This video shows a huge flaw in the ESO-dungeon/group system.
Sofar i haven't had this happen to me, but i can imagine the aggravation it
would cause to the players who has it done to them.
This is literally players exploiting bad ingame mechanics to ruin the gameplay
of other players, and thriving on it.
vladimilianoub17_ESO1 wrote: »Bump!!This is a huge bad design.Hoping it get noticed and prioritized along with the BC dungeon bugged.My suggestions.
1st of all get a kicked player out of the instance,I think that's the biggest mistake,leaving kicked player inside the instance.
2nd You guys have made chests more important than boss fights.Increase boss loot in a way that make more sense to pay attention to fights than looking around for chests.
3rd Reduce chests quantity in dungeons or add a roll system for chests(not for bosses I still love instanced loot) or make chest loot instanced too?
I consider this developments errors to be of novice development caliber specially when there is many other games to take examples from.
Edit:Another idea that just came to mind for chests.I normally run dungeons with friends so we focus on finishing the instance and when done we go on a free for all chest grabbing which is actually a lot of fun as you see players running like crazy trying to pick the most chests but all of that after the instance is finished.So I suggest that all chests only spawn when the instance is completed maybe even giving some kind of screen message.I find this to be a good solution,chests spawn when instance completed along with kicked players being ported out of instance.