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The One Thing That Will Make This Game A WOW Killer Contender

TESO has many issues, things I love and things I hate and many things that could make the game even better. But the one thing that will save this game and actually make the game a good rival of WOW is the modding community. Mods are what will make this game shine and it one of the reasons WOW has done so well. So before all of you bash the mods, remember this, mods are what made a lot of us love the ES's games.
  • KerinKor
    Mods are what will make this game shine and it one of the reasons WOW has done so well. So before all of you bash the mods, remember this, mods are what made a lot of us love the ES's games.
    The mods you've seen in off-line TES games will not remotely be able to make the gameplay and graphical changes to this game which they were able to in Morrowind at the rest.
    Edited by KerinKor on April 11, 2014 2:29PM
  • Kreager
    You do realize that you are picking at a festering wound OP?
  • SoulSeekerUSA
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Mods are what will make this game shine and it one of the reasons WOW has done so well. So before all of you bash the mods, remember this, mods are what made a lot of us love the ES's games.
    The mods you've seen in off-line TES games will not remotely be able to make the changes to this game which they were able to in Morrowind at the rest.

    Of course they won't, this is an MMO not a single player. But they will make the game a unique experience depending you your mod choices and that is what will make TESO standout.
  • SoulSeekerUSA
    You do realize that you are picking at a festering wound OP?

    Modding was a must and the devs knew this. You don't like mods, then don't use them, just like in the single player games. Simple fix.
  • Shimond
    No, no it wouldn't. UI mods have very little to do with the overall success of an MMO and even if they did, it doesn't suddenly put ESO in the WOW league (of which only it is until it kills itself).
  • weasel66
    just a carry on from this do you think its possible in the future to add some way to buy a house
  • KerinKor
    No idea about what 'unique experience' you're on about then, unless you consider UI fiddling, or inventory management is something awesome.

    FYI, LOTRO has a modding system, as do other MMOs, in that respect WOW wasn't unique before ESO launched.

    BTW, the only thing that will 'kill' WOW is WOW, there's no such thing as a 'WOW killer', don't know why people use that silly phrase.
    Edited by KerinKor on April 11, 2014 2:34PM
  • Gohlar
    They won't even let ui addons have access to buff timers.

    Don't hold your breath OP.
  • sk8ingeckoub17_ESO
    I guess this really depends on if you are talking about mods or add-ons. Add-ons are already very much in the game... heck I am using two of them. but more general mods as seen in other elder scrolls... not so much.
  • SoulSeekerUSA
    Gohlar wrote: »
    They won't even let ui addons have access to buff timers.

    Don't hold your breath OP.

    Agree with this, they need to ease up. The one thing that will kill this game and add it to the heap of all other failed mmo's are the devs. You don't want to be like WOW but you still have to admit that some WOW things are great and that is why it is so successful so if you get to far away from that then you are bound to fail. One thing I can point out is, no minimap, yes I have the mod and it works great but honestly what idiot thought that one up, "HEY, lets not have a minimap and make everyone have to open their map 500 times in 10min to keep track of where they are heading!", yep smart idea there devs.
    Edited by SoulSeekerUSA on April 11, 2014 2:45PM
  • Shimond
    One thing I can point out is, no minimap, yes I have the mod and it works great but honestly what idiot thought that one up, "HEY, lets not have a minimap and make everyone have to open their map 500 times in 10min to keep track of where they are heading, yep smart idea there devs.

    You know you can add a marker to the map which puts it on your compass (without an addon, too!). There's no reason for you to be opening your map 500 times if you have an actual destination in mind.
    Edited by Shimond on April 11, 2014 2:42PM
  • sk8ingeckoub17_ESO
    Gohlar wrote: »
    They won't even let ui addons have access to buff timers.

    Don't hold your breath OP.

    Agree with this, they need to ease up. The one thing that will kill this game and add it to the heap of all other failed mmo's are the devs. You don't want to be like WOW but you still have to admit that some WOW things are great and that is why it is so successful so if you get to far away from that then you are bound to fail. One thing I can point out is, no minimap, yes I have the mod and it works great but honestly what idiot thought that one up, "HEY, lets not have a minimap and make everyone have to open their map 500 times in 10min to keep track of where they are heading, yep smart idea there devs.

    You make it sound as if having a minimap is that big a deal. its not that hard to use the compass.... heck its actually simpler to use the compass and for the things not on the compass that minimaps have shown in the past its kind of nice to actually have to look or take a moment to get your bearings.

    But to OP.... Why does this need to be a "WoW Killer" why can't this just be ESO and be amazing at being ESO. So long as it offers a great game experience it doesn't matter if it steals 1 WoW player or 10 million as long as it stands on its own and draws its own crowd.

  • SoulSeekerUSA
    Gohlar wrote: »
    They won't even let ui addons have access to buff timers.

    Don't hold your breath OP.

    Agree with this, they need to ease up. The one thing that will kill this game and add it to the heap of all other failed mmo's are the devs. You don't want to be like WOW but you still have to admit that some WOW things are great and that is why it is so successful so if you get to far away from that then you are bound to fail. One thing I can point out is, no minimap, yes I have the mod and it works great but honestly what idiot thought that one up, "HEY, lets not have a minimap and make everyone have to open their map 500 times in 10min to keep track of where they are heading, yep smart idea there devs.

    You make it sound as if having a minimap is that big a deal. its not that hard to use the compass.... heck its actually simpler to use the compass and for the things not on the compass that minimaps have shown in the past its kind of nice to actually have to look or take a moment to get your bearings.

    But to OP.... Why does this need to be a "WoW Killer" why can't this just be ESO and be amazing at being ESO. So long as it offers a great game experience it doesn't matter if it steals 1 WoW player or 10 million as long as it stands on its own and draws its own crowd.

    I used the WOW killer as a generalization and an eye catcher for the title. It does not have to be a WOW killer but if they fix the issues and open up and add quality of life mechanics to the game it will be one of the top mmo's.
  • Thete
    We should probably distinguish between a mod and an addon. WoW does not permit mods, and neither does any MMO that I have ever been aware of. I do remember mods in multiplayer games with such unintended results such as observing a jedi opponent swinging round what appeared to be a Boba Fett rather than a lightsabre.
  • Azzuria
    Personally, I don't want ESO to be a 'WoW-Killer'. That would leave all the ERP trolls, 1337-speaking kiddies, dumb-ass griefers, end-game addicts and PvP junkies to populate to a greater extent other games that I enjoy, including this one!

    Let WoW be WoW. It is what it is and will last as long as it does. I want this game to be what it is. It's unique among MMOs not just because of the rich history and lore that come with any Elder Scrolls game but because of all the other development choices made by the designers. It feels, to me at least, very much like an Elder Scrolls game with some necessary limitations that come with an MMO. But I get to play it with my friends and that's a trade-off I'm willing to make.

    Mods made Skyrim awesome! Seeing towns and people visually improved helped me enjoy the game play all the more. But I don't think, because it is an MMO, that the extent of modding ( if any ) allowed in ESO will reach the extent of the RPGs. As of now I'm thoroughly enjoying the minimalist UI and am often taken aback by the sheer beauty of the world ZOS has built for us to play in. It's a gorgeous sandbox.

    There are already major content patches on the way and tons more in development. Let them get the base game out and fixed ( still some bugs, alas ) and then build upon the foundation they have laid. The Thieve's Guild is coming, that much is certain. Player housing might be as well, who knows.

    For now I'm perfectly content to level slowly, savor the world and enjoy the NPCs that populate it and help them when and where I'm able, even if they don't have a quest marker over their heads.
    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • Mortuum
    Dont put raiders and PVP players in same bag as griefers, trolls and others you mentioned Azzuria. You like it or not, we are, and will be here, but we are not making silly comments like '' i dont want those Skyrim idiots here''. Also not all of us play/played wow, so your statement is just childish.
  • Melian
    the one thing that will save this game

    Save it? From what?

  • Nox_Aeterna
    Well , i dont really try to understand the work behind the addons , but my gaming experience is much better because of them.

    So I thank any and all addon devs for their great work. You are making this game better , bit by bit.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Azzuria
    Mortuum wrote: »
    Dont put raiders and PVP players in same bag as griefers, trolls and others you mentioned Azzuria. You like it or not, we are, and will be here, but we are not making silly comments like '' i dont want those Skyrim idiots here''. Also not all of us play/played wow, so your statement is just childish.

    I played a lot of WoW, from the day of release, as well as many, many other MMOs. I'm not talking about people who enjoy PvP (even though I don't, generally, when I did it was with a group of fellow RPers). I mean the bad apples who see their uber-leetness at PvP as a sure sign that they're superior people to you. And I also raided ( first on our server to take down Gruul!.. with mostly RPers!! ) and had a lot of fun, but there was also the people in the group that saw their gear level as a substitution for *** size.

    If WoW is killed off by ESO then those bad apples will find someother barrel to spoil and I, personally, don't want them in with us.

    Edited by Azzuria on April 11, 2014 7:08PM
    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
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