Hi @mekemeke,looks like you have an iMac 27 inch (late 2013) and you also have the problem on a MacBook Pro 2012.
If they both crash and use different install and you have reinstalled on the iMac, then it points to more a network issue or other general account issue.
Have you been able to play the game before already?
First, you need to try to Repair from the Launcher under Game Options. Let it verify the install fully then try again.
What internet connection do you have? Wireless or ethernet? Shared router or private? In college or other managed internet location?
Is this NA or Europe Megaserver install? I can't see from the report.
Have you set up your account and subscription method already?
I am assuming you have 10.9.x installed (from report)
Some things to try for networks issues:
Disable OS X Firewall
Also worth ensuring the OS X Firewall is switched off during download and that any router firewall is not blocking it in some way.
System Preferences > Secuirty & Privacy > Firewall
This is in OS X 10.9 Mavericks, It may be slightly different in other versions.
Reset DNCP lease
System Preferences > Network > Select the network you are connected to (indicated by green circle)> Click Advanced > Click Renew DHCP Lease
Change your DNS
Change your DNS settings to a public DNS server (non-ISP).
I used Google:,
On the Mac, to change the DNS server IP addresses go to:
System Preferences > Network > Advanced… > DNS
Note the existing ones usually automatically added by your ISP then change them for the Google ones of other you prefer. Remember to Apply changes after clicking OK when done.
Uncheck Auto Proxy Discovery
- Navigate to the System Preferences under the Apple Menu.
- Open up Network in System Preferences. (Usually located in the third row, third icon.)
- Make sure the network connection with a green dot next to it is selected.
- Click the Advanced button in the lower right corner
- From the drop down menu, click on Proxies.
- In the "Select a protocol to configure" list
- Uncheck "Auto Proxy Discovery”