This will fall somewhere between a full blown rant and me venting my spleen, but it follows up on the etiquette thread that posted earlier on this forum.
I'm playing in Ebonheart last night, on Bleakrock. So it's right out of the gate. There's a quest where you find a hunter wounded and you hunt the animal for him. You track it to its lair and kill it. The animal respawns whenever someone with that quest stage enters the area.
So there's these two players who are just hanging there, killing the animal as it respawns, before anyone else can kill it. They're also looting the chest and ore nodes that are in the cave before anyone can get them. By killing my boss, they moved my quest forward for me. Also, they get the loot. I know, I know, all we have to do is tag it, but that takes the fun out of the game.
A couple of other people came up and one asked them to stop, but they just ignored us. They finally left after they realized two of us were just watching them.
I wish I could say this was the only occurrence of this type of behavior, but I'm seeing more and more of people grabbing nodes while I'm fighting mods. They'll wait until I'm engaged and just move in and clear out the area and, "Bye, bye, see ya sucker!"
I know I'm probably preaching to choir on this forum, but I don't know what else to do. Technically, it's not a violation of the ToS, so they can do it if the want. But c'mon, this is ruins the game for people.
Sorry to bug the forum with this but I don't know else to do.
"Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."
Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...