Templar healing tree in dungeons (needs some love?)

I barely use my templar healing abilities once I realized resto staff was much more efficient and easier to use. I slot healing ritual but i only use it perhaps 10% of the time or less and only we all got hit by massive damage for some reason. i also have restoration aura slotted and activate as much as i can. i activate that aura more often than use a proper templar heal.

my point is, i find templar's healing tree very lacking. they are not as magicka efficient as resto staff heals (rushed ceremony being the worst) or the cast time and snare while casting healing ritual can often get you out of position in pitched battles.

my strategy, so far, when healing in groups is to have my resto staff out 90% of the time and when i need that big heal; swap out to 1h/shield, dive in and cast a healing ritual (all other HoTs/buffs are on group).

I even stopped using my ultimate (i might need to rethink this)

Am I missing something or do they need to rework templar healing tree? perhaps reduce the magicka cost?
Edited by TheSunAlsoRises on April 9, 2014 1:03PM
No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe
  • malais
    Sad fact is to be a main healer you must use the staff. Templar heals are extremely powerful but were never meant (apparently do to some changes) to replace the resto staff in pve.

    Where Templars shine is pvp. Easy access cleanse aoe heals and instant cast burst heal. I even added the FG sigil defense buff to use up stamina while mitigating damage.

    Pve resto staff. Pvp resto staff for the regen proc and Templar heals.
  • Axer
    Game would be way too easy if the templar healing tree was that powerful.

    Think about it - ability to use the strongest dps weapons and skills while having powerful healing? OP.

    Game is meant to have some semblance of group challenge at least in the dungeons, and having different roles and class synergy is what thats all about. If you could just be the top dps and top healer at the same time, then anyone who really wants to dedicate will ge left in the cold and the synergy and challenge gets lost.

    So no it's not sad that resto staff is the way to go, it's good game design.

    (And yea im a templar 2H tank, my heals suck but I survive anyways with good use of damage shields and blocking)

    Also imo the best templar heal is honor the dead - since it pays for itself (if healing ppl under 50%). Lets you maintain your top resto staff heals, and get 1 more off, mostly for free. It's the only one I really use much. (tho repetence has it's uses, situationally).

    And the templar heal ult is worth using. In times where it's best to DPS down a boss asap before he kills you, it can be your only heal (Spam all of your magicka on spear stabs, and have that for emergency).

    Also good to keep noobs alive when a boss is usnig there top dmg aoe that might otehrwise one shot them (morph it to give a 20% defense buff and hit it at the right time)

    But yea in top lvl play where people aren't making mistakes and DPS isn't 100% key, the dawns wrath ultimate is preffered.
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • ThatHappyCat
    I disagree. Aside from Restoring Aura all the Templar skills in Restoring Light are awesome.

    Rushed Ceremony is a very powerful emergency heal: the closest Resto staff has is Steadfast Ward which is just as expensive. If magicka is a problem morph it into Honour the Dead.
  • jmido8
    Breath of life is amazing, it's actually what makes templars by far the best healers in the game as well. No other class has the power to instantly heal teammates from low hp to full. Let's not forget the fact that it can heal 3 people at once, making instant heals for your entire party.

    My brother is a DK tank and I play a templar healer. Even in full tank spec, there are monsters and bosses that can take him down from 100% to 20% hp in a single hit and if you can't get an instant heal off fast enough, he'll be dead. That's why the resto staff heals will never be as strong as the templar's breath of life. Healing dots are good but they won't save anyone when the monsters are hitting like a truck and they need a fast heal.

    Restoration staff is really only good for the rapid regeneration. I usually just fight dungeons with my bow out dps'ing and rely on breath of life. Occasionally, I'll swap to the resto staff mid battle to throw out some rapid regeneration but that's about the extent of it.

    My brother and I are both level 43 and have done all the dungeons so far multiple times with no problem. We hardly ever wipe either, if we do it's usually because someone started the fight while someone was still looting a chest or something. My point is, templar healers are the easy mode healing class. Get some magicka pots, and manage your magicka better.
    Edited by jmido8 on April 10, 2014 5:50PM
  • Galeus
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah I agree, I find the Templar heals to be fantastic and much more suited to my playstyle. I'm not a big HoT guy anyway lol, much prefer the direct heals. Once you get a few passive points going, you can really bomb away on dps with your bow for a bit, then drop a couple big heals to get everyone up, then go back to dpsing. I swap in resto staff heals a bit, but usually just one on my bar at any given time.
  • Therealshur
    I also find Repentance to be an OP heal in dungeons. Whether it be on those trash pulls or boss fights with lots of add waves it is amazing, and free to cast. I am curious if the effect healing others near me is a bug or the way it was intended to work since the target of the spell is self and does not seem to specify an aura.
  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    Resto nightblade can do just as good but its centralized around healing over time. I just prefer it that way.

    I main heal as resto nightblade bloodmage in dungeon for 3 reason and I challenge anyone to pretend nightblade doesn't do as good if not better in a dungeoneering environment

    1. Funnel health - Healing over time stacks and deals damage!
    2. Path - Same heal as Healing spring for 3 time the duration (10 second aoe healing)... always in front of the player however
    3. Has several ultimate that can heal the team

    Nightblade can heal just as well as a Templar in dungeon all while doing damage so tell me why should I pick a Templar over a nightblade that can overheal damage with HOT as they are dealth to the team all while beneficing from a quick source of ultimate.

    I think resto Templar is fine in its current niche as a surge healer but id realy appreciate if people could at least admit they aren't always the best.
    Edited by Kyubi_3002b16_ESO on April 11, 2014 5:08PM
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
  • jambam817_ESO
    22 Templar Bow & Resto/Medium & Light/Healing and Spell damage trees

    I don't use the first healing skill out of the Templar tree, the < 50% mana regen didn't seem to work last time i was using it, or my perception of what "50%" on these health bars is, is wrong :)
    I also aim for the lower cost Templar skills in the tree, the first one being a bit expensive. I have Ritual with reduced cast time, and Restoration Aura that i just love. I switch to my resto staff in boss fights but in "trash" pulls i can usually throw some DPS love and a few rituals or resto auras around. I like it.

    Edited by jambam817_ESO on April 11, 2014 6:52PM
  • Xaei
    I don't have too much experience with NB heals but as far as I'm aware of, it's more prone to your team screwing up and eating spokes than Temp healers.
  • Bloodlance
    I play a Templar and i use resto staff to heal in dungeons as Templar healing tree is not as optimal as resto staff.

  • Bloodlance
    Xaei wrote: »
    I don't have too much experience with NB heals but as far as I'm aware of, it's more prone to your team screwing up and eating spokes than Temp healers.

    I was a NB healer in beta and it worked well, Vanish is good when you get too much attention as healer, then just land HEALZ and you evade a wipe.

    If you gear yourself with light armor and -spell cost rings and amulet, you are pretty much able to heal easily with resto staff.

    Comparing a Templar without resto staff, makes me choose any other class as healer as Templar is lowest on the foodchain as a group healer (if the templar does not use resto staff).

    my 2c

  • Ciovala
    Honor the Dead is broken anyway. Test it - you only get the mana benefit if the one being healed is below 50% after being healed.
    Looking for a mature and helpful social guild - play PvE, PvP, and like crafting.
  • error707
    resto tree is OP, once i get the levels for the skills i need ill be at 90% crit healing.
  • Rissq
    I find the Templar's healing tree to be amazing. I still use the Restoration Staff as my weapon, but the reason the Templar's healing is so fun is because you have two healing trees to mix and match skills from.

    The Resto staff skill line may be cheaper and more mana efficient but it defiantly lacks a lot of utility. It doesn't have the spot heals or the burst heals that the Templar's skill line offers.
  • Drekor
    Resto staff has barely above half the healing power of templar heals and that's without factoring in crits which are much more prevalent in templar heals. Templar heals for more, they heal faster and they heal in ways that are much more convenient for a group.

    The biggest downside you might have is the cost. I have 0 points in magicka and some enchants giving me 1444 magicka, 70/2 regen and have spell symmetry with full light armor I've never once been in a situation where I've even had to think about using a magicka pot. If it was ever an issue I'd just use spell symmetry a little more often. The resto line in general is utterly terrible outside the heavy attack and it's passives.

    I can stand in fights and throw off 900+ rituals to my entire group or bring someone from 5% health to 100% in a second with breath of life. I can keep up my tanks stamina permanently with shards so he never misses a block and I can add massive amounts of damage with backlash.

    I don't think giving up half your healing power for more efficiency when efficiency isn't a problem to begin with. The only thing I can think of is you are standing there scratching your butt in a fight instead of ensuring maximum magicka restoration with heavy attacks.

    EDIT: I should explain the magicka issue further... so for those unaware restoration staff has a hidden passive that it restores 10% max magicka at the end of each heavy attack channel. If you are constantly channeling this you have MASSIVE regen and have more than enough to fuel using templars big heals and because of the size of these heals you have more time to use more heavy attacks. Most boss fights I often stay above 75% the entire fight without issue. For this reason alone you should almost always be using a resto staff when healing regardless of if you use the resto staff skills or templar heals.

    If things get hairy I bring in spell symmetry which does 3 things... first it trades health for magicka allowing me to cast more heals and using ritual heals everyone and you for substantially more completely offsetting the health cost. It also reduces the cost of the next spell 25% this works best with big expensive heals. Lastly it triggers might of the guild passive boosting your spell power by 20% for your next spell causing your next spell to be incredibly powerful and incredibly cheap, perfect from breath of life or ritual.

    Worth pointing out that spell symmetry prevents healing on you for a couple seconds so it's not something to use when under fire.
    Edited by Drekor on April 13, 2014 8:00AM
  • teh_ninjaneer
    Seems I'm the only person that feels Restoring Light is better suited for tanking than healing. Most of the skills are primarily focused on yourself.

    For example, Healing Ritual - why do you need that extra 30% on yourself if you are standing in the back healing others?
  • ThatHappyCat
    Seems I'm the only person that feels Restoring Light is better suited for tanking than healing. Most of the skills are primarily focused on yourself.

    For example, Healing Ritual - why do you need that extra 30% on yourself if you are standing in the back healing others?

    Because to use Healing Ritual, which is a PbAoE, you have to run closer to the fray. The extra self healing helps to mitigate the danger a bit.

    You never ever want to use Healing Ritual solely as a self-heal. It simply doesn't work. Rushed Ceremony is your friend there.

    Edited by ThatHappyCat on April 13, 2014 1:17PM
  • Drekor
    Seems I'm the only person that feels Restoring Light is better suited for tanking than healing. Most of the skills are primarily focused on yourself.

    For example, Healing Ritual - why do you need that extra 30% on yourself if you are standing in the back healing others?

    The first part about if being focused on yourself is ridiculous. Rushed ceremony heals the lowest hp target around, morphing it into breath of life and now it heals 3 people none of which need to be you. Healing ritual is a PBAoE heal to allies around you the fact it does more to you is a nice boon and can be used in some interesting combos or just to mitigate damage you might take from being in close.

    Tanking is primarily about maintaining aggro and reducing incoming damage, restoring light in large part does not do this well. You do not want to stand still for 2s casting a heal and not blocking against a boss, that's insane. Using Rushed ceremony could work but again it heals the lowest health target around not necessarily you, so it's not exactly a reliable self heal. Restoring aura can be useful for it's stamina regen to fuel your blocking but you are much better off having a separate templar(like the healer) toss you a luminous shard for stamina. Cleansing ritual is largely pointless to a non-healer since it's primary purpose is proc'ing focused healing for 30% more healing.

    The last one rune focus is the only one that genuiely looks decent. Except that's only in theory and not in practice. Massive boosts to armor are in general pointless. I can in light armor with 600 armor tank better while blocking than a 3000 armor Heavy tank can when not blocking. If we both stop blocking we die similarly fast. The most important thing to do as a tank is block, block then block more you do not need to boost your armor. Thankfully heavy armor has the bracing passive to make it worthwhile as tank armor.
  • TheSunAlsoRises
    thank you for all the good points. my main take away is use two staves when i weapon swap. that thought never occurred to me.

    i always did see the +10% magicka when using staff heavy attack on my damage meter but sometimes that proc wouldn't show. maybe because of lag. i'm always attacking with my staff now when not healing so aside from very long fights with many adds and low dps (EH boss), i've not had magicka issues.

    again, still doing noob instances so not sure what end game will be like. also, i'm still a fan of HoTs. i used to MT in WoW (up to 40s and TBC raids) and always liked hots keeping my health well above 50% and safe from burst/crushing blows.

    anyway, see you all at 50.
    Edited by TheSunAlsoRises on April 18, 2014 11:03PM
    No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe
  • Klat
    I personally love the Templar's healing line when mixed with the Restoration Staff. Undoubtedly any class using Resto Staff can also be a main healer, it does not replace Templars as the de-facto healing class.

    I wouldn't underestimate Rushed Ceremony if I were you, it has the exact same Magicka cost as the Shield from Resto Staff but it doesn't actually heal them unless morphed. Personally I like to morph Rushed Ceremony into Breath of Life making it an insane 3 target emergency heal; with this Morph, it makes it a very Magicka efficient heal. I still use Resto staff as my main healing weapon because the heavy attack from Resto staff is the only reliable way for Templars to regen Magicka aside from chugging down pots.

    Cleansing Ritual is also a great way to purge negative effects from the party and it doesn't take much to just cast it and leave it down for other players to use the synergy to heal themselves with. Coupled with the Templar healing passives, it synergizes very well as everyone that stands in the Cleansing Ritual and/or your healing ultimate will get healed for a lot more.

    The ultimate itself is also an amazing skill to have for the really 'ohshit' moments when you just have zero Magicka. With the passives, you can make yourself and everyone else in the aura really tanky and somewhat unkillable within that 4 seconds (valuable time in pvp).

    I now mainly use resto staff for Mutagen and the AoE cone heal/armor buff coupled with Breath of Life and Cleansing Ritual. I rarely have Magicka issues unless I'm spamming the hell out of Breath of Life which doesn't happen very often unless people are constantly taking big damage.

    Templar heals also has the added advantage of being useable with your other weapon set in cases where you just can't spare the time to weapon switch (which right now is very wonky).

    Just take a little look at it further and make use of items that has Magicka reduction cost. As a Breton, I get the option to reduce Magicka costs from my racials too which helps slightly.
  • Kenthros
    I would like a little information on how the heal spells work myself. I seem to have a problem with spells not doing what the tool tip says. For example I am playing a Templar healer and i have a single target heal that i want to throw on someone, they are in my cross hairs and the only person on the screen, I cast the spell and it will travel to someone behind me not even in the fight or group. It also does this when i try and use the shield ability (I think this is part of the resto staff cant remember off the top of my head.) The tool tip says cast a shield on the lowest health allies, again only the tank is in front of me at half hp and taking damage and the shield will cast on someone behind me or on myself before finally getting the tank. Am I doing something wrong, is there a way to get my spells to always hit my intended target or will it always be a coin flip? Thanks in advance if someone can give me any advice on what i am doing wrong, or ideas on how to fix this.
    Edited by Kenthros on April 21, 2014 10:18PM
    But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
    I have spread my dreams under your feet;
    Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
  • TheGodless1
    I heal just fine in both PvP and PvE. With so many variations of builds and skill point allotments, there is and hopefully never will be a "best way to go". If PUGging a group, realize first, and foremost, it's a PUG. It is more than likely going to be a mess. Use premade groups whenever possible and have some good communication. I use my siphon skill from my healing tree to regen health and magika with my big cleansing heal to give some small but effective HoTs. Then I go for my bigger heals since heal and magika regens are going for 16-20 seconds....It's efficient, cost effective, and keeps the team alive if they work WITH YOU. You also have to get in the middle of things. I have noticed that sitting back like other games healers do ain't working too well here. But I also have a heavy/light armor set for magika and health regen passives and spell armor buffs as well. So many things here and there that CAN make it a lil easier. But do what works best for YOU. That's about all we can do as healers.
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