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Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Button/key response. ETA on fix?

I know this has been mentioned in a few places but nothing seems to actually expand upon the problem extensively, nor does a google search or site search bring it up without really digging into it.

Skills and weapon swap in general have what can only be explained as a input delay. Sometimes they'll fire late other times not at all, which then requires multiple presses. This really does detach you from the gameplay, which, IMO is otherwise pretty engrossing.

Before people start chirping in with new game release, lag and everything else, it isn't lag or ping times, mobs respond fine as does combat...up until you try to use an ability. The delay is beyond painful, it certainly serious enough for players to actually dislike/leave the game over and that would be a shame. It went so far last night I changed my Naga over thinking maybe the buttons were giving up, but nope, they're fine.

I can deal with bugged quests.
I can deal with extensive or multiple server maintenance.

I've seen far worse game launches than this and I honestly don't feel it's as bad as some people have made out but I can not deal with the combat/input lag on abilities.

If this isn't on the top of the list, right up here with exploits/hackers (which I haven't experienced btw) then it really does need to be.

As the title would suggest, and despite how deluded this probably is, any dev's willing to give a rough ETA on a fix ? God only knows it can't come soon enough.
Edited by Draogon on April 11, 2014 12:33PM
  • Grim13
    Yes. Input lag is the one thing about this game that makes me genuinely angry. Some fights are completely unbeatable when key strokes either don't register or take 2-3, sometimes 5+, seconds to register. Oh, wait... I'm dead already.

    Please, please, PLEASE fix this issue.
  • cura666eb17_ESO
    Are you connecting form EU? I am and have the same problems. Waiting for them to move servers to Europe before resubbing.
  • Erock25
    I have the same problem and I am in NA connecting to NA. It seems kind of random and I kind of assumed it was my razer naga mouse bugging out, but sometimes I will have to hit an ability 3-4 times before it works even if I'm not chaining abilities back to back.
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  • elod83eb17_ESO
    I also do suffer from the same issue. I'm wondering if it's happening because I'm using Windows 8.1, or entirely game coding/server related. Someone on Windows 7 has this as well perhaps?
  • Aerlim
    I have the same issue, playing in the UK on the EU server.

    The number of times I have died while mashing buttons and waiting for a response is too high.

    If ZOS could at least acknowledge that the EU server lag is an issue that they are working to resolve (along with an ETA), it would go some way to lessening frustration and preventing people like me from unsubbing.
  • bantad87
    You sure its not latency related? I've never had this issue, and I have good, steady ping.
  • Renuvasb14_ESO
    I'm mostly have issues with doing a heavy attack with the Resto staff and it not responding. Almost asthough the animation isn't going through, and when you release the mouse button it takes a few attempts for it to reregister and doing the heavy attack.
  • neocomab16_ESO
    weapon swap ...press it twice accidently results in a delay, then a swap, then an immediate second swap. annoying.
  • MoMoOG
    Clumsiness of combat is my biggest turn off with this game atm. I've noticed that it is specifically bad with bow with abilities not going off/problems with weapon swap. After playing Wildstar beta this weekend and seeing how amazing fluid/responsive combat feels I'm turned off by ESO even more. Its a shame cause I love everything else about the game but might move on to Wildstar cause of the above mentioned reason.
  • stryderzz
    YES!!! this issue is INCREDIBLY frustrating i especially notice it with weapon swapping makes me almost want to never switch weapons because i get stuck needing a heal and can't switch to my restro staff or i get stuck on my friggen restro staff and can't attk/cc its ridiculous i hope it gets fixed soon

    also i have more then the recommended settings for this game i have excellent internet connection and i live in america and its still lagging
    Edited by stryderzz on April 21, 2014 2:01PM
  • cj.linkb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I've had this issue happen a lot as well. It seems to happen mostly in dungeons and PvP. Charged bow attack will be completely charged, but then i will have to click several times for it to fire, also the regular attack wont register sometimes and then a few seconds later it'll attack 2 or 3 times like its finally caught up. Can be quite annoying.
  • Alexandrix
    Same here.The clunky and unresponsive combat gets on my nerves.I can see what they were going for here.Kind of a mix of an action/adventure game and an MMO.That's fine,I get it.BUT,it just isn't pulled off well.The combat at times can be downright frustrating when attacks/abilities just do not want to respond in a proper and timely manner.

    I don't know if it's some kind of lag,some kind of predictive algorithm,some kind of ability animation issue.No idea.I just know it gets on my damn nerves.

    Here's my specs:
    25mb/2mb cable connection (usually ping around 40ms with basically no loss)
    4.4ghz i7
    16gb 1600mhz ram
    gtx 680 2gb oc'd
    win 7
  • arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO
    Yes, I have the same problem and it's very annoying..... I am very disappointed because Zenimax don't say nothing about this.
    Debon Templar VR14 Thorn Blade (EU)
    Gaunnes DK VR14 Haderus (EU)
  • Frail_Old_Man
    Aerlim wrote: »
    I have the same issue, playing in the UK on the EU server.

    The number of times I have died while mashing buttons and waiting for a response is too high.

    If ZOS could at least acknowledge that the EU server lag is an issue that they are working to resolve (along with an ETA), it would go some way to lessening frustration and preventing people like me from unsubbing.

    The EU servers are in the US, that's why we're lagging. But hey, atleast getting to level 60 is going to be a tad bit more challenging.
    Sanguine's testers, the best testers.
    Alas we are no longer labeled as such.
  • Galilelo
    This is looking bad guys. I doubt they will ever be able to fix it. I can smell leftovers of the Hero engine everytime ESO act like this.
    Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.
  • Elsonso
    I have seen this multiple times on the NA server with my account. It is usually related to the spells on the bar and mouse actions still work so weapons are fine. Sometimes no attack actions work. With some of the weaker monsters, they can be dead before this resolves itself.

    The problem seems to live somewhere in the interaction between the client and the server. As such, I do expect that it will be more challenging for them to find and fix.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • makkon
    playing from west eu with huge ping also makes input lag more terrible, especially in cirodiil...

    we need ETA on physical server move to eu
  • R0M2K
    Same here.
  • Gisgo
    In PvP im not even swapping weapons anymore it just gets me killed...
  • MeissaAnunthiel
    Soul Shriven
    As a NB, I frequently start fights with that skill that teleports to the monster, so I press, nothing happens for a second or two, so I press again, I teleport, but then I teleport again directly, it's really frustrating.
  • rousslanmonahovneb18_ESO
    This is a problem for like 90% of the people from what I'm gathering ingame, youtube and forums. I also have the same issues, I'm in EU. Atm i'm using bow, for the past week, and it's reaaaaaally frustrating I might add. Often times my skills are not responding, or the delay on them is so huge, or sometimes double casted, wasting my stamina for no reason etc. Very unpleasant. Specially in big groups and fights sometimes I need like 2-3-4 seconds for magnum shot to cast on a monster that is In my face, can't talk about targeting problems there. Many other skills suffer from this also, like... casting invisibility. Mashing the button few times untill it actually happens, meanwhile my character is sitting there taking hits. Not to mention all the bugs related to the skill itself, like monster keep following you even when you are invis, or game not rendering me invisible but I actually am, good that I have an addod that shows active buffs, otherwise you cannot tell if the skill casted or not. It's sad to have more info on what's happening using user made mods, then the actual game.

    One other major issue with the bow is the light and heavy attacks. It's so different then the melee weapons. There atleast you can mash the keys and the attacks will still happen at max sequance. With the bow, when the game decided to be excesivelly unresponsive I have few seconds of delay between attacks even though I'm mashing the keys. Sometimes it's ok-ish, sometimes not. For example I need like 3-4 light attacks to kill a mob, which takes me let's say 10sec. Sometimes those attacks take 15 seconds. Same damage, same setup, same everything but it's just unresponsive.
  • Gervis
    /signed this is a major problem
  • effeguildseeb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Annoying indeed, what if the problem is not strictly the game engine or their server performance?
    I am more keen to think the issue is simply tide up to the global internet connections around the world. In other words the game is perfect as it is but it is thought to be played within a more "solid" and up to date internet broadband connections.
    All these related "delay" on execution features seems to me are more a lack of communications between server and client, i understand they might optimize the code in order to have less "load" but that would be a different game. Game such as this one are engineered several years in advance, and most of the actual features are "thought" to be in line and up to date with an evergrowing data transfer capabilities. it s a guess most of the time. Nonetheless, i find my game experience frustrating when pvp is the matter, i do not like it and i wish it will soon change, either that or i will be forced to play a different title :/
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Well, if it was a problem with the whole internet infrastructure wed see the same flaws in other MMOs. Yet we dont.
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • danreckerpreub18_ESO
    Yep, I'm seeing this as well. This is especially frustrating when I want to use several consecutive high cost abilities - I attempt to use the first one... nothing - I press it again, still nothing for 2-3 seconds... then all activate in the same 500-1500ms, boom - out of resources. I'm to the point of customizing my combat bar around it - Heavy hitting abilities and toggles only, situational abilities with instant cast times only get me squished.
  • Legatus
    I think some people might be confusing animation locking with button lag. If your character is mid animation (e.g. is winding up before it hits the target) you can't make anything else happen such as a weapon swap. So if you're busy click spamming for light attacks it feels like 50% of the time you can't weapon swap. Easy way to replicate it is with a fire staff: start to charge a heavy attack let go and click ~ for swap. If you click before you see the fireballs flying off the staff, you won't successfully swap. As soon as the balls are in the air, you can successfully swap. Same goes for every single weapon/power; until your characters animation is past a certain point, you can't give any other successful input to the game (use another power, swap weapons, etc.). It's clunky feeling for sure, you hit the button, again, again, again, it does it twice, etc...

    Not saying there isn't interface lag for some people; just that some people are confusing interface lag with animation locking.
  • danreckerpreub18_ESO
    Legatus wrote: »
    I think some people might be confusing animation locking with button lag. If your character is mid animation (e.g. is winding up before it hits the target) you can't make anything else happen such as a weapon swap. So if you're busy click spamming for light attacks it feels like 50% of the time you can't weapon swap. Easy way to replicate it is with a fire staff: start to charge a heavy attack let go and click ~ for swap. If you click before you see the fireballs flying off the staff, you won't successfully swap. As soon as the balls are in the air, you can successfully swap. Same goes for every single weapon/power; until your characters animation is past a certain point, you can't give any other successful input to the game (use another power, swap weapons, etc.). It's clunky feeling for sure, you hit the button, again, again, again, it does it twice, etc...

    Not saying there isn't interface lag for some people; just that some people are confusing interface lag with animation locking.

    I agree entirely that this could be happening in some situations. Having several abilities go off one after another, in a shorter time then it takes the animation, however... sucks. It feels and looks laggy, when i have as little as 70 ping. My guess is that there is a lag-compensation internal ability que that isn't very well optimized.
  • Lancegor
    Soul Shriven
    Legatus wrote: »
    I think some people might be confusing animation locking with button lag. If your character is mid animation (e.g. is winding up before it hits the target) you can't make anything else happen such as a weapon swap. So if you're busy click spamming for light attacks it feels like 50% of the time you can't weapon swap. Easy way to replicate it is with a fire staff: start to charge a heavy attack let go and click ~ for swap. If you click before you see the fireballs flying off the staff, you won't successfully swap. As soon as the balls are in the air, you can successfully swap. Same goes for every single weapon/power; until your characters animation is past a certain point, you can't give any other successful input to the game (use another power, swap weapons, etc.). It's clunky feeling for sure, you hit the button, again, again, again, it does it twice, etc...

    Not saying there isn't interface lag for some people; just that some people are confusing interface lag with animation locking.

    I can definitely observe the described behavior. But, at the same time, it's possible to do simple experiment: Press ability button 2 times in a row in a rapid succession. The results can be one of the 3 : nothing happened, ability fired, ability fired twice.

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