So, a thought just struck me. Vampires get some brilliant cosmetic changes because of the skill line they've taken, which actually mark them out as someone who's gone to the trouble of being bitten and doing the quest. Werewolves don't get to do this because their big cosmetic change is locked behind a thousand point ultimate gate. This causes some rather awkward moments in town, when you tell folks that you've done the WW quests, and are a werewolf. They ask you to show them, but you can't, because the ultimate isn't built up. Without a way to prove it, a lot of people are going to be coming down on you for lying or bragging.
So, how do we prove it? Simple. An item we get upon finishing the WW quest, and can then buy for a gold piece from a special merchant at the altars afterwards: the Ring of Hircine, a way to control your form... Simply equip the ring, and poof! Instant, permanent werewolf form, replete with transformation animations.
What do you folks think? Do you want this?