They fleece you for using the mail too. In addition to charging you a fee based on the value of the items being mailed, if you send them COD, you get hit for the cash price as well.
otomodachi wrote: »They fleece you for using the mail too. In addition to charging you a fee based on the value of the items being mailed, if you send them COD, you get hit for the cash price as well.
It is in fact exceedingly annoying trying to set up a sale where the buyer pays full postage because the more you raise the COD the more the postage goes up, and vice versa.
rnehrlichub17_ESO wrote: »The guild store fees are insane. The listing fee should be returned when a sale is made and be in place as a security deposit system to prevent early removal of listings. As it is right now, market value of many crafting goods minus the 25% hit are less than what I can vendor them for on the guild store, which a very sad state of affairs.
DotAwkward wrote: »
DotAwkward wrote: »You are correct. I took a closer look at my sales today and you don't get the amount back when it sells.
On a related note - they really need to add something in the mail that tells you what sold.