We NEED a roleplay flag/tag!

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
..Or something similar to such! Ideally, we would love to see an addon like Wow's MRP added, where we can write information about our characters for other roleplayers to view at their leisure.

As it stands, we roleplayers have no way of finding eachother except through planned roleplay and guilds - and guild phasing is not working half the time, as both myself and many others have tested it. (Recently, too!)

The bare minimum we would love to have would be a tag or a marking next to our name, something of that effect, to mark us as being roleplayers. So that at least out and about in the world, we can see who some of us are.

A suggestion: ZOS *could* implement this fairly easily by adding a title of 'Roleplayer' in game under the titles screen. There, set yourself as roleplayer.. Done. However, this would take away from the option to have other titles. A small price to pay, as I see it.

Another suggestion: Alternately, they could give us a special marking to put next to our names, similar to the red and yellow markings you see next to some people's. It could be hot pink, to denote our awesomeness.

Anyways, those are my suggestions, and in the meantime, a lot of us are just hoping some sort of add-on can be made to remedy this, though I am pretty sure the API doesn't allow for it currently. :(

  • Duvaineth
    /agree we need something like MRP or TRP2. That way we can also add what guild we are in cuz there is no way of knowing what rp guilds are around without asking in zone or on the forums. Thinking about it its hard as hell to come into contact with other rpers due to the games communications system. Cant even search for players by name or zone or even guild.
  • madame.kiraeb17_ESO
    Agreed, there are so many things they could do to help not only us roleplayers, but also the general pve/pvp players as well. Are you on NA or EU side? Teso-rp.com hosts some large (out of character) roleplay guilds to help with phasing, if you're interested. It's a start in terms of helping roleplayers find eachother. :)
  • Duvaineth
    im on EU. I made an acc on Teso-rp. Contact me there on Duvaneth.
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