Just wondering if there is any plan in place to overhaul these forums?
I have tried to list a few constructive feedback ideas on the current state of the forums below. Feel free to agree/disagree.
1. Having multiple languages in the same forum is a terrible idea. Can we move language selection to the top level, or have totally separate boards for each language?
2. There is no 'General' board where players can just discuss the game, leaving players to shoehorn their discussions into forums where they don't really seem to fit (eg. This discussion). It makes it hard to develop a community vibe, when we have no forum to socialise in

3. There are too many sub-menus that are hidden inside other menus. Again, this board is a perfect example, to navigate here I have to click 'Forum', then 'Game Discussion', then 'Players helping Players', then 'New Player Questions' and wait for page loads each time (yes, my internet connection has the latency of a 'roo with a pouch full of punch cards). A more intuitive menu system would be much appreciated. (yes, I will address the Categories menu next)
4. The Categories menu on the right is long and unintuitive, making it difficult to read and useless to navigate with. Less than half the options are relevant as many are for other languages, but again, they are not broken into distinct groups.
5. The layout of the page (background) means that even on a very large monitor, the actual forum can only use half the width of the page, and then the Categories menu takes up another 1/3rd of the available space. This means post information is placed above the posts making for incredibly long threads and lots of scrolling between posts.
6. The PvP section of the forum could really use one board for each of the current campaigns!
7. I wish I could change my forum name from the one I was issued with in the Beta...