Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Dark Crystal needs a nerf.

It offers way too much power for way too little skill. It's not even difficult to its not like "wow that person pulled off a combo!" its more like "Really? You just slam your face on the keyboard" The stun needs to not work on other players.
  • seanolan
    Yes, because a spell that works as designed and makes a mage build actually good for something other than casting then fleeing is bad...only fighter builds should be good.
  • MorHawk
    Agreed. Mystics are OP.
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • Elyna
    seanolan wrote: »
    Yes, because a spell that works as designed and makes a mage build actually good for something other than casting then fleeing is bad...only fighter builds should be good.

    The problem with that spell is because its way too good. Even in PvE. Its very difficult to not have it as one of your main spells.
  • seanolan
    Way too good = same DPS as my tank character? SO...what, mystics should suck, you're saying? Seriously, the level of WHINING on this board - "X is overpowered, should be nerfed!" where X is ANYTHING...I'm frankly sick of it.
  • MorHawk
    I don't know if folks are quite getting my sense of humour here...


    Edited by MorHawk on April 10, 2014 1:23PM
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • shimmyatwa_ESO
    You just have to learn how to counter it. Just because not everybody has figured out the mechanics of the game yet doesn't make something op. Everyone can cc and everyone can get out of it. Left click+right click, bam your out and immune for 8 seconds. Why ruin one persons cc just because you don't want to use yours or take the time to learn how to fight
  • darkdruidssb14_ESO
    Elyna wrote: »
    It offers way too much power for way too little skill. It's not even difficult to its not like "wow that person pulled off a combo!" its more like "Really? You just slam your face on the keyboard" The stun needs to not work on other players.

    Since Dark Crystal isn't a skill, I agree. All made up skills are going to be OP.

    If you mean Crystal Shard then you need to learn to play.. just like you need to learn the names of abilities you think are OP.

    It's a 1.3 second cast with a highly visible animation. If any player worth their salt presses right click + left click at the same time they can interrupt it. I've even seen skilled players dodge roll away without getting hit. The morphed version only has a 35% chance to make the next cast instant. So the majority of the time you will see the 1.3 second cast animation.
    Edited by darkdruidssb14_ESO on April 10, 2014 3:48PM
  • Pyatra
    Please don't take Crystal Shard away from us... it's all we have for damage if we are a healer. All the other damage spells suck balls so hard I have to leave a $100 bill on the nightstand after using one. Mage fury is VERY situational and storm calling tree just doesn't do much damage if you have no one to activate the Synergies.

    And yes.. all sorcerers will use CS as a go to opener but not because it's OP. It's because our other Class skills for damage are a joke.
    Edited by Pyatra on April 10, 2014 3:48PM
  • Zintair
    As a Templar I see no issue with Crystal Shard.

    I wreck Sorcs.

    The only ability I see as an issue is Bolt Escape. Teleporting around the map like crazy people lol. It's a bit too much. Should cost more magicka IMO. That is the ONLY thing I see wrong.

    If anything I think the Sorc needs a bit of tweaking because there really isn't that many viable PvP builds from talking to my guildies.
    Edited by Zintair on April 10, 2014 5:59PM
    Zintair aka Primetime - VR14 - Guild Leader and PvP Dept Leader
  • darkdruidssb14_ESO
    The cost of abilities on Sorc is kind of a non-issue. Most higher level players that are magicka based will use dark exchange. All players have access to equilibrium as well. It would just mean those 2 abilities are even more necessary than they already are for sorcs which have the best magicka regen of all the classes.
  • cjtignub17_ESO
    Sorcs are weak compared to dps templars and DKs in pvp. Its not even a comparison. DKs are insane if played properly.
  • ZiRM
    People that call for Nerfs need to be Nerfed. They will balance their game as they see fit all in good time. Not that I will agree with all they do but it's their game to do with what they want.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Xen91
    seanolan wrote: »
    Yes, because a spell that works as designed and makes a mage build actually good for something other than casting then fleeing is bad...only fighter builds should be good.

    I agree. It's fine the way it is.
  • sevcik.miroslaveb17_ESO
    I play sorc healer and to be honest my shard does something like no damage at all. It only knocks down the enemy. I am level 16 at the moment. I shot afk guy 5 times and dealt something like 15% damage to his health. On the other hand I have all points in magicka so I die usualy in two hits. So in PvP I removed all damage based abilities and use only support ones. It's waste of magicka for me to try to deal some damage... Will see how the things will be when I reach top level. (with my progress pace in few month:-) )

    Still nerfing main spell of sorc is the dumbest thing I heard so far. Balancing due mass PvP is nonsence. There are many players. Cooperate and you can win.
  • KiroElmarok
    /cast Reflecting Scales (DK Dragon line ability)
    /cast Absorb (in snb idk name)
    *hold down right mouse and clicks left* (a stun break.)

    Easy AND with stun break you get a CC immunity.

    Read your class abilities/passives ectect some time. OP? Lol.
    Daggerfall Covenant - Dunmer - Dragon Knight

  • Zaldoras
    Jesus Christ.

    Here is a tip: Block!

    You take 50% reduced damage and are invulnerable to the knockdown effect!
  • Nylan
    in general i have found, that whatever class, setup, gear, etc etc I am playing, ppl think im OP, they are prolly right, I am OP
  • Wolfaen
    Just hold down right click(block) when it is coming and it does not knock you down. So easy to counter I can't believe this is a topic.
    Wolfaen Moltencloak | Imperial Dragon Knight
    Wolfaen Bloodcloak | Dark Elf Nightblade
    Wolfaen | High Elf Sorcerer
  • darkdruidssb14_ESO
    Wolfaen wrote: »
    Just hold down right click(block) when it is coming and it does not knock you down. So easy to counter I can't believe this is a topic.

    It's a topic because people can't even figure out how to get out of Cyrodiil. That means a lot of the mechanics in this game are beyond them.
  • Tabbycat
    Nerf everything! Remove all stuns from PvP!

    While you are at it, nerf @Attorneyatlawl because he is way too OP.


    Seriously though, as others have said, Dark Crystal is fine.
    Edited by Tabbycat on April 12, 2014 3:48PM
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • Morkulth
    I think the only spell ZoS needs to look at is Bolt Escape and only when carrying an elder scroll. Crystal Shards is one of the few casted spells in the game and for such should have a higher damage output than other spells. Especially with all the poison arrow spamming peeps in cyrodiil, its damage is justified.
    Edited by Morkulth on April 13, 2014 4:12AM
    World First Emperor
    Masterclass Theatre
    Psijic Tester
    Entropy Rising
  • Odosha
    Wait, you mean that slow moving crystal that you can see coming from a mile away? All I do is hold the right mouse button and it does nothing to me. That really needs a nerf!
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