When I first saw the Auction House/Trade Guilds being advertised in zone, I thought to myself, that seems like a good way to scam people. Under that impression, I've so far stayed out of any of these guilds.
Now, reading online a bit about them, it seems they are fairly popular, and encouraged. This is the replacement for an Auction House system.
I've read the argument for them. Basically, since supply is limited, demand can keep pace. This keeps the value of items worthwhile because the market isn't flooded.
Overall, I want to support the idea. However, I have a few concerns that I'd like answered first.
What happens to my items if the leader/creator of one of these guilds quits the game, deletes his character(s), gets banned, or disbands the guild?
I'm concerned that I might not get my items back in this situation. Is this a legitimate fear?
Can a guild leader/creator access my items that are for sale in his/her guild's store?
By this, I mean, could he/she potentially steal my items, or adjust their price?
What happens to my items if a guild leader/creator boots me from the guild while my items are for sale?
Are there any other risks of which I should be made aware?
Edited by crush83 on April 7, 2014 7:40PM