Daggerfall - Dominion Elite

We started out 14 years ago and keep a small community of mainly hardcore vets that like to relax more now than they had in the past. Our days of camping a raid trigger mob for three days are over. We were beholden to the Aldmeri Dominion, but the Emperor wanted to keep all of our spoils of war so we moved to Daggerfall long ago and are much happier.

We are looking for good people to fill the ranks. Skill can come later. We do a lot of grouping in guild and promote a helping atmosphere. We have a strong PvP crew that accentuates the guild.

Join us @ http://dominionelite.com or send me (Jake Wilde) a /t in game.
  • hwesterbergb14_ESO
    Happy to see the new members in the last few days and looking forward to getting into high-end PVP.

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