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Share Your Experince in PVP

since alot of use cant log in right now lets share your experince in pvp via video or wteva you please

to be honest pvp feels like a massive *** rather the skill based
  • Turskanpotka
    Playing from Eu, lag was too bad to even try to hit people with melee weapons, so i just spammed my ranged abilities until mana&stamina ran out and i dropped dead.

    Did some healing too, but mana ran out way too fast. For some reason my mana regen rates are halved in cyrodil compared to the pve side.

    Just waiting for the servers to move to Europe before i do any more pvp.
  • itsmalarky
    Once I hit 10, my brother and I went out to cut off reinforcements to a battle taking place over a northern keep. Everything went really well. No lag, frame-rates above 50 at all times, and the only hiccup was when my fuse blew......which I can't blame zeni for.

    For the most part, we engaged everyone we could at range. At one point, we'd probably taken out at least a dozen people at one choke point before the covenant got wise and we had to move. It was all great fun, and I can't wait until I'm higher level to take more of an active role.

    I'm loving how brutal combat is. It seems like every decision carries its own risk, and the fact that you actually have to run back to the battle if you lose a keep maintains a good pacing, and really makes you question the decision to run headlong into battle.
    Edited by itsmalarky on April 8, 2014 1:57PM
    Broban - Nord Skirmisher, of the Ebonheart Compact
    Murder Inc. | Wabbajack
    Malarky | 80 Ranger | Age of Conan
    Markran| RR11 Scout | DAOC, Guinevere
  • awkwarrd
    I can't share my Experience in PVP, because we barely get any anymore.

    How the hell do people level up in pvp now?
    I thought they dev's said you can go from 10-50 leveling up in pvp.
    I don't see it.
  • Smellyfed
    awkwarrd wrote: »
    I can't share my Experience in PVP, because we barely get any anymore.

    How the hell do people level up in pvp now?
    I thought they dev's said you can go from 10-50 leveling up in pvp.
    I don't see it.

    I principally had to quit PVP for this very reason.
  • Lizard_man
    Not alot of fun too be honest, lots of running around, lots of getting my ass handed to me by Veteran rank players, repetitive and lots of lag!

    I'll jump on again of course, but for now, this is the first time I've exited the game purely out of boredom and frustration...
  • Smellyfed
    Lizard_man wrote: »
    Not alot of fun too be honest, lots of running around, lots of getting my ass handed to me by Veteran rank players, repetitive and lots of lag!

    I'll jump on again of course, but for now, this is the first time I've exited the game purely out of boredom and frustration...

    It is important after you've had your ass handed to you to stop for a second and ask yourself why. Believe me, I've gotten waxed more than I like to admit in Cyrodill too but in retrospect a lot of times it was because I pushed too far and got left out in the air.

    If I'm in a line of battle now - I'm always checking my perimeter, making sure I'm holding my spot, not advancing too aggressively. Watching to see if our flanks are getting rolled or sometimes even an envelopment. Was I standing too long in once place? Did I put myself into a choke point or stand under a boiling pot of oil.

    Take the time to ask yourself why - take the time to recognize what the other player did right to get an advantage on you. Learn those lessons and you'll be better next time.
  • Lizard_man
    Some good points Smellyfed, I'm sure I'll get some fun out of it in the end...

  • Niminion
    I also agree with you Smellyfed, this is the first game I've played where flanking is HUGE. Many deaths occur while everything is going fine and then suddenly a group rushes from the trees/rocks/corner of the keep beside the main group and half the zerg shatters.

    One epic battle we were defending and our wall was about to go down, everyone grouped up by the side door, rushed out around and wiped the siege equipment while half the enemy zerg was humping the wall then rolled the rest and chased the remnants all the way back to their keep and took it!

    Because damage is so high in pvp, initiative, awareness, and positioning are very important. More realistic, I like it a lot, can't wait till 50!
  • Lizard_man
    I just find (for the moment anyway) that my abilities aren't good enough, especially the range. I have to move close enough to the enemies to actually fire off any spells, I get stunned and it's all over!

    I'm sticking to PvE for the moment, at least until I get some better spells, better gear, etc...
  • BladeBoques
    Good thread mate, I wasn't going to make a separate thread for this so since you've got one this was a pretty cool video of the final moments in Claiming a Daggerfall Emperor!
  • calico19672000ub17_ESO
    I'll post one - this is a little less personal than what I've read above in this thread. I mean, it all happened to the group I was in, but this is less about what *I* did, and more about how the whole series of battles went for our group...

    So, I heard a story once that after we defeated the Germans in WWII, we were rolling all our many, MANY tanks down their streets, and there was some comment from their leaders about "oh, so this is how the rich wage war". I now know what that feels like (except in ESO I was the good guys, of course - FOR THE PACT! )

    Get onto the PvP map, and see a group getting formed, so I join up - 3 of us. But the group leader advertises, and soon we get the "you are now in a big group" message, and soon after that we have about 10 of us! We head out from Chalman keep and assault Bleakers Outpost. We had managed to scrape together about 3 siege weapons (I guess we were all low level, with no funds, but I did have a flame-blasting trebuchet!) Basically, no real PvP opponents showed up, so we just killed off the NPC guards, and took it. Hurray us!

    We are feeling cocky, so we go "let's go take Aleswell!". We get there and start setting up to attack the walls, but this time the enemy PCs are waiting for us - true PvP at last! Out little group is pretty much full at this point. About 20 of us. We are not great, so they plant a couple siege weapons of their own up on their walls and hold us off.

    Then, well, came our defeat. They held us off until they get enough reinforcements showing up to drive us off. We never did do much of a coordinated attack - setting up siege weapons all over the place (again, the few that we had). I still don't completely understand how to break Cc, or how stealth works, and I'm sure that many in our group didn't even know you can do either of those things. So we are not actually very good yet (well, some of the group might have been, I guess I can't type for everyone). They came out in stealth, and took us down little by little. And then they counter attacked Bleak! The nerve. But wait, the map is also showing an attack on our Southern border (Drakelowe)! Is one a fake to distract us? We stick with Bleak, because we don't have enough to fight a two front war anyway. After a while the "attack" symbol at Drake goes away.

    But then I have just died, so I volunteer to respawn/port over to Drake just to see what's going on. I mean, I can port right back if nothing. I arrive, JUST in time to see the enemy putting up siege weapons. I sound the alarm! I call for help! I sneak around the top of the battlements, detailing enemy numbers. "Guys, I see no less than 6 siege weapons - they are here in force!"

    But we still have only that little group of 20 people. We can't really defend both places. So me and about 4 other guys put up a token defense. The best part was when I got to set up burning oil and pour it down on the helpless bad guys attacking our keep door. :smiling_imp: But... "Drake is lost! I repeat, Drake is lost!" Bleak is still holding at least.

    Then there is a prediction in Chat - watch for an attack on Blue Road Keep! They own Sejanus, they can just port over there and advance!

    A few of us wait at BRK, and sure enough, here they come. Again, though, not enough of us to really put up much defense. BRK falls after some more oil pouring. :smiling_imp:

    By this time, "Blue" has finally taken Bleak. And now both are advancing on Chalman!

    We race like the wind to Chalman. I get there and get inside the keep before the siege begins. And we see the enemy siege weapons going up. OMG, they have about 30 of them! FRICKING THIRTY OF THEM! Well, we still have our walls... and you can setup defensive siege weapons on the walls. So I put a bloody fire throwing ballista up on the wall, and proceed to kill those suckers, and burn their siege weapons. But did I mention they had 30 of them? Jeesh - they finally target me up on the wall, and I die. By the time I run back they have breached the outer wall and have set up squads to kill off our reinforcements as we try to sneak past and get back to the keep (there are not enough of us to really do much against them out in the open - remember, we are not very good). I die again. The call comes ("EVERYONE TO THE CHALAMO!" :smile: ) that they are just about through the door - bring some repair kits! I have some, and I try to sneak in again so that I can help repair the door. Again I am caught, and mercilessly slaughtered.

    And finally Chalman falls. We defended it for quite a while actually. I don't know which side got it. We retreated further back to one of our, I think, two remaining keeps and hoped they would now just attack and kill each other so that we can counter attack and get revenge later.

    So this is a blast so far, for me. Feels like we are actually fighting a war (or what I imagine a sword & sorcery war would feel like) - even though it sucked to be on the losing side of it right now. But, unlike another PvP environment I just came from that I won't name - I didn't see a single "you all suck, we would be winning this if you were not all terribads that should just uninstall the game" message. Where did all these positive people come from? Maybe it's just accepted because we are definitely the poorest group on the map (out of the 3 factions) probably because we have the least number of players. 30 siege weapons! Yipes! I think I'm going to have nightmares. :scream:
  • Singular
    That was an interesting read :)

    My experience goes like this:

    'Wow, this is amazing! Love the siege engines. Ok, time to engage someone"

    <takes 10 minutes to get back to the battle>
    <takes 10 minutes to get back to the battle>
    <give up, run to some other location>

    And then I go back to pve to level up more.
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • Asava
    Singular wrote: »
    That was an interesting read :)

    My experience goes like this:

    'Wow, this is amazing! Love the siege engines. Ok, time to engage someone"

    <takes 10 minutes to get back to the battle>
    <takes 10 minutes to get back to the battle>
    <give up, run to some other location>

    And then I go back to pve to level up more.

    That about sums it up. Rinse, run 10 minutes, repeat.....
  • danteafk
    PvP in this game is everything but skill based. Just run around and AoE dps and AoE heal everything, a huge clusterfu-ck button spamming.
  • maniacal1
    Here I thought I'd be playing this game for the PvP...if I stay, it's only because the PvE entertains me. At least until Warlords of Draenor comes out.

    My experience in PvP is much like most others, it seems. Ride for minutes on end to the battlefield, toss out a heal or two, catch a glimpse of red smoke before a nightblade insta-kills me and sends me back for another scenic tour of Cyrodil.

    With the way the respawns are right now, the PvP in this game is a test of patience, and only the most hardcore guilds will find it enjoyable. If I run into a Nightblade as a Templar, I'm *** before I even know what's happening. If I run into a mage, they either teleport out of sight and gank me from behind a minute later or they outright nuke me from the get-go. If I run into a DK, there's a 50/50 chance I can win, and that's about the best odds I get. However when I do die, which is very, very often, it's almost always instantaneously and the few times I get to see it happen my guy is stunned on the ground kicking his heels like an infant and unable to fight back.

    All of this would be manageable if I didn't have to spend three-times as much time running back and forth to the fights than I did actually fighting. I'm done with PvP, will not go back to Cyrodil even for the skyshards. It seems like such a huge *** waste of time.
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