Comparison between the Melee Weapon types

I'm currently using a 1hand/shield & Destro staff. I love dpsing, but i also love the armor/protection i get from using a shield and the survivability aspect/cc. But i also love to rush in head on and do some sick dps.

Two hand/dual wield dps, how does the trade off go as far as comparing the 2 dps specs, dps, to the1hand/shields armor rating? Is the trade off worth it if i wanted to give up my shield/1hand and go for dps?

I will also be switching to a resto staff, instead of Destro.This will go either way whether or not i keep my shield/1hand or switch to a dps spec. Class is a Dragonknight.

  • Bretentious
    Typically the base damage on a 2-hander/dual wield setup will be about 20% higher than that of a 1h/shield combo. Two-handed skills will frequently deal equal or better base damage (further amplified by the higher base weapon damage) in the situations in which they meant to be used than similar 1h and shield skills. Two-weapon skills typically have lower base damage per hit, but make up for it with more hits.

    Survival tends to increase with greater damage in small encounters (two to three opponents) even over using shield, especially if you can keep them CCed. In larger encounters (typically only found in dungeons) you'll suffer a bit if you rush in without adequate protection.

    Two-handed and dual wield tend to deal greater single target damage than a destruction staff, but far less area damage. This is further amplified if you specced heavily into Ardent Flame.

    I will warn you that unless you are wearing light armor with several of the perks, have a lot of magicka through enchantments or level up points, and/or are a High Elf/Breton you may have difficulty with sustained magicka cost for restoration staff skills.
  • Niminion
    Single target I would stay with shield bashing things. If you are looking for an aoe stamina skill set DW Whirlwind is fantastic as the damage keeps multiplying as their health drops until it simply executes everything under ~25%

    In pve solo I find the best course is either cc everything or kill it before it does much damage. Basically you either don't let stuff touch you (Bow) or you dump your resources and everyone else is dead after your rotation (DW).

    I don't like resto staff solo anymore when I use all my magika on healing because I don't have enough damage to kill groups/bosses quickly.

    I have no experience with Destro staff or 2H weapons

    Sorc, Medium armor, DW/Bow point of view btw.

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