The item can be in your bank or bags. Just looks for items that in the description say things like :Exploration" "Training" "Divines" etc.
Then go to a work station, click the upper right hand triangle to bring up the research window.
Cycle through the armor or weapon types until you see a number , then look down the list. It will tell you what trait you have the option of learning on that item. Hover the mouse over that trait and hit the R key. This will bring up a second window with the item in it. left click on that then hit the E key to begn researching.
Rinse & repeat until all 8 traits are learned.
PLEASE NOTE* the time to research a trait doubles every time you learn a new one on an item type. so it goes 6/12/24/48 etc. My suggestion would be to prioritize then find( or buy) cheap whites with the traits you really want to learn first and leave the others for last.