I know they nerfed the XP given in dungeons, that's fine. I know that in order to get full XP for a kill and loot all you have to do is get one hit in on the monster/mob, which is cool as nobody can steal kill, etc.
I know that you can only gain XP from a monster/mob that is 5 levels higher or lower than your current level. With that said, comes my questions:
1. How does it worked grouped with players way higher in level than you (i.e. anyone grouped that's more than five levels higher yields no XP for the lowbies)?
2. If a low level player is not grouped and is killing mobs that are five levels higher than their skill, getting good XP, if a higher level player comes in and kills the mobs, how does it effect the lower levels XP gains? Or does it at all?
For my second question, use this example: My friend that is Level 7 is grinding on level 12 mobs. They engage and get shots in on all three mobs. Not grouped with him, I then kill the mobs and I'm level 20. I know I wont get any XP, but would they get full XP/loot from the kills?