Suggestion for larger two handed battle axes and Mauls.

What i liked about Skyrim, is that the two handed weapons were big. When you met a Bandit Chief with a two handed weapon (be it a great sword, battle axe or hammer), there was a voice in your said saying "Oh crap".

In ESO, the Greatswords are nice and big, carrying on this line of big heavy two handed weapons. Unfortunately, the Battleaxes and Mauls (Hammers) are...small in comparison.

I am here to ask the devs to beef up the Battleaxes and Mauls considerably. They do not have to be the same size as Greatswords, but enough to bring out some fear by just its appearance.

Anyone here agree with me? at least where the size of the Battleaxes and Mauls require a size buff?

[Moderator Note: Edited title per our rules on Petitions]
Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 24, 2015 4:33PM
mDKs still need a lot of love!
  • Destabilizator
    First thing that came to me when I first saw my char holding 2h maul. This is a maul?! Then I saw heavy attack with 2h axe... pure disbelief.
    So yeah, please make them bigger, I think size of Lyris' axe would be nice and not over the top.
    Vertor et revertor.
  • ZoM_Head
    First thing that came to me when I first saw my char holding 2h maul. This is a maul?! Then I saw heavy attack with 2h axe... pure disbelief.
    So yeah, please make them bigger, I think size of Lyris' axe would be nice and not over the top.

    I was so going to mention her huge battleaxe, but got worried that someone will quote me saying "She is a giant, she is supposed to have giant weapons" or something similar ;)
    mDKs still need a lot of love!
  • Destabilizator
    I wish I could be as big as that lady! And I have sliders all the way up! I remember when in Aion, you could make really huge characters, yet their walking speed was same as if you have short legs, it had really "striding giant" feel :D
    Then her axe could smash tunnel in the rock, I could live with mine just being bigger :)
    Edited by Destabilizator on April 7, 2014 11:39AM
    Vertor et revertor.
  • RustyBlades
    A tall elf is still 6-8" shorter than her. She is 1/2 titan.. anyways I did find the 2h battle axes and hammers/mauls a bit small. My guess is that the historical weapons of this type were researched and used vs anime' style.
  • Delte
    WoW is that way
    They are kind of realistic in size when you look at our own weapons of the same types.

    Any bigger and no one would be able to swing them.
  • agnurlin
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah people are so forgetful about real life when we can go invisible, become werewolves, teleport around and most importantly, fling magic around like it ain't no thing.

    Beef'm up I say.
  • Jonnymorrow
    Agree big time. I want bigger and better looking two hand weapons.
  • coolerking
    Yep, agreed. I'm a two-handed swinger and while the Uppercut skill is awesomely cool it - and all my other 2H skills - would look even better if the 2H weapons were slightly larger. The size difference between 1H and 2H isn't big enough.
  • Gedalya
    I'll just leave this here....

    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator:
  • Yeshir
    I like the actual size of the 2h weapons. I always disliked the huge and rediculous look of those anime-like weapons. Its refreshing to see a new style out there which obviously is closer to real weapons. I can understand that some people like big weapons better. I, on the other hand, do not count towards those people.
    Edited by Yeshir on April 7, 2014 3:30PM
  • slumber_sandb16_ESO
    I wrote the same thing in the beta forums saying the two handed axes and maces felt tiny and well.. pathetic. Kinda disappointed they remain the same weak size.

    Only greatswords look and feel like a two handed weapon while the axe and hammer weapons look like one handed weapons with a slightly larger handle.
    It looks very weak when my strong orcish warrior is using two hands to flail a tiny axe that even I could swing around with no problem using only one hand.
  • Yeshir
    [...] to flail a tiny axe that even I could swing around with no problem using only one hand.
    I doubt that. Real two handed weapons were actually not as big as most people think. But as someone already mentioned: its a fantasy game. So no need for realism. In the end it comes to taste. And as mention im totally d'accord with those rather "small" weapons.
  • jerzey_gamer
    Yeah, I highly doubt they will change an aesthetic aspect of the game just because a few people prefer larger 2-handers. I understand where ya'll are coming from, but it's nothing that bothers me too much. Unless it's game-breaking, they're not going to change it. Doesn't hurt to dream, though! ;)
    "The problem with quotes on the internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
    Gawjo - VR15 Nord DK DPS [US] | 50 Alchemy/Blacksmithing/Provisioning
  • Shaikar
    I like the 2h weapons the way they are. They look like actual 2h weapons, rather than inflatable comedy ones.
  • slumber_sandb16_ESO
    Yeshir wrote: »
    I doubt that. Real two handed weapons were actually not as big as most people think. But as someone already mentioned: its a fantasy game. So no need for realism. In the end it comes to taste. And as mention im totally d'accord with those rather "small" weapons.

    That's very true I agree, real life two handed weapons aren't as big as games usually portray them. What I'm comparing to though is mainly Skyrim since it was the latest Elder Scrolls game before ESO. Two handed axes and hammers in that game were large but not oversized or unrealistic, personally I think they should be closer to those sizes in ESO. Just my own opinion of course.

    Hopefully there will be more varying sizes in late game though.

    Not that it really matters in the end though, just a small aesthetic thing :p

    Edit: Here's a loading screen, ESO's own artwork.


    Look at the two handed axe, that's how they should be imo.
    Edited by slumber_sandb16_ESO on April 7, 2014 8:42PM
  • Droxx
    Pardon this one... as he travels from Video game to Video game looking to make his own Presea like character, Each time Khajiit is finding disappointment. Dont missunderstand Droxx-sama, he enjoys eso, in fact he loves his eso. But he feels he is sporting a little baby 2h orc battle axe. Khajiit would expect orc style to be the biggest, Yes? but it has looked like a toothpick upon the back of his female khajiit character. This one understand his character is but 1/4th the maximum khajiit height but he would ask for a very much bigger axe. He would like having a battle axe as Lyris does, Yes?

    Edited by Droxx on April 19, 2014 6:51AM
    This one would prefer a Lyris sized Battleaxe at his back, Yes?
  • Iago
    just a heads up, I am fairly certain that petitions aren't allowed in the forums.
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • Droxx
    just a heads up, I am fairly certain that petitions aren't allowed in the forums.

    Excuse this Khajiit... where should he ask for such an axe.

    Edited by Droxx on April 19, 2014 6:54AM
    This one would prefer a Lyris sized Battleaxe at his back, Yes?
  • Iago
    it's not so much that he asked in the wrong place. Its that he used the word "petition" in the tittle.
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • LadyInTheWater
    Boys, boys...

    Honestly, it doesn't have to be huge, as long as you know how to use it.
    The moment you call someone stupid, or try to display your opinion as "fact", you lose all credibility.
  • ShaDowMo5eS
    Soul Shriven
    I agree. The axes should be larger but I understand not making an entire change to something when some users must be accustomed to the current size. I'm sure there's a lot out there that actually like the axes so I wouldn't mind if they did not change it but for players like us they should at least add some new style types that we can craft. I think I have seen on most forums that people can agree there is a lot of ugly armor/weapons in ESO in comparison to Skyrim. If they want to keep what they have currently, fine; but at least add some new stuff maybe in an expansion because there's a good amount of weapons/armor that I just feel has no real flare to it. A whole lot of bland.
  • Robbmrp
    ZoM_Head wrote: »
    What i liked about Skyrim, is that the two handed weapons were big. When you met a Bandit Chief with a two handed weapon (be it a great sword, battle axe or hammer), there was a voice in your said saying "Oh crap".

    In ESO, the Greatswords are nice and big, carrying on this line of big heavy two handed weapons. Unfortunately, the Battleaxes and Mauls (Hammers) are...small in comparison.

    I am here to ask the devs to beef up the Battleaxes and Mauls considerably. They do not have to be the same size as Greatswords, but enough to bring out some fear by just its appearance.

    Anyone here agree with me? at least where the size of the Battleaxes and Mauls require a size buff?

    Note: This is all just an aesthetic petition.

    They need to increase the size of the two handed weapons by 30%(excluding some greatswords). That would give them the look that we were hoping for when making them. The 2h battleaxe is only slightly bigger than the normal 1h ax with two blades.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • Shunravi
    Hello old thread, welcome back to the front page.
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
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