So, I decided to start out my first ESO experience as a Wood Elf Night Blade Archer type, and had good fun so far.
But when I unlocked weapon swap and decided to delve a little in to dual wield assassination, questions started popping up in the back of my head.
Dual wield Assassination kicks a lot of ass compared to pew-pew from afar, however my survival is not much to brag about.
Things die faster, unless I die first^^
Of course with a bow/ranged attacks I have the kiting opportunity, but the whole dual wield stab-stab is sexy as hell.
My question is in regards to this: Armor.
I wear medium armor in all slots, specced 1/3/1 as far as Magica/Health/Stamina goes, but noticed most of my Medium armor gear is Stamina based, something I get some good perks from in my passive skills (Medium Armor passives and wood elf passives).
I have been looking at the heavy armor perks and wondering if I might be less squishy without losing to much oomph, by wearing a couple of heavy armor pieces and using some points in heavy Armor for the resist, armor and HP regen.
Input on this is highly appreciated
Abyzu ~Bosmer Ninja Tickler~