Crossing the Chasm - My adventure with Customer Support

Me - The quest to close the portals in Coldharbour doesn't work, theres about 100 people waiting around aswell. Its name is "Crossing the Chasm" thank you for your time.

CS- Hail and well met, Irisana!

Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.

I am sorry to hear that you are having difficulties with your quest. With the new release there is the possibility that a couple of mudcrabs have gotten into our system. Thank you for bringing this quest to our attention.
Here are some troubleshooting tips that may help you as we work towards a more permanent solution. We recommend that you try the following:
Typing /reloadui in your chatbox, for graphics or user-interface issues
Typing /camp in your chatbox, which logs you out. By waiting 15 minutes before logging back in, you are performing a soft-reset which will clear out the cache and allow the game to load properly.
You can venture off to complete other quests, allowing time to pass and the greater possibility being able to interact with the NPC
It is also possible that you can return with a party and attempt the quest with a fresh start (after sharing the quest via group tab)
As a last resort you can try abandoning the quest and re-acquire it
Any of these tips can also apply to other quests or problems that you may have in the future, too.

If the issue still persists, please reply directly to this e-mail and I will forward your issue to the High Elves. Thank you for your continued interest and support!

Warm Regards,
The Elder Scrolls Online Team

Me- None of those worked, theres a good hundred people running in circles naked waiting, they've been waiting the entire time I have been questing aswell. We all know about the /reloadui, Its used several dozen times in standard quests, or relogging and doing a soft reset. Its something with the portal itself, the East doesn't work at all, the West works every few hours for a few seconds.

CS- Thank you for bringing this bug to our attention. We ask that all players be vigilant with the /bug command to quickly report any issues they face ingame so that our bugfixing team can get to them as quickly as possible. If you have already submitted a /bug ticket, please bear with us as we look into the issue. For now, we suggest you either abandon and retake this quest (if possible), log out and wait 15 minutes (to soft reset your character's location / status) and then try again, or avoid this particular quest until the issue has been resolved.
Warm Regards,

Me- It already has been reported by probably several hundred if not thousand people, relogging isn't going to fix it if there is hundreds standing around naked beating the thing with a hammer. Can you all not force spawn it? Is there literally nothing we can do besides run in circles naked being weird? I can't avoid this particular quest, it is the only particular quest left in the game until you fix it. Unless you seriously expect all of us to just go grind for the next few days while you do, what is it you do exactly?

And with that, they never responded.
NA Server - Ebonheart Pact - Irisana
  • Inversus
    It is unacceptable. I had to wait an entire 20 minutes to close both the portals for that quest.
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • Zephyr
    Ebonheart Pact has been waiting several days. There is way too many people for it. I went back and did 100% zone completions for all my quests, aswell as Cyrodiil and I am still sitting at 45, we are riddled with bugs.
    NA Server - Ebonheart Pact - Irisana
  • Jahoel
    There was an admin post in german that basically says, Tuesday.

    Rough translation (chrome):

    How do you (and we) unfortunately had to find the fix of a quest blocker has unveiled the next. We are working hard to patch 1.0.3, which should fix a wide variety of quest-blockers, with particular attention to the main quest. The patch will be ready for the next scheduled maintenance.
    Simultaneously we try the customer service to identify ways to fix some quest blockers, especially in cold harbor in the game, that you may, at best, comes this weekend past them."
    Edited by Jahoel on April 11, 2014 11:45PM
  • ZOS_PierreL
    Hello all,

    As you can read in this thread, we are currently working on fixing this issue.

    Thank you for your patience.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Social Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Zephyr
    Its been resolved, I wasn't worried about the quest. More how customer service responded.
    NA Server - Ebonheart Pact - Irisana
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