Destabilizator wrote: »First thing that came to me when I first saw my char holding 2h maul. This is a maul?! Then I saw heavy attack with 2h axe... pure disbelief.
So yeah, please make them bigger, I think size of Lyris' axe would be nice and not over the top.
I doubt that. Real two handed weapons were actually not as big as most people think. But as someone already mentioned: its a fantasy game. So no need for realism. In the end it comes to taste. And as mention im totally d'accord with those rather "small" weapons.slumber_sandb16_ESO wrote: »[...] to flail a tiny axe that even I could swing around with no problem using only one hand.
I doubt that. Real two handed weapons were actually not as big as most people think. But as someone already mentioned: its a fantasy game. So no need for realism. In the end it comes to taste. And as mention im totally d'accord with those rather "small" weapons.
ron.spark79_ESO wrote: »just a heads up, I am fairly certain that petitions aren't allowed in the forums.
What i liked about Skyrim, is that the two handed weapons were big. When you met a Bandit Chief with a two handed weapon (be it a great sword, battle axe or hammer), there was a voice in your said saying "Oh crap".
In ESO, the Greatswords are nice and big, carrying on this line of big heavy two handed weapons. Unfortunately, the Battleaxes and Mauls (Hammers) are...small in comparison.
I am here to ask the devs to beef up the Battleaxes and Mauls considerably. They do not have to be the same size as Greatswords, but enough to bring out some fear by just its appearance.
Anyone here agree with me? at least where the size of the Battleaxes and Mauls require a size buff?
Note: This is all just an aesthetic petition.