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Bring an option for vampires not to be pale.

So the short story is... i made a black-fur Khajiit, and planned to make her a vampire from the early beta. So she is a vampire now, but also black fur turned into bright-greyish. And now she looks really silly.
There was similar problem in SWTOR, where dark-aligned Siths looked really silly. But there was also an option to turn off dark-corruption visual effect. Which allowed them to look exactly as you created them, regardless of your alignment.
So ESO needs same game option, to turn off visual effect of vampire-corruption, which makes your character look pale.

P.S. Also, change model for khajiit and argonian vampires to have larger fangs... all TES games had that, so ESO also need that.
Edited by Redwyrm on April 11, 2014 11:51AM
  • Spriggen
    I agree with the fangs being larger. Like almost saber cat style.

    The whole vampire skin/fur change? I don't agree. You are a creature of the night as well as an immortal. You want to keep your complexion? Feed and stay in stage 1.
  • Redwyrm
    It make sense to skin been pale, but not to fur become white :P
  • Sihnfahl
    Not really, when you figure that they're undead. The fur is going to bleach a bit.
  • MysticAura
    If you've noticed on animals, skin color does effect coat color..if the skin went pale then the coat would lighten (not immediately but eventually)
  • reagen_lionel
    Sihnfahl wrote: »
    Not really, when you figure that they're undead. The fur is going to bleach a bit.

    Fur is not the same as hair on a person. Fur will not generally do that.

  • Sihnfahl
    Fur is not the same as hair on a person. Fur will not generally do that.
    ... when was the last time you saw an undead human for reference? I'd like to check their coiffure.
  • nova.terratrb14_ESO
    I disagree, don't let them toggle it. It should be a thing you have to accept if you want to be a vampire.
  • ArgonianAssassin
    At first I didn't like it because it made my skull face paint blend in so it's hardly noticeable, but it's really grown on me, I still just wish my skull face paint was still apparent, if I had the option, I'd go to a barber shop or some such and change the face paint to one of the more colored ones, like those that go over the eyes, a face sculptor like the one from skyrim would be amazing.
    "It is okay to fear the night, even the bravest warriors are filled with fright, at the sight of the might of Sithis' fang, let the blood be washed away by the rain, let the stains forever remain, another life taken in Sithis' name, another soul for the void. All hail our Dread Father and his consort, the Night Mother." -Stalks-His-Prey
  • Redwyrm
    I disagree, don't let them toggle it. It should be a thing you have to accept if you want to be a vampire.
    If its the thing that YOU should accept it - then YOU will accept it, and will not use an OPTION.
    We are talking about and option here. More importantly simple graphical option, which in no way will harm other player's gameplay.

  • Mustaklaki
    And how exactly will Fighter's Guild ability users see if you're a Vampire or not in PvP...?
    This is how they know Werewolves are Werewolves... we're giant, hulking Werewolves. Sort of an unfair advantage for Vampires.
    Maybe have a feature where it needs to be toggled on for PvP.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Redwyrm wrote: »
    I disagree, don't let them toggle it. It should be a thing you have to accept if you want to be a vampire.
    If its the thing that YOU should accept it - then YOU will accept it, and will not use an OPTION.
    We are talking about and option here. More importantly simple graphical option, which in no way will harm other player's gameplay.

    Usually , i would disagree , since players being able to tell you are a vampire matters in PvP.

    But you can hide your skin with helmets and so on anyway , so i guess in the end the game itself give ways for players to do that , so yeah , you might as well just add the option to hide your vampire appearance.

    But i would say it is either full vampire or NOT vampire at all.

    So it could be , what you appear to be now OR the appearance you had before you were bitten.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Nadijeh
    WTB this, as well. I actually wouldnt mind being PALER, but to look all diseased and horrible is out of the question for me LOL.
  • Reavan
    Apart from khajiit this should not be allowed.
    Fur is not skin and fur does not magically turn from black to white upon death.

    However vampires are dead and anything showing normal skin should be more pale.
  • Redwyrm
    Mustaklaki wrote: »
    And how exactly will Fighter's Guild ability users see if you're a Vampire or not in PvP...?
    This is how they know Werewolves are Werewolves... we're giant, hulking Werewolves. Sort of an unfair advantage for Vampires.
    Maybe have a feature where it needs to be toggled on for PvP.
    You either shamelessly trolling, or you never was in pvp, and have absolutely no idea what are you talking about.
  • Redwyrm
    Redwyrm wrote: »
    I disagree, don't let them toggle it. It should be a thing you have to accept if you want to be a vampire.
    If its the thing that YOU should accept it - then YOU will accept it, and will not use an OPTION.
    We are talking about and option here. More importantly simple graphical option, which in no way will harm other player's gameplay.

    Usually , i would disagree , since players being able to tell you are a vampire matters in PvP.

    But you can hide your skin with helmets and so on anyway , so i guess in the end the game itself give ways for players to do that , so yeah , you might as well just add the option to hide your vampire appearance.

    But i would say it is either full vampire or NOT vampire at all.

    So it could be , what you appear to be now OR the appearance you had before you were bitten.
    Not everything can be hidden. Many armors have part of the arms exposed, neck exposed. And Khajiit always have their tails exposed

  • Nox_Aeterna
    Redwyrm wrote: »
    Redwyrm wrote: »
    I disagree, don't let them toggle it. It should be a thing you have to accept if you want to be a vampire.
    If its the thing that YOU should accept it - then YOU will accept it, and will not use an OPTION.
    We are talking about and option here. More importantly simple graphical option, which in no way will harm other player's gameplay.

    Usually , i would disagree , since players being able to tell you are a vampire matters in PvP.

    But you can hide your skin with helmets and so on anyway , so i guess in the end the game itself give ways for players to do that , so yeah , you might as well just add the option to hide your vampire appearance.

    But i would say it is either full vampire or NOT vampire at all.

    So it could be , what you appear to be now OR the appearance you had before you were bitten.
    Not everything can be hidden. Many armors have part of the arms exposed, neck exposed. And Khajiit always have their tails exposed

    Most of the time , PvP = zerg , if all you can see is the tail (assuming the guy wont use an armor the expose him) , you dont have much to go with :P.

    So i dont think it matters much , just use fire/fighter guilds skills on everyone.

    With this whole werewolf/vampire fever we got going , chances are you will hit one.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Mustaklaki
    Redwyrm wrote: »
    You either shamelessly trolling, or you never was in pvp, and have absolutely no idea what are you talking about.
    "You never was in PvP" "What you talking about."
    Good English skills you have there. No, it's very easy to see if a person is a Vampire, even through slits in their armor (If it's heavy, every other type is even easier). Allowing the Vampire to turn it off is an unfair advantage. Just suck it up and deal with it, crybaby.

  • LoadedVirus
    I dont mind the whole getting paler thing, what i dont understand is why it fades my war paint and tattoos ... doesnt make any sense.
  • Redwyrm
    Mustaklaki wrote: »
    Good English skills you have there. No, it's very easy to see if a person is a Vampire, even through slits in their armor (If it's heavy, every other type is even easier). Allowing the Vampire to turn it off is an unfair advantage. Just suck it up and deal with it, crybaby.
    So trolling... Thx for confirmation.
    So i dont think it matters much , just use fire/fighter guilds skills on everyone.

    With this whole werewolf/vampire fever we got going , chances are you will hit one.
    Considering that Mist Form makes you completely immune to CC, Silver Bolt actually less effective against vampire than against non-vampires. If it proc for 5% nuke-damage then yes - it will nearly guarantee kill vampire, but otherwise its easy to escape to safety, regardless of someone shooting Silver Bolts at you.
    WWs on the other hand don't have CC immunity (their own at least, of course they are still free to use Immovable skill), and thus suffer more from Silver Bolts.

    But that offtopic already. WWs just as vampires visually unrecognisable in PvP.
  • OnlineAdel
    Redwyrm wrote: »
    I disagree, don't let them toggle it. It should be a thing you have to accept if you want to be a vampire.
    If its the thing that YOU should accept it - then YOU will accept it, and will not use an OPTION.
    We are talking about and option here. More importantly simple graphical option, which in no way will harm other player's gameplay.

    Usually , i would disagree , since players being able to tell you are a vampire matters in PvP.

    But you can hide your skin with helmets and so on anyway , so i guess in the end the game itself give ways for players to do that , so yeah , you might as well just add the option to hide your vampire appearance.

    But i would say it is either full vampire or NOT vampire at all.

    So it could be , what you appear to be now OR the appearance you had before you were bitten.

    You do keep in mind that Vampires from the Cyrodiil Order have the ability to hide their Vampirish appearance if well fed? and if you are a RPer 30 min of normal looking skin is not really anything to go for so I'd really like to have the ability to toggle it off. Another thing about advantages in PVP no it's a dissadvantage as Vampire doesn't exactlly get any advantages in a fight over than middnight drain and you cant exactlly see what skill trees others is using and all of them has their advantages over others dependong on how you play. So giving away that you are a vampire is kind of like saying "Hey Im a Vamp, Im weak to fire, nuke me with it and Im dead in scecond while others can stelth you from behind and nuke you anyways without warning.

    So please yes to Toggle of the awefull Vampire looks I can't stand looking at my character anymore and telling everyone to ingor the Vampirish looks everytime I RP is getting old and time consuming. Why I don't just remove Vampalism? cuz maybe one day my character will appear not fed.
  • Valmond
    I don't like the idea.
    Sure, it can get pretty weird looking by stage 3, but that's part of the price i pay for the power i wield (on top of extra fire damage, vulnerability to fighters guild abilities and lessened health regen if i don't feed enough).

    I could go for having ways to increase the duration of stage 1 if staying in areas without combat.
    But if your active, using abilities, surrounded by hostiles, whatever, you start looking less and less like a regular whatever you are, and more like an undead monstrosity that you (and i) are.
  • Anzaman
    I agree, I'd like to keep my skin/face pretty much the same as I originally designed it to be, red eyes and darker eye contour would be enough in my opinion.

    Or at least let us keep the same features than in stage 1.
    Nilene Nightsky - Healer Warden
    Niomia Nightsky - Stamina Nightblade
    Ebonheart Pact (EU) Veteran: 10 - CP: 101
  • Corbeau
    Guys, you do realise that if you feed, you can have pretty much unchanged sin colour? It changes drastically only in later stages of vampirism.

    And no, being a vampire must come with a price. I would even like to have some sun damage. Or no regen at all during the day. Appearance change is one of the prices we pay. If you want to be unchanged, go and turn into some kind of furball.
  • OnlineAdel
    Again the Cyrodiil order can stay normal as long as well-fed but well-fed in this game only lasts 30 mins wish is not much when it comes to RP
  • NordJitsu
    If you don't want to look that way, don't be a Vampire. Obviously.

    The appearance change is necessary so that people know when to use Silver Bolts on you.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Anzaman
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    The appearance change is necessary so that people know when to use Silver Bolts on you.
    And how are you going to figure out if the enemy target is an vampire if the whole body is cowered with armor, or overall check that out in zerg-fest? :\
    Edited by Anzaman on April 19, 2014 9:51PM
    Nilene Nightsky - Healer Warden
    Niomia Nightsky - Stamina Nightblade
    Ebonheart Pact (EU) Veteran: 10 - CP: 101
  • shenron_killerb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    This one is in the exact same situation as OP.
    Bottom line is. It changes the skin for anyone not a khajiit. So why is it changing the fur for Khajiit and not skin? This one could see the idea of Khajiit looking a little lighter if the skin was white but the fur should be the same. This one blood was drained from him. He did not stay in a dark place for a millennium letting his fur go pale. As this one progresses into each stage of vampirism and getting lighter which each stage would be understandable. BUT NOT A 180 ON COLOR OF THIS ONES FUR AND ALL NON-KHAJIIT VAMPIRES HAIR STAYS THE *** SAME COLOR. (why are non-khajiit vampires hair the same color when this one's fur is stolen from him?)[/s]
  • Ufukb86rwb17_ESO
    Yeah, as a Breton vampire, my hair color is still black, only my skin is pale. So there is absolutely no basis for saying "once you become a vampire, your fur/hair pales as well". There is not much to discuss, even.
  • Aenra
    What an idea! Perfect! I wholeheartedly concur!

    Not only is it aesthetically displeasing, but lore-unfriendly as well. Pale? What were they thinking? Vampires should sport ebony skin, turquoise eyes and resistance to fire!

    Did no one ever read a vampire fiction?..jeesus these devs sometimes right?
    Pride, honour and purity
  • Nasuradin_ESO
    My khajiit had white fur to begin with, so no problem there, I would like to be able to change up my face paint though, swap out my non existent face paint for the caked-blood-around-the-mouth look.

    I didn't think that khajiit fur color would change with vampirism stages at all but then again, white fur so... no idea.
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