One thing our guild is starting to notice is that some missions are more difficult based on what class is playing them. For example on my sorc/vampire I was able to solo everything to 50 with no issues, died through a couple quest but nothing unbeatable. I come to the last fight and the titan ads, wiped me out over and over, I finally found a strategy that worked after hours of failing and a great deal of frustration. That said some classes including sorc found doshia to be fairly easy to beat, while some night blades found these fights a lot more challenging depending on the build. Due to this I believe that tweaking of certain specs on builds may be what is needed rather than nerfing the game itself. Our guild actually greatly enjoys the difficulties we have ran into; however, solo only zones that tend to annihilate specific builds makes it very frustrating and will cause many players to leave the game and not return. My suggestion here is rather than changing the difficulty, open solo only quest to a two man option.