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I have a problem with a level 40 Quest (possible spoilers)

So I have to kill the Dark Mane and I am doing okay till the point where he vanishes and the 6 cats appear. I can't kill all 6 (3 was the best I was able to do) before he gets back and once he is back he just kills me with the help of the other kittens. It is especially frustrating as I can't even use the complete room to move and have to watch out not to get to close to the entrance or to the sides or the fight will just reset.

I am playing a Nightblade (dual wield / bow).

Could someone please give me an advice for this fight?
  • Sykotik_ESO
    Honestly I think it may be bugged out, because I would bring him down...cats would spawn...then I'd kill all 6 and he'd come back full health and it would start all over again and again and again.

    This was last night though so I will try again later today.
  • cher.stewartub17_ESO
    Work around: I just finished this quest after the same problem as you guys. The way I got it to stop resetting was to kill the final 2 cats that spawn on the platform they spawn on. They didn't despawn and Mane came back at half health.
  • allanonusnub17_ESO
    Ran this duo with a friend earlier tonight, and had no issues. If your having trouble take a team mate in. Its a teamable instance.
  • Red
    I ran into this issue six times in a row.

    Finally I found that kiting the dark mane off of the platform he starts on into the middle of the room BEFORE he hits half health resolved it. All the failure times I had fought him right where he starts, and then as soon as I tried kiting him off it worked first try.
  • Galeon
    Was able to do it in a team earlier tonight. Thank you though for the advices.
  • Zeo
    Well tried all of this doesn't help a bit this guy keeps despawning....
  • Sykotik_ESO
    What did it for me after endless tries was a combination of 2 peoples ways. First I dragged him over to the edge of the entrance room and got him to 50% then he dissapeared and I ran to where he spawned. I waited on the side hidden so all the cats would walk by then he spawned in the center and ran towards me and I finished him

    You could also try dragging him to entrance room but keep in LoS of cats and wait and he may respawn for you at half HP and if not try only dosing him exactly on his spawn spot and wait there again for him after.

    Keep trying and trying and trying and eventually you will get it I guarantee.
  • cher.stewartub17_ESO
    The only thing you need to do is kill all of the cats on their platforms quickly so they don't despawn. The cats despawning is what is resetting the fight.
  • Sumpfheini
    tried everything like 20 times, even if I manage to kill all 6 cats in time he just respawns full health no matter where he stands
  • Sykotik_ESO
    Just keep being persistent, constantly trying different things, it will eventually happen just takes awhile lol. I must have done it 50 times for it to finally work.
  • ola.wilhelmssonb16_ESO
    Just keep being persistent, constantly trying different things, it will eventually happen just takes awhile lol. I must have done it 50 times for it to finally work.

    And running up a HUGE repair bill while trying... xP
  • WhiteScythe
    Just managed to somehow complete the previous part.... AND then to get stuck on this.

    What the HELL.

    Really annoying..
    NA-PC Daggerfall Covenant #dcforlife
  • WhiteScythe
    NA-PC Daggerfall Covenant #dcforlife
  • Mordikye
    Yeah I had to drop an Ultimate on ALL the panthers at once, then he came back 50% health.
  • serrion
    Same. It's flat out *** >.< they fix one part of it, then the very next quest in line is even more frustratingly broken D: I just want to god damn play the game...
  • trixsterjl_ESO
    confirm you have to get up on the steps he spawns on when 3rd set of cats spawn. if you dont have them pretty much dead you are in trouble. He didnt seem to be showing is attacks. He was standing there hitting me for huge chunks half the time. Big dps should be able to burn this pretty easy just fight all the spawns where he starts.
  • tophernub18_ESO1
    Soul Shriven
    confirm you have to get up on the steps he spawns on when 3rd set of cats spawn. if you dont have them pretty much dead you are in trouble. He didnt seem to be showing is attacks. He was standing there hitting me for huge chunks half the time. Big dps should be able to burn this pretty easy just fight all the spawns where he starts.

    Worked for me: killed wolves three times, but then after reading this, went up his steps.. killed wolves 4th time (radiant sun ftw) and he came out half health. 40 secs later: done.

  • Bouvin
  • TieFighter
    ^ this isnt what it looks like when i go through it. the 4th set of cats despawn 5 seconds after they spawn, even if i dont attack them, and the mane reappears at full health. after 20 mins of repetitiveness i googled it
    Edited by TieFighter on April 29, 2014 8:39AM
    Da'Hui DC imperial mage dragonknight(retired but retained)
    Hand Saryn Valor EP dunmer templar(mage/healer)
    Pergan Asuul AD dunmer dragonknight(dps firemage)
    Mi'Mosa EP imperial nightblade(stamina)
    Limu'Kai EP Sahxleel dragonknight(vampire mage)
  • DukeofChutney
    Ran this duo with a friend earlier tonight, and had no issues. If your having trouble take a team mate in. Its a teamable instance.
    That isnt the point, it should be able to be done solo, its a broken quest if you have to work around it.
    Heroes in a Half Shell
  • comradecatfish
    Same problem as above. No matter how fast I kill all cats, he just reset back with full hp. I've tried ALL possible methods with no result... It's just another broken quest...
  • dweez
    Soul Shriven
    I'm a lvl 47 Nightblade bow/dual blade and I'm barely getting to the first spawn of cats. What super secret technique am I missing here?

    Figures, the moment I post this, the very next run I got him. Decided to just ignore the cats and blast on the Mane and got him down pretty fast.
    Edited by dweez on May 29, 2014 12:45AM
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