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The continued assault, ESO vs. Guilds, Defacing and punishing guilds.

Ok from the start we have no guilds names, no emblems and virtually no way of showing face in the world of elder scrolls, but alas we had the forums. Boom signatures went up and we had a foothold in the community.

This is the message I just received from ESO.

This message is to inform you that we edited your signature.

The ability to include images to forum signatures has been turned off. Text-only signatures are still allowed and they may include links.

If you come across signatures with images, this is because we are still in the process of removing them from previous versions of the BETA forums.

Thank you for understanding.

No sorry I don't understand why you feel the need to suppress our gaming community both in and now out of game. This is the type of lashing you give a 500+ community guild and its leader and we remember our scars and just who put them there. I truly thought that we finally found a game where guilds mattered where we could thrive as a community and the simple emblems and guild names or even recognition in battle was soon to come. Sadly, however, I have seen the suppression only tighten on the communities throat since launch and I am sorry to say, not everyone is into that.

Maybe its my pride, maybe its my decades of gaming with select members but this, this is a slap in the face to me. If ESO cant give us the smallest recognition I fear for the future of our community. It appears downright lazy or cheap, wanting to not have to moderate the forums... Not that we have had any replies to post in a volume to fill a cup to begin with.
Edited by james220823b14_ESO on April 9, 2014 3:18PM
Unbeaten Spartan
Leader of Spartan Legion
  • dannomite82
    Because offsite hosted images are harder to moderate.
    Holgrum put some pants on. Holgrum heal me I'm dying. Nag... Nag... Nag...
  • Vikova
    Way to be melodramatic.

    That being said, I do agree with being able to choose whether your character name has a guild name under it when someone targets you.

    The other option forum-wise, is to do it like the EVE Online forums - you have the option of displaying a guild name under your account name when posting, similar to a title.
    Edited by Vikova on April 9, 2014 3:15PM
  • Shimond
    Oh no, a slap in the face! I imagine it was less about oppressing your right to advertise your guild with a colorful image and more about preventing abusive images from showing up (though to be honest, depending on your guild colors that could be a form of abuse too!).
  • Vikova
    Shimond wrote: »
    (though to be honest, depending on your guild colors that could be a form of abuse too!).

    Baha. Heh.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Ok from the start we have no guilds names, no emblems and virtually no way of showing face in the world of elder scrolls, but alas we had the forums. Boom signatures went up and we had a foothold in the community.

    This is the message I just received from ESO.

    This message is to inform you that we edited your signature.

    The ability to include images to forum signatures has been turned off. Text-only signatures are still allowed and they may include links.

    If you come across signatures with images, this is because we are still in the process of removing them from previous versions of the BETA forums.

    Thank you for understanding.

    No sorry I don't understand why you feel the need to suppress our gaming community both in and now out of game. This is the type of lashing you give a 500+ community guild and its leader and we remember our scars and just who put them there. I truly thought that we finally found a game where guilds mattered where we could thrive as a community and the simple emblems and guild names or even recognition in battle was soon to come. Sadly, however, I have seen the suppression only tighten on the communities throat since launch and I am sorry to say, not everyone is into that.

    Maybe its my pride, maybe its my decades of gaming with select members but this, this is a slap in the face to me. If ESO cant give us the smallest recognition I fear for the future of our community. It appears downright lazy or cheap, wanting to not have to moderate the forums... Not that we have had any replies to post in a volume to fill a cup to begin with.
    Overreact much?
  • james220823b14_ESO
    I agree, its an extreme response, but give me one valid form of positive evidence in the movement for guilds. I cant even put a Icon on myself to lead 120 players in pvp.

    We can be in five guilds making them already feel expendable, I cant identify a guild member in a mass, I receive zero bonus for guild activities or holding a keep in PvP. I fail to see any reason to have a guild at all, I hate that.
    Edited by james220823b14_ESO on April 9, 2014 3:24PM
    Unbeaten Spartan
    Leader of Spartan Legion
  • dannomite82
    And not showing your guild name on character/forums probably has more to do with it being a bit of a larger job due to there being 1-5 of them to choose from (doable, but not a simple string display, and different routes to consider)
    Holgrum put some pants on. Holgrum heal me I'm dying. Nag... Nag... Nag...
  • Vikova
    And not showing your guild name on character/forums probably has more to do with it being a bit of a larger job due to there being 1-5 of them to choose from (doable, but not a simple string display, and different routes to consider)

    Yeah. Joining multiple does complicate things, though I think it would be viable to allow someone to choose a "primary" one. For most folks, that would be their PvP one, RP one, etc.
  • james220823b14_ESO
    And not showing your guild name on character/forums probably has more to do with it being a bit of a larger job due to there being 1-5 of them to choose from (doable, but not a simple string display, and different routes to consider)

    Very open to suggestive routes, because you may of invaded my mind and my body ESO, but there is one things a Spartan always keeps, HIS PRIDE!
    Unbeaten Spartan
    Leader of Spartan Legion
  • NordJitsu
    This is a ridiculously hyperbolic post, but I agree with the point almost as much as I disagree with the way you say it.

    It would be really nice to have a return for forum signatures.

    The in game guild system also needs a lot of work. First things first, there needs to be a way to display a guild tag next to your name. I mean....that's just like a basic feature. I'd also like to see guild emblems that would be displayed on captured keeps.

    A guild treasury would also be nice. Maybe the money that gets taken out as "House cut" from guild store sales could actually go the the guild then. And you could give us options for things to spend guild money on, like a larger guild bank or the option to repair walls using guild funds.

    The guild interface also needs work, since its currently difficult to invite people.

    Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we need MANY more options for both guild permissions and guild ranks. I'd like to be able to make up to 15 custom ranks if I so choose. And I'd like to be able to set various permissions for these ranks. For instance, limiting the number of items that a person can withdraw from the guild bank over a certain period of time.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • dannomite82
    Well it's probably on the "To do" list. It's just the less simple a task is, the longer it takes a developer to want to jump into it.

    But yeah a primary guild would make sense, or an option to toggle your displayed guild.
    Holgrum put some pants on. Holgrum heal me I'm dying. Nag... Nag... Nag...
  • james220823b14_ESO
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    This is a ridiculously hyperbolic post, but I agree with the point almost as much as I disagree with the way you say it.

    It would be really nice to have a return for forum signatures.

    The in game guild system also needs a lot of work. First things first, there needs to be a way to display a guild tag next to your name. I mean....that's just like a basic feature. I'd also like to see guild emblems that would be displayed on captured keeps.

    A guild treasury would also be nice. Maybe the money that gets taken out as "House cut" from guild store sales could actually go the the guild then. And you could give us options for things to spend guild money on, like a larger guild bank or the option to repair walls using guild funds.

    The guild interface also needs work, since its currently difficult to invite people.

    Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we need MANY more options for both guild permissions and guild ranks. I'd like to be able to make up to 15 custom ranks if I so choose. And I'd like to be able to set various permissions for these ranks. For instance, limiting the number of items that a person can withdraw from the guild bank over a certain period of time.

    I love the failed sense of sarcasm in a text based forum, anyway sense of humor in tact the point was to bring attention to a sore subject in our forums and Ventrilo everyday. And as a whole we reacted and felt slapped when we have our only guild image available in ESO removed. We will feel and act as a community anyway we like that does not hurt you or your gaming experience in an attempt to enjoy the game that much more.

    If MMO's taught me anything its the dramatic not well written, supported, fix included post that got attention from the developers. And I love the suggestions here this forum its exactly what I hoped to see. Giving people a reason to attack and post is simply the start.
    Unbeaten Spartan
    Leader of Spartan Legion
  • james220823b14_ESO
    Well it's probably on the "To do" list. It's just the less simple a task is, the longer it takes a developer to want to jump into it.

    But yeah a primary guild would make sense, or an option to toggle your displayed guild.

    Yeah I watched a review where they stated these things will be coming, I just feel it would of been a good PR move to give before you take, especially when its our current only image based form of identification. A spoon full of sugar help the "BS" go down.
    Unbeaten Spartan
    Leader of Spartan Legion
  • Vikova
    If MMO's taught me anything its the dramatic not well written, supported, fix included post that got attention from the developers. And I love the suggestions here this forum its exactly what I hoped to see. Giving people a reason to attack and post is simply the start.

    Getting attention isn't the same thing as getting taken seriously.
  • james220823b14_ESO
    You would have to understand advertising then my friend. Being "takin seriously" or not, has nothing to do with spreading someones name or ideals. Amanda Black, and her song "Friday" Or Miley's current BS, made them infamous, and neither were taken seriously as their price went up............ Anyway quit derailing my subject! Fact is if you want it written plain and boring is we have received zero guild support but have IN FACT had some taken away.

    We need to see many of the changes listed by our community here in this forum accomplished or a equal alternative.


    Titles on the forum to include guild name, maybe with a guild icon that must be approved.

    Guild names in game, switchable or a primary.

    Guild treasury was an amazing idea, with a new set of currency if you PvP only you will see the problem with money 50+.

    Guild Emblems on Keeps - YES PLEASE

    Guild bonuses or Levels - Would be nice.

    Guild Housing or Player House - Supportive additions to a community.

    Guild ranks and structure - MORE please.

    Guild raid Icons - Please for PvE and PvP.

    Guild Auction Merchant in keeps that other guilds can access through your
    guild keep (reason to own keeps sell more goods).

    Guild search for all realms maybe the ability to War other faction guilds and earn increased AP for kills. Setting up rivalries on select Cyrodil maps.

    Guild Dalies - gives us a reason to log on and play as a group. Something as simple as killing 50 payers in PvP or raiding a instance accomplishing this could award more guild currency.

    Anything would help, guilds feel to......... well nothing... I feel nothing.
    Edited by james220823b14_ESO on April 9, 2014 4:02PM
    Unbeaten Spartan
    Leader of Spartan Legion
  • Hawke
    Oh,,, I thought this thread was talking about stuff like the movie Face-Off...

    There does need to be more tools in the guild management system I agree.
  • dannomite82
    Yeah but again, offsite images are very difficult to moderate, especially if the spammers start using them.
    Holgrum put some pants on. Holgrum heal me I'm dying. Nag... Nag... Nag...
  • Vikova
    Or Miley's current BS, made them infamous, and neither were taken seriously as their price went up............ Anyway quit derailing my subject!

    You can't mention Cyrus and say I was derailing.

    Cyrus is absolutely taken seriously.

    But not the Beebs, obviously. Because Canada.
  • james220823b14_ESO
    Yeah but again, offsite images are very difficult to moderate, especially if the spammers start using them.

    And again I see the point, and even addressed the work it would cause by calling it lazy for not doing it. But the truth of the matter is, taking something away from our tiny identity would of been easier to swallow with either an alternative or a milestone post of future plans. I have a ton of members with nothing to offer them but fancy words and hope. I dont want to lose these members, I dont want to lose our identity. I just want to play with my friends and have a good time.

    Current problems with that?

    Cant Identify me or them on the field.... Groups are constantly crashing in Cyrodil if you invite new members. Fastest way to level is grinding a select few mobs on your own or in groups of 2 in Cyrodil, you can hit 50 two days.... So much solo play..... I seriously cant be the only one that bothers, the idea behind an MMO is to play with others, why don't we focus on that ? You can always say well you can choose to still do it. But then your not competitive, and it is a game, the natural nature of games is competition. So yes we are then forced to play a way we don't enjoy given the one option and burn out.... Facts.... I love the game, its hard to say these things but I have to try and point at the problem ignoring it has hurt so many MMO's. Fanboy's destroying there own game.

    Solution - Group and Guild based play, benefits for doing things in each, give us a reason to get our friends to play, helps ESO in the end.
    Unbeaten Spartan
    Leader of Spartan Legion
  • james220823b14_ESO
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Or Miley's current BS, made them infamous, and neither were taken seriously as their price went up............ Anyway quit derailing my subject!

    You can't mention Cyrus and say I was derailing.

    Cyrus is absolutely taken seriously.

    But not the Beebs, obviously. Because Canada.

    Hahaha, touche', you win, >.> this one.
    Edited by james220823b14_ESO on April 9, 2014 4:21PM
    Unbeaten Spartan
    Leader of Spartan Legion
  • Elencha
    I think they mostly do a good job of implementing their "play the way you want" ideal. Group content is available, but not so much so that people who aren't into that kind of thing have no reason to play the game.
    I do agree that if there are bugs infesting the grouping mechanics in Cyrodil they need to be addressed, however. I also agree that it would be nice if guild-type players could have the option to show their guild names as long as I (and others like me, who don't want to see that kind of thing) have the option not to display those names on my screen.
    I have to admit though, I like not seeing tons of graphical signatures on the forums, that kind of thing can get annoying quick...
  • wrlifeboil
    Ok from the start we have no guilds names, no emblems and virtually no way of showing face in the world of elder scrolls, but alas we had the forums. Boom signatures went up and we had a foothold in the community.

    This is the message I just received from ESO.

    This message is to inform you that we edited your signature.

    The ability to include images to forum signatures has been turned off. Text-only signatures are still allowed and they may include links.

    If you come across signatures with images, this is because we are still in the process of removing them from previous versions of the BETA forums.

    Thank you for understanding.

    No sorry I don't understand why you feel the need to suppress our gaming community both in and now out of game. This is the type of lashing you give a 500+ community guild and its leader and we remember our scars and just who put them there. I truly thought that we finally found a game where guilds mattered where we could thrive as a community and the simple emblems and guild names or even recognition in battle was soon to come. Sadly, however, I have seen the suppression only tighten on the communities throat since launch and I am sorry to say, not everyone is into that.

    Maybe its my pride, maybe its my decades of gaming with select members but this, this is a slap in the face to me. If ESO cant give us the smallest recognition I fear for the future of our community. It appears downright lazy or cheap, wanting to not have to moderate the forums... Not that we have had any replies to post in a volume to fill a cup to begin with.

    Indistinguishable ants. File under zergs in Cyrodiil. :)
  • Thesiren
    By far the biggest slap in the face is to the little family/friends guilds who can't even get guild bank storage if they don't number ten accounts within.
  • Vikova
    Thesiren wrote: »
    By far the biggest slap in the face is to the little family/friends guilds who can't even get guild bank storage if they don't number ten accounts within.

    How would you propose they let this happen without stopping people from just creating a ton of alt guilds for free bank slots?
  • Elencha
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Thesiren wrote: »
    By far the biggest slap in the face is to the little family/friends guilds who can't even get guild bank storage if they don't number ten accounts within.

    How would you propose they let this happen without stopping people from just creating a ton of alt guilds for free bank slots?
    No offense, but what's the problem with extra bank space if someone goes that way? The extortion-level rates for bank expansion coupled with the feeble bank size compared to actual resources needed to craft and the rarity of spawns for certain items, (I'm looking at you, Aspect Runes), makes starting a guild just to have a halfway decent amount of storage space a more desirable option than the two alts I had to create just to hold crafting materials.
  • MercyKilling
    I'll say this is the first MMO that I have been able to form a one person guild in and NOT receive any kind of storage for. Granted, that was in beta but it's carried over into live.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • Elencha
    I'll say this is the first MMO that I have been able to form a one person guild in and NOT receive any kind of storage for. Granted, that was in beta but it's carried over into live.
    I really can't say I have any experience with guilds before this game but I'd love it if they had done it this way. Small guild = small bank. Guild bank grows as your guild grows. I'd love to have a guild for just actual friends and not a bunch of people I don't know.
    I literally spend over half of my time managing inventory. My boyfriend and I have to do a round of 2-6 trades after each quest or two because he's responsible for provisioning, clothing and alchemy while I'm responsible for the rest. After the trade train we then swap characters four or five times to make space in our individual banks so that we can put stuff into them. Then and only then can we go do more quests and then start that all over again in an hour or so. A guild bank for for small guilds would help a ton.

  • commandline
    Elencha wrote: »
    Small guild = small bank. Guild bank grows as your guild grows.

    I agree!

  • Srugzal
    Overreact much?

    Over quote much?
  • Orizuru
    With the crap people in the community were putting in sigs, you can hardly blame the devs for this change.
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