Any depth of field mods?

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Apart from the insane decision to not have pc controller support and ability to hide crosshair there seem to be no way to turn on Depth of Field in the game (apart from in conversations)

Is there any mod for this? Imo the graphics with depth of field on is 100% better looking. I could never imagine playing without a depth of field enb in Skyrim so why it is not supported is just.. sorry for rant.

Btw, would a enb like for Skyrim be possible for Elder Scrolls Online?
Edited by OutcastVP on April 8, 2014 10:12PM
  • macdomagb16_ESO
    There is a quest in Grahtwood which temporarily turns on what seems to be the cinematic style DoF we see during conversations, so I guess its just a matter of adding a slider to the video settings. I'd like to see that along with a slider for FoV.

    Did you look in the .ini file? >:)
    Check out my screenshots at Feanghan's Adventures!
  • OutcastVP
    Hmm I have not looked in the ini file. I don't understand why there is not a setting for Dof since it is in the game (in conversations). It just looks so much better with Dof, its just night and day.
  • fatalslink
    OutcastVP wrote: »

    Btw, would a enb like for Skyrim be possible for Elder Scrolls Online?

    yes, it is "possible >.>" however, injecting .dll's into an MMO is highly discouraged unless you want to be be mass-banned with botters and players who think for some reason CheatEngine is not bannable lol
  • Lleksu
    I'm also hoping to find an Add-On that will allow me to up the amount of DoF during game play to a similar level as during conversations and those dreamy areas. Fingers crossed.
  • Rantahu
    I could really use the depth of field for playing in first person. Its pretty hard for my to look at the screen in first person in ESO.
  • macdomagb16_ESO
    In Greenshade during the quest "Audience with the Wilderking" depth of field is also visible in the world, in fact there is a smooth transition as you approach a certain area. It looks so good! :D I want it everywhere!
    Check out my screenshots at Feanghan's Adventures!
  • Loxy37
    I'm sure that SweetFX may do that. Also there are modified Direct3D libraries that will do it. I wouldn't use any injectors though as they maybe seen as modifying the EXE and that surely will be against the TOS.
  • Eliran
    How would DoF help the graphics? it will only make everything around you blur ?

    Or I miss understand its meaning?
  • Seaclean

    I am also in dear wanting of this feature. It looks nice, and if you were able to adjust the intensity of the DoF using a slider or something like it, you'd be able to get just the amount you felt was right while playing. :) I really hope they enable it.
  • macdomagb16_ESO
    Eliran wrote: »
    How would DoF help the graphics? it will only make everything around you blur ?

    Or I miss understand its meaning?

    It's not supposed to help the graphics. It's supposed to make the world around you look better. :) To me the graphics are great as they are.
    Check out my screenshots at Feanghan's Adventures!
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