of skyrim before I set it down for good. Im not into single player Games! Now this game seems to be Skyrim Co-op Mode.

    I just want to get into a Skilled fight with someone. not get 1 shot mogoloid style by some vet ranks; Takes no Skill and 0 strategy and eso is rewarding this pvp behavior. So get to vet rank by pve or gtfo and die. thats what I meant when I said that.

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