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Can we have head bobbing for 1st person?

Before I start, I realise that in 80% of the game it's better to play in 3rd person. But for the other 20% or so when you're adventuring, 1st person is better (as in Elder Scrolls games). But...everyone says 1st person is "stale" etc. which I agree. So to improve it: head bobbing. Right?

I know Skyrim had it, pretty sure Oblivion as well and maybe Morrowind. How hard would it be to do it? Not saying they should spend a large amount of time on it, but if it's a simple thing...it will be an improvement.

  • SirAndy
    Oh hells no! My head doesn't 'bob' around when i walk in the real world and i don't want the constant screen shake in-game either.

    It's just as annoying as the latest fad in movies where the camera is constantly shaking to make it more 'real'. As if people walk around in real life shaking their head constantly.
    So freaking annoying ...
    Edited by SirAndy on April 11, 2014 7:35PM
  • k9mouse
    ~Khajiit sets her Nord-Dovkin "Head Bobbing" toy on her horse dash~

    //Bug fixin' and other improves are so much higher on the "to do" list. This one does not see a need for head bobbing.
  • Bosmerdroid
    SirAndy wrote: »
    Oh hells no! My head doesn't 'bob' around when i walk in the real world and i don't want the constant screen shake in-game either.

    It's just as annoying as the latest fad in movies where the camera is constantly shaking to make it more 'real'. As if people walk around in real life shaking their head constantly.
    So freaking annoying ...

    Yeah but they could include an option to turn it off.

    I agree we don't bob our heads while walking but there is some movement unless you walk around with a wooden plank strapped to your back and you have wheels in place of feet.

    Anyway: every FPS and 1st person RPG out there has it. And I like it. :smiley:
  • Orizuru
    As long as it's optional, I don't mind if they add the feature. But I would like to add, that you are limiting your effectiveness in combat when you play in first person mode. In an MMO you need to see a lot more than what is directly in front of you. Especially in PvP.

    I would rather they create an option to allow 3rd person mode to zoom out further to see more of the area around my character.
  • SirAndy
    I agree we don't bob our heads while walking but there is some movement unless you walk around with a wooden plank strapped to your back and you have wheels in place of feet.
    Sure, but most of us also have a brain that had millions of years to learn how to compensate for that movement.

    Just because my head slightly moves when i walk doesn't mean my vision is bobbing all over the place. I can easily focus on something and get a steady view while i walk or run, regardless of my slight head movement.

    Maybe i'm just S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?
  • Rotherhans
    Tha frikken noggin stays ..
    “I'm not going out of my way looking for devils;
    but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”― Robert E. Howard
  • Bosmerdroid
    SirAndy wrote: »
    I agree we don't bob our heads while walking but there is some movement unless you walk around with a wooden plank strapped to your back and you have wheels in place of feet.
    Sure, but most of us also have a brain that had millions of years to learn how to compensate for that movement.

    Just because my head slightly moves when i walk doesn't mean my vision is bobbing all over the place. I can easily focus on something and get a steady view while i walk or run, regardless of my slight head movement.

    Maybe i'm just S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?

    Wrong, millions of years ago there were dinosaurs for starters..not humans. And, we were on trees to start with, if you believe Darwin.

    And anyway are you saying your eyes have developed springs or something? Because you should still perceive the slight bobbing of your head whilst walking. Same with running...try running and reading a book at the same time. Yep...no. Where does it end? Does your super developed brain compensate for when you're on a roller coaster, as well?

    So if this is all true, why does every game with first person view, including Skyrim, Oblivion and any other you can name...have head bobbing?

    Anyway, I did an experiment and noticed that there is already a slight (very slight) head bob already in place. All it needs is to make it more noticeable...I know..LIKE SKYRIM! Oh yeah fancy that, just do it like the last Elder Scrolls game..shouldn't be so hard. ;)

    edited because I just thought of this: I want heavy breathing as well..also like in Skyrim.
    Edited by Bosmerdroid on April 12, 2014 12:07AM
  • SirAndy
    Wrong, millions of years ago there were dinosaurs for starters..not humans.
    Under what rock do you live? We as a species had control over fire more than 1 million years ago. And a couple more millions on two legs before that.

    As for my brain, apparently i am special. Because my vision does not bob all over the place when i walk. I'm perfectly able to read street signs when walking or even read a map/letter/book i carry when i walk.

    Who knew other people experience the world like a particularly bad episode of Stargate Universe! Now i feel bad for all you head bobbers out there ...
  • Alyrn_Grey
    Oh goddess no. Me as a bobble head would be terrifying.
  • Crumpy
    You could always put your screen on springs and have that bobbing up and down? A sort of old-fashioned 'mod'.
    I lyke not this quill.
  • Bosmerdroid
    SirAndy wrote: »
    Wrong, millions of years ago there were dinosaurs for starters..not humans.
    Under what rock do you live? We as a species had control over fire more than 1 million years ago. And a couple more millions on two legs before that.

    As for my brain, apparently i am special. Because my vision does not bob all over the place when i walk. I'm perfectly able to read street signs when walking or even read a map/letter/book i carry when i walk.

    Who knew other people experience the world like a particularly bad episode of Stargate Universe! Now i feel bad for all you head bobbers out there ...

    Well don't know which natural history you're referring to but here on Earth, scientists agree humans (*** sapiens) have been around for only 200,000 years. Try looking it up. ;)

    And you obviously don't understand how vision works or the fact that the farther away you focus in on something, the less perception to movement you have. Maybe, living in a big city, I look closer to where I'm walking so as not to step on dog poo and you living in the country (I assume) look yonder towards the fields. Otherwise if you do live in a city and walk without looking down, you must have a lot of dog poo on your shoes when you get home. ;)

    Anyway..back to the discussion.
  • ShinChuck
    Well don't know which natural history you're referring to but here on Earth, scientists agree humans (*** sapiens) have been around for only 200,000 years. Try looking it up. ;)

    But the brains of *** sapiens were based on millions of years of development, so the original poster's assertion stands just fine.
    "It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
    ...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!
  • Bosmerdroid
    Nope. Because they developed in trees and before that in water. The discussion was about walking. And anyway..who cares!! this is about a game and the fact that every game has it including Elder Scrolls and in my opinion should be included here.

    What is it with idiots who hijack a thread and start a stupid discussion about evolution just to say they don't agree with head bobbing?! Just say you don't agree and move on...lol. Don't bring millions of years of evolution or the way you walk into the discussion!!

  • OutcastVP
    I also want this. The lack of this was the first thing I noticed about the game when I first started. It just feels like you are floating around like a ghost
  • Alyrn_Grey
    But millions of years of evolution have gone into allowing you to /facepalm like that.

  • Bosmerdroid
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    I also want this. The lack of this was the first thing I noticed about the game when I first started. It just feels like you are floating around like a ghost

    Thank you! At last a person who understands the finesse of head bobbing and the essentialnessness of head bobbing in games.
  • Bosmerdroid
    We need head bobbing..!!


  • Censorious
    Sapiens have been around about 200 millenia. But there's evidence that earlier primates used fire and that our digestive system may have evolved under the influence of cooked food. Such that nowadays we can tolerate eating food so hot that it will actually burn your hand.
    In parallel, it's been suggested that the human hand evolved as an adaptation to throwing stones.
    Chickens and eggs come to mind.

    What was the question again?
    Head bobbing? Why not just try bouncing up and down in your chair while you play? That'd work, it'll probably give you some much-needed exercise too.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Alyrn_Grey
    You could even just bob your own head while playing which will give you the same effect.
  • Bosmerdroid
    Censorious wrote: »
    Sapiens have been around about 200 millenia. But there's evidence that earlier primates used fire and that our digestive system may have evolved under the influence of cooked food. Such that nowadays we can tolerate eating food so hot that it will actually burn your hand.
    In parallel, it's been suggested that the human hand evolved as an adaptation to throwing stones.
    Chickens and eggs come to mind.

    What was the question again?
    Head bobbing? Why not just try bouncing up and down in your chair while you play? That'd work, it'll probably give you some much-needed exercise too.

    blah blah blah...non expert information alert.

    Stick to the discussion, I've had enough about this evolution nonsense. Do you hold a degree in natural historonics? No? Thought not. So...

    And don't get personal either. I'm a very fit person and work out every day. Don't assume something about someone because you know what "ASSume" makes you look like. There ya go..back to the discussion. ;)
  • Bosmerdroid
    Ok another reason we need head bobbing and why it would be realistic despite what people here say otherwise.

    Maybe walking down the street you get very minor, barely noticeable head-bobbing. But...strap 50-100 pounds of gear on and go on a long journey, I bet you anything you will start to see the horizon sway and your movements will start to be exagerated. For example, soldiers humping equipment around.

    So as you can see this is the reason there is head-bobbing in games and should be in this one. Your character is not walking down the road on their way to burgerking but on a long journey packing heavy! Yes! You are going to get head-bobbing and even head-weaving and heavy panting..
  • Alyrn_Grey
    actually @Bosmerdroid you won't see that effect. The brain does an amazing job of feeding you a steady cam image of what is going on. Which is why those fake shaky cam things are so very annoying. They go against how people see things.
  • Dracovar
  • Bosmerdroid
    Alyrn_Grey wrote: »
    actually @Bosmerdroid you won't see that effect. The brain does an amazing job of feeding you a steady cam image of what is going on. Which is why those fake shaky cam things are so very annoying. They go against how people see things.

    So are you saying that if I fit a bikecam on top of my helmet, it will not actually show what I'm seeing whilst riding but a fake representation. Oh ok thx for that.

    Also, why does everything go jittery and mental when I'm doing 150mph+ on a motorbike (on German autobhans..perfectly legal). Shouldn't my brain be "filtering" the vibrations out and smoothing everything out?

    So it's more realistic fitting a camera on rails and moving it about to represent what a human sees.

    Ok then.

    edit: Well either way I'm enjoying the game. The only reason I want it is because when I'm out exploring the world, I like to switch to 1st person like I play Elder Scrolls games and at the moment, as someone else said..it sort of feels like you're being wheeled about, not walking and is nothing like Skyrim. Which is a pity because they've made such a good job with the landscape.
    Edited by Bosmerdroid on April 13, 2014 12:45PM
  • FishBreath
    Yes, this would be a great on/off setting. I want a FOV (Field of View) slider much more though.
  • Bosmerdroid
    FishBreath wrote: »
    Yes, this would be a great on/off setting. I want a FOV (Field of View) slider much more though.

    Agreed. I want FOV too. I think people who say "no" are the ones who simply go around, do quests, PvP whatever. People who say "yes" are the ones who like to stop, explore..look behind a rock. etc.
  • FishBreath
    Agreed. I want FOV too. I think people who say "no" are the ones who simply go around, do quests, PvP whatever. People who say "yes" are the ones who like to stop, explore..look behind a rock. etc.
    That's likely. Wide FOV and headbobbing would make 1st person play much more immersive. 3rd person powerplayers obviously don't care.

    Write /feedback about headbobbing in game if you haven't already. I might as well.
  • Trouvo
    wow at the fact that people dont think their head bobs, and even more lol at the people that think its bouncing all over the place that equals head bobbing, its just the slight movement that happens when your body moves to take a step, unless you walk like a runway model, in that case disregard this comment and continue, its a very slight movement but when not present is noticeable. To the millions of years people....we have had millions of years of being so used to it we dont notice it *as much(and some people are just oblivious apparently) and our eyes and mind compensate for the physics of movement....

    now if you will excuse me as I do my little turn on the catwalk...I play 100% of the game in first person perspective
    Edited by Trouvo on April 13, 2014 1:14PM
    Bloodline|RP Guild|Ebonheart Pact
  • Chirru
    Before I start, I realise that in 80% of the game it's better to play in 3rd person. But for the other 20% or so when you're adventuring, 1st person is better (as in Elder Scrolls games). But...everyone says 1st person is "stale" etc. which I agree. So to improve it: head bobbing. Right?

    I know Skyrim had it, pretty sure Oblivion as well and maybe Morrowind. How hard would it be to do it? Not saying they should spend a large amount of time on it, but if it's a simple thing...it will be an improvement.


    Sorry...but i am dizzy enough as it is...
  • k9mouse
    ESO does have weapon bobbing......
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