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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Error 302 PatchError_CorruptDest

After 2 1/2 days of waiting for the client to download, I am given the above error and it tells me to use the repair button. I have heard of this fabled and mysterious repair button but have never actually seen it. I have looked at other various Error 302 posts by using the search feature, have tried many different workarounds, and who know's if it will work. I'm not going to try and download the game again and then when Monday rolls around get the same or different error. I have requested my money back and anyone with the impatience like me will do the same and go play a game that actually lets you download and install it. I'm not even considering the sh*t storm happening to tons of people that can actually get into the game and see all the pretty graphics. Crashes, freezing, lockups, NPC's disappearing. The list goes on. This game wasn't ready to launch and anyone who thinks it was is a total and complete moron. You got the moron achievement, congratulations.

My reason for even wasting my breath in posting this is the hope of tech support seeing YET ANOTHER post about YET ANOTHER error from their beloved game that they've all been working on for years and here it is launch and it's still ***. I wanted this game to succeed but now I could careless.
  • InfernoRaven
    Try restarting your launcher they seemed get it downloading again. I have used the repair tool and it doesn't seem to detect any problems anyway. Restarting the Launcher will instigate a check, find and detect any problems and resume downloading the game patches. For me it actually moved past the patch I kept getting the 302 error on and began downloading a new one. I am sorry you are disappointed in the launch but to be honest every single MMO I have ever played has had poor launches it is like buying a Launch Day Console chances are there is going to be problems. There are many things you can never account for in Beta even large scale betas certain populations of computer specs, individual computers and stress all create unheard of problems that never appeared when they were testing. These will be ironed out in the next few months.
  • synbios128
    All I could do is restart the launcher, let it do its check and continue to download at a painstaking rate. 3 gigs downloaded in 6 hours. The wait wouldn't be so bad if I knew it would work this time. I know there are tons of issues but they've had time to account for at least the client downloading aspect. Give me a torrent. Let me play at a certain percentage and then stream the rest in like some MMO's do. This is too far in the game of MMO's to be blaming it on the fact that its launch. I have no choice rather than to wait or feel like an inconsiderate, impatient a**hat trying to get a refund. I will wait. But it sucks.

  • InfernoRaven
    I managed to get to the play button, after having the same problem as you. Wouldn't launch ran the repair and found another patch, going to see if this will get me to launch. I think it requires the patience of a greybeard to get through this patch/install process to play. I bought this game at 7:00 PM on Friday and it is 3:00PM Saturday and still not in-game.
  • synbios128
    I feel your pain. I bought it Wednesday around 3 pm and got it downloading immediately. When you say, "Ran the repair", do you mean you closed the launcher and reopened it letting it do its automatic check?
  • InfernoRaven
    No, Under Game Options right above the news there is an option to Repair your game I am running that at the moment.
  • synbios128
    Okay its not showing for me. Right after error 302, it begins downloading the entire thing again. The only options showing for me now are "Updating" "Cancel" and "Settings".
  • ZOS_ChesterN
    Hail Defilers of Molag Bal!

    Here are some steps to help you troubleshoot Error 302.

    Please make sure to perform the following actions:

    - Disable your anti-virus, and firewall software as this may be causing a problem with the installation. Be sure to turn everything back on afterwards.

    - Run the installer/patcher as administrator (right click on the icon, then select run as administrator). This generally fixes any write protection or restriction issues that can sometimes cause issues.

    - Additionally, if you have overclock turned on, try turning it off.

    If for some reason this didn't resolve the issue, click on the Repair option within the patcher itself.

    Players can repair the files for The Elder Scrolls Online on their computer by following the steps below:
    1.First, start The Elder Scrolls Online launcher by double clicking on the icon on your desktop.
    2.Wait for the launcher to finish starting.
    3. On the left-hand side of the launcher, there will be an entry for The Elder Scrolls Online.
    4.If multiple games are installed, make sure to have the correct game highlighted by clicking on it once.
    5.Click on Game Option on top of the News section, and click on the option for Repair.
    6.Allow the launcher to examine all the files for the game. This will take some time.
    7.If any files are found to have problems, the launcher will re-download those files.

    If the Repair option is not visible, manually cancel the update. This should allow the Repair button to appear. If your launcher continues to update, click "Settings", and turn automatic updates off.

    If you are still not able to get past that error message, you will need to uninstall the game completely, and restart the computer. Once it is done, delete hidden folders. Click on the start button, then "Control Panel", then "Appearance and Personalization", then "Folder Options", then select the "View" tab, under "Advanced Settings" tick the "Show hidden files, folders and drives" box, and click "OK".

    Type "C:\programdata" in the address bar, find and delete Zenimax Online or ESO folder.

    Then re-download the installer from

    You can also try repeating the above process but changing the installation directory directly to the C: drive, outside of the Program Files folder.
  • synbios128
    Thanks ZOS_ChesterN. I cancelled the update and then chose repair. It is now downloading the entire 23 gigabytes again. Under "Game Options" it is now saying "Repairing" instead of "Updating". I cannot believe that it has to download the entire client again. I also turned off auto updating as stated in your instructions above. ON A SIDE NOTE: I have been looking around for a torrent file for the client and I am very tempted to give it a try. It is of the BETA version but since that will work anyway, it's worth a shot. Torrents aren't a bad word. Peer to peer isn't the devil. It may actually save a ton of people a ton of grief.
  • InfernoRaven
    Are you sure it isn't checking all 23 gigs or is it downloading? Mine checked my entire game and downloaded a 2000 MB patch then it was good to go after the repair.
  • synbios128
    After the initial error 302 that I got in went into updating again after I cleared the error window. It looked as if it started completely over. When I cancelled it according to the directions above and started the repair, it checked a bunch of files but started the download over. Instead of saying "Updating" it said "Repairing". Before I got too far, if I am going to have to download it all over again, I followed the rest of the directions, uninstalled everything, deleted remaining folders, redownloaded the 101 Mb launcher from the website again, installed it to the C: base directory and now I am downloading it all from scratch again. Before I uninstalled everything, I checked the folders to see if everything was there and all that was there was impartial split zip files. I tested out cancelling the update again and those files disappear immediately. Something in the launcher seems to think it needs to delete the game files anytime an error happens or when you cancel the download/update. I am now downloading a torrent of the beta files I found along side the official client downloading. At least I know the files wont disappear from the torrent when it's done next week. I am tempted to just go buy a boxed copy from Walmart. It would be quicker but more expensive.....
  • InfernoRaven
    What happened to me was I got the Error 302 and it began a repair check, after finding no problems with my files it attempted to download the same patch again then got 302 again then ran a check didn't find a problem downloaded the patch again 302 so I closed the launcher I rebooted it and it did a self check and downloaded a different patch than the 2000 mb one and said play, the game didn't launch when I hit play so I ran the repair it found the 2000 MB patch again and installed it just fine and now I can play. I believe the cause to be incorrect patching order. It attempted to load a patch out of sequence and when it tries patching the files with this out of sequence patch it flags an error.
  • synbios128
    I am happy you can play. Maybe one of these days I will too. I am seeing people post about having issues with the retail version of the game as well and would rather not spend another $60 just to be running into similar issues. Seems like it all worked a bit differently for you. Maybe they are trying hot fixes and putting them out as fast as they can without announcing them. The must be on this 24/7. And good on em. We will see if the torrent route works out. I am hoping it will see the files, download updates, and move on and let me play. If it deletes the files, I have a backup and wont have to wait days to get them again.
  • synbios128
    I have a fix for my issue. It is very simple but not what I wanted to do. Since I could not properly download and install the game, I went and bought a box copy. I haven't had any problems with anything since.
  • SloppyJoe
    This is the worst experience downloading a game and installing it that I've ever been a part of - I bought the game last week and haven't had any success with any suggestions. Someone please help!!!!
  • SloppyJoe
    I wish someone would help. I have sent emails to the Bethesda support contacts and here. No fix and now more than a week has gone by and my game time and purchase are useless.
  • synbios128
    I finally got an email from customer support saying they are going to give me the refund I requested a week and a half ago. Things are a bit slow near launch time and it sucks but they are there doing the best they can. I honestly should have bought the boxed copy first and I would have never ran into the issue but it was the early access that sold me on the digital version. @SloppyJoe I hope you have made some progress and are in game playing soon.
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