Deadly whispers - Spindleclutch glitched?


I've got a party of 4 together for spindleclutch, deadly whispers quest. We failed on the last boss, so went back to do it today. The first cave won't get cleared, even though we've cleared the second cave and the quest has been updated. We got through the entire dungeon killed the final boss, tried to do it all again, no Praxin won't move forward from the beginning of the cave.

So we can't move on or ever complete the quest? Anyone had this issue?
  • Castielle
    Had the same issue today. Between Banished Cells and this, I may put dungeoning on hold for awhile until they can get them fixed. It really sucks because I'll be out of the level range to play it soon. Hopefully at 50 it will be fixed...

  • sully73
    Yea that's a issue for a lot of players. I had it happen but was able to finally competle all the low level dungeons yesterday.

    If that happens the work around my group used was leave spindlecluth and disband group and reform then renter. It should reset the dungeon and it might progress as it is supposed to. My group had to do it 2-3 times it sucks but it was the only way to get it to work.
  • Seraseth
    Same issue today. Disbanded, then tried again, same problem a 2nd time.
  • zaria
    Seems to be up and down first BC was bugged and stayed so, second time went fine, today was bugged but fixed after reset.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • TomSamuel
    Same here , played threw three times with the same error . Hope its fixed soon . Like teaming up , hate not beating it :(
  • TwistedRiddlesb14_ESO
    We had this problem twice yesterday. Was hoping the issue would get resolved with today's patch, but it isn't listed in the fixes. Hopefully it just got ninja fixed.
  • TomSamuel
    Yea , I hope. logging on now to see
  • Seraseth
    I didn't want to spend the time getting a group together only to find it still broken. I'm waiting on one of you brave souls to come back with news. :p
  • Dagoth_Rac
    I have never played an MMO before, just the regular Elder Scrolls games. I did my first dungeon over the weekend, just with some randoms. I was so proud of myself for finishing it while only getting us all killed once! Then, um, no, I didn't finish it. First cave won't clear and the quest will not finish. Very anti-climactic.

    When you reach a certain character level are you not allowed into Spindleclutch? Or is it just that it becomes pointless because you'll just roll over the enemies too easily and get loot that is no longer useful for your character?
  • Torigoma
    You Have to stay with the NPCs.
  • Darrett
    When you do the first fight, make sure you're hearing the Whisperer talk to you. If she isn't, then the group doesn't advance and the instance is bugged.

    Had it work perfectly tonight, though.
  • madmacb16_ESO
    managed to reset it by

    exiting the dungeon then
    go to another starter zone
    shut down the game
    then start the game up again and
    go back to the dungeon

    well worked for me
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