Missable achievements / lore-books

Hello :)
First i'd like to excuse for my bad english - it's not my native language, so i hope you bear with me :)

Today i did a fighters guild quest in which you were ported to an instanced story map by sees-all-colours. Therefore i think it is a one-time instance, which we'll never see again in the future.
Tho it is an one-time instance, i found a violet lore-book.
That leads me to my question, if some lore-books are missable, as this wasn't the only time i saw a mages guild book in such an one-time map.

If i remember right, there was also an achievement for ebenheart pact player on the first island, which was easily missable too.

I am not that much into achievements, but i like to have the option to do all that stuff someday when i am bored, tho i seem to stumble across most books/skyshards/etc while exploring that awesome game world.

I hope you come up with something like "nah, don't worry. those books are not unique" ^^

Thanks in advance for any answers.
Edited by Kryden on April 9, 2014 3:42AM

Best Answer

  • Alyrn_Grey
    At some point either in the last beta or between the last beta and live launch they doubled the number of copies of every lore book out there. So there are actually multiple spots you can find it in a zone. Once you read it at one spot you won't find it at any of the other spots it spawns. something that initially confused me because I went straight for a spot I remember reading a lore book in beta but I had already found another copy of it and read it so it wasn't in the expected spot.
    Answer ✓
  • nerevarine1138
    As far as I know, lore books are unique, though perhaps only by alliance territory? Does anyone know if you read the same lore books in all alliances?

    As far as achievements go: unless it's for an irreversible choice of some kind, I don't think there's any area of the game you can't return to later for achievement completion.
  • Kryden
    Thanks for your answer :) I was refering to the achievement "hero of bleakrock", for which you need to find all its residents.
    If you started the last quest on the ebenheart pact starter island, without rescuring all of them, you would not get the achievement.
    As far as i know, you can not achieve it later on too, because still missing people eventually died.

    Same goes for lore-books in those one-time maps.
  • Phoebvs
    I got "Glenumbra Collection" achievement yesterday, and didn't do the mentioned quest so far. And I still have a bit of a map to explore.

    That makes me think that lore books are not unique. However, they are rare.
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