darkdruidssb14_ESO wrote: »I think part of your problem is that your WoW PvPing is filling you with expectations of how large scale PvP should be. AvA.. RvR...WvW.. it's an entirely different beast to small scale WoW style death matches.
If 3-5 guys are jumping you after a kill then you were too close to their group if you were looking for 1v1 action. I am guessing you want to stealth gank players. In that case look at the paths the enemy would take to get to the main fight and don't stick to the zerg at the fight. Try to pick out players that are well away from any convenient allies.
Nightblade as a class is pretty much designed for the role you are seeking. They have the best escape tools. It could be your build. Your gear. The targets you are choosing.
Writing that made your life better, yeh?rdfarley89 wrote: »Everyone on Reddit seems to agree that most of the posts on the official forum here are people complaining...yet most on reddit are happy with the game. Hmmm.
The issue is that you're level 18 with enough level 50 players that have far more skills than you. Or just players with more skill points.Royalbadass wrote: »though im having trouble escaping. Im not sure if the game is bugged.
Royalbadass wrote: »Writing that made your life better, yeh?
I do not see it as bad as many describe. Just few thoughts.
- do not expect 1 against 3 to have big chances (but I have seen 1 winning against 3)
- do not expect lvl10 win against VR players. If it was possible then it would make no sense to level up and train skills. Just low levels should be more focused on support activities (siege weapons and always keep in big groups - I'm just sick to see guys running alone in chain and beeing killed on the way by group of 3 people then they respawn without any notification in zone and run same way again)
- there might be some bugs and exploits that make some classes and combinations OP. this is unfortunately fixed very slowly and does not keep proper attention of developers, but leads to: those who chosen badly are likely to give up the game, but those who benefit are also very dissapointed when their OP status is fixed and also scream about laudly.
- the game promised: be everything you want (just need to respec and train skills), but reality is that choice of class actually makes you very specialized and provides a lot of skills that will never be able to replace, so once you choose the class you are bound to your role just loke in other MMOs. You eventually can choose different weapon (but why sorcered would do this?) or different armor (heavy seems not provide enough bonus and all wear combinations of light/med/heavy) but usually there is no freedom in usefull builds.
Royalbadass wrote: »Hello people!
I've been playing ESO since the 5day early acces, only lvl 18 though, cos i just stay in PvP all the time. I play a Nightblade wearing heavy armor, and using duel wield, though im experiencing 2handed.
Anyways. Am i the only one thinking that pvp is waaaaaaay unbalanced?
Ofcause i can understand it will be hard to balance, but really...
For example the guys using shield, they just have to right click and you cant do anything.
Often you have to wait along time for a 1v1 fight, and when you finally get one, there comes 3-5 people right after and kills you, and you have to run all the way back to the spot.
What can i change? Are nightblades bad? I've always played PvP, in every MMO i play. Had a warrior 2,4k rated in WoW, but i just cant seem to find the right setup in ESO.
The response of spells and actions also seems really bad from time to time. And my connection has nothing wrong with it.?