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You will also think that these aspects are unbalanced?

You will also find that these aspects are unbalanced ?

1 ) some monsters and enemies have " tele - guided " attacks . Some shoot fireballs or arrows or objects that follow you. It is useless to dodge or run sideways . For example , I happened to hide behind walls or obstacles and these fireballs cross the wall and obstacles and reach me .

2 ) when I face a group of enemies , sometimes I retreat to regain energy and life. When advancing again to attack the same enemies , they have recovered fully from the damage that I caused . This is causing back a little to strike again is useless . You can not use this strategy . The enemies should keep damage previously caused even by other players .

3 ) opponents drop very little gold. If I kill a wolf lvl4 , or any other enemy , both drop 2 gold coins . Initially only 2 gold coins is very little . And the more difficult to defeat enemies , should drop more coins .

4 ) gain very little money , the items are too cheap to sell and too expensive to buy . At level 6 I was just 1200 gold coins . I could not buy anything . What compels me to only use items that enemies drop .I wish I could freely buy in stores and improve the game experience.

The game is great but I feel that only in some aspects (as mentioned) the game leaves a simple task sometimes be turned into hours of overwork (in case you have to kill a lot to get very little gold). Not a criticism, it's just some things personally felt a bit messed fun.
Be a person of whom the world is not worthy.
  • jmwhalenjrub17_ESO
    2. You disengaged from the fight to heal yourself. The NPCs did the same thing.

    3. I've gotten to level 18 upgraded my bag three times at a total cost of 9500 gold and still have almost 10K gold on me. Keep in mind I haven't sold anything to another player. That mob that only dropped 1 or 2 gold likely also dropped an item that's only use is to sell to a merchant, possibly a potion of some sort, or a white piece of gear. Loot them and when your bags get full go back to town and sell them to a merchant. If a mob drop an iron axe for example and you don't need to deconstruct it that another 1-10 gold when sold to a merchant depending on the level of the item.

    4. What are you trying to buy at level 6 that cost more than 1200 gold? And why are you trying to buy gear from a merchant? Especially in the early levels craft your gear upgrades. Don't buy the overpriced random gear boxes from merchants. it is a waste of gold.
  • Sarenia
    A singular point I can agree on is the auto-magically following attacks.

    If I dodge-roll away from a fireball, I expect it to miss. Likewise, the frostball that I fired off, I expect to miss if my enemies quickly moves.

    Auto-magic missile tracking is lazy code and boring.
  • HardyHero
    2. You disengaged from the fight to heal yourself. The NPCs did the same thing.

    3. I've gotten to level 18 upgraded my bag three times at a total cost of 9500 gold and still have almost 10K gold on me. Keep in mind I haven't sold anything to another player. That mob that only dropped 1 or 2 gold likely also dropped an item that's only use is to sell to a merchant, possibly a potion of some sort, or a white piece of gear. Loot them and when your bags get full go back to town and sell them to a merchant. If a mob drop an iron axe for example and you don't need to deconstruct it that another 1-10 gold when sold to a merchant depending on the level of the item.

    4. What are you trying to buy at level 6 that cost more than 1200 gold? And why are you trying to buy gear from a merchant? Especially in the early levels craft your gear upgrades. Don't buy the overpriced random gear boxes from merchants. it is a waste of gold.

    About heal my self and NPD do the same... the NPCs recover all the health if they lose sight of me. It is wise to maintain the level of health or damage and not have all the health reestablished when another player to experience this with NPC's overall health.

    How can you reach this amount of gold?
    I like to explore the map and collect itens to make potions,food, etc. But im aways poor lol. Now I collected 250 gold from quests and expend 390 to fix al my armor/swords/shields... Definitely I have to get a job lol

    Sarenia wrote: »
    Auto-magic missile tracking is lazy code and boring.

    Be a person of whom the world is not worthy.
  • Xionar
    I can only agree with point 1...never do I have money issues, though I never really buy anything, because there's almost nothing worth buying this early in the game, apart from maybe craft improving mats, but it's even a bit early for that still. All I'm saving for is a fast horse ;)

    I disagree with point 2 completely. If you can disengage and recover hp, so should your enemies.
  • Vikova
    1) This isn't "balancing." It is just how they decided to make the spells function. Yes, it can be annoying - but they are small enough attacks to not be relevant. The important ones have indicators that they are charging up or where they will land. The game is encouraging dodging the ones you can, and interrupting the ones you can't.

    2) You retreated too far out of combat and reset the NPC.

    3 & 4) You are not intended to buy everything. The game has a very extensive crafting system that allows you to keep making gear relevant for your level - if you use your crafting professions, you will slowly be saving gold over time instead of wasting it on vendors. Also, join a large trading guild - people are willing to throw stuff up for far less than you can purchase it at a vendor instead of selling it to a vendor for minimal gain.
  • Teroh
    1) its magic and if you roll at the right time you can dodge a spell

    2) they dont regain hp unless you run so far you reset it, so stop trying to do this.

    3) lvl 39 , have 30k+ gold, respeced twice for total of around 10k gold, bought bag and bank upgrades. Did nothing but quest, and sell the occasional drop to players.

    The Fallen Legion is Recruiting, Help us Retake Cryodiil! Message me for more information.
  • Sarenia
    Teroh wrote: »
    1) its magic and if you roll at the right time you can dodge a spell

    Respectfully disagree.

    For an easy example to test, fight a scamp. When it launches a fireball, roll away at any time. it will hit you, not matter how quickly you roll.
  • maniacal1
    People keep telling me they have no issues with money, and I don't see how, or what I'm doing wrong. x_x Even in the beta my lvl 20+ barely had 10k. From what I can tell, if you horde your materials for crafting instead of selling them, you're not going to have money. And for someone like me, who loves crafting, this sucks.
  • jmwhalenjrub17_ESO
    HardyHero wrote: »

    How can you reach this amount of gold?
    I like to explore the map and collect itens to make potions,food, etc. But im aways poor lol. Now I collected 250 gold from quests and expend 390 to fix al my armor/swords/shields... Definitely I have to get a job lol

    Sarenia wrote: »
    Auto-magic missile tracking is lazy code and boring.


    Here are a couple hints for the lower levels:

    1. Stick to one primary crafting skill. For example, my character is a Dragon Knight with a Firemage build. So my main crafting skill is Clothing since I can potentially fill 7 slots with gear I make myself. This way the only inventory space I have in my bags for crafting is for Jute and Rawhide. The rest of my bag space is for potions and collecting stuff to sell to merchants in town.

    2. Don't pay for repairs if you can help it. When you go back to town make replacements for free. And if you really must repair an item you can't part with do it at a crafting merchant. Never use the field repair kits they are very overpriced.

    3. If an item has an effect like sells to merchant for 150% more don't deconstruct it for mats. Sell it to a merchant.

    4. Always fast travel from one waypoint shrine to another it is free. Never fast travel to a waypoint shrine from just anywhere on the map. It cost gold and gets more expensive every time you do it.

    5. Loot all dropped potions even it they are for a resource you don't use often. Again my DK is a Firemage, I have not a skill on my hotbars that requires Stamina. But I still loot the Stamina potions that drop of NPCs because merchants in town pay quite well for them and they stack.

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