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Dual Wielding Summoner. Anyone try it?

I'm thinking of making a 'Sorc' class that will be wearing leather armor, armed with 2 1-handed weapons (bow as my swap), and uses Daedric summoning. I'm planning on making it a heavy stamina user with a light amount of health.

I have a few questions about this:

1. Does the amount of points you put in Magika do anything to increase the damage or health of your summon?
2. Does choosing a Sroc over a nightblade have any other negative drawbacks besides losing the assassination line of skills?
3. Has anyone tried this with success?
  • Kyosji
    Anyone try this? Would like to know their input before I create one.
  • Rosebloome
    If you want to dual wield as a sorc. I can give one tip. Wear full medium and build around the morph of Surge, Critical Surge. Run bound armor. Use flurry morphed to rapid strikes and the first ability in DW line morphed into blood craze.

    Suddenly, you got a pve self healing machine.


    Though honestly the summons can work, but not end game. They don't scale, least thats what I heard. They're good for leveling though.
  • infeareal
    Summons are great when you have a boss style mob or run into a large group. Most of your soloing is going to be 1 - 2 mobs and they are lacking in that area. You will kill most things before they get a chance to do much. Although the boss thing is super handy, I can take most of the outdoor spawns that require a small group if I play it right and kite properly.
  • Vikova
    I haven't tried this, but now I kind of want to. Interesting idea. Looks like one of my mules will be used for this.
  • RustyBlades
    I've been rolling a 2h summoner with decent success - due to lag or barney being apathetic to combat, it doesn't look like my pet does much but the damage output is decent. I've been rolling with heavy armor. If you roll leather armor your bread and butter will be crits and physical weapon damage (as the leather boons only seem to affect physical attacks). With mine I am going for defense while my pet does the damage. Curse seems to be a good dot payoff as a 50% or less health MOB simply dies when that thing fires off.

    I only die when I do something stupid. At level 8 she is rolling along fine in this setup but doesn't feel very DPS, which I guess is right since as I said, she is rolling defense.

    IRG to leather and 2h weapons, that seems to work nicely with my hammer wielding dragon knight. He seems to be doing good with his setup and dot fire attacks. Since he is focusing on close combat, the second fire skill he got was morphed into an aoe which worked out nicely.
  • Seraseth
    I dual wield on my sorc, though I mostly focus still on the magic side. I have my clannfear to distract adds for me, use the knockdown and lightning magic skills, then stab them in the face repeatedly with flurry. This way I'm using up both resource bars. I also use lightning form if I have to take multiple mobs at once, like the 3 scamps before doshia.
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