I have never spent so much time in an MMO trying to manage my inventory. Like many others, I've had to create alts to act as banks. (I never had to do this with any other game. I always had adequate storage) The crafting system is clever; but I can't enjoy it because every acquisition I get has to be dealt with so carefully. Should I keep it and hope I can get one later? I'm only level 7 in crafting and already my bank and alt are stuffed with the items I need to craft. I've purchased both bag and bank slots but the next upgrade might as well be 3 million gold. I am constantly struggling with money because instead of creating items; one levels your craft by deconstructing - so there goes much of the revenue I could get from selling them. And yes, I've been swapping with friends. It helps, but it seems an "idiot" thing to do for a game that tries to instill a feeling of "reality". We log on and off of these bank alts and swap items instead of crafting and just stuffing things in the bank. I love Guild Wars 2 crafting system. We all had dedicated crafting banks and could easily purchase affordable bank/bag space. If ESO wants us to enjoy their clever crafting system; then give us the resources to be able to craft like "real" instead of spending hours swapping items and logging into toons!