Nox_Aeterna wrote: »I second you OP , mostly because AH are a LOT easier to work with.
The fact im forced to join guilds to access their goods annoys me greatly.
And while totally support people that spam the chat , i prefer to play than to go back 15 years in MMO development.
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »I second you OP , mostly because AH are a LOT easier to work with.
The fact im forced to join guilds to access their goods annoys me greatly.
And while totally support people that spam the chat , i prefer to play than to go back 15 years in MMO development.
Auction houses are what ruin economy in gaming if you don't want to join a guild then you miss out. Heaven forbid you interact with people on an MMO.
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »I dont like this , im just leaching a guild slot just because i want to check what they have to sell , that simple
So you mute them so you don't have to be social?
You just reinforced the point I made.
This isn't wow... Stop trying to make it wow
I don't think developers should go to an auction house because I think their original intent was to make more of a bartering system to give the game more of that kind of feel. The guild stores and such definitely aren't a great replacement because they aren't reaching the masses as many before me have stated, and I don't think they were designed as a "replacement". I think an alternative should be put in place. My idea is a board that is accessible in the menu where players can put what they want to buy or sell without prices and transactions going through it. Leave it up to the players to contact the individual and let them barter and make the exchanges themselves. This would improve the economy and the social aspects of the game, but that is just my opinion on the matter.
I really do not want an auction house. I would, however, like "Market Days" Where we can set up a little store and sell our goods..
I know this would be chaos with potentially millions of players doing the same thing. But I just like that thought.
Trading Guilds are funIt's new and will take some getting used to. But I'd like to see how it works out before screaming for an auction house. At the moment I like it.
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »I second you OP , mostly because AH are a LOT easier to work with.
The fact im forced to join guilds to access their goods annoys me greatly.
And while totally support people that spam the chat , i prefer to play than to go back 15 years in MMO development.
Auction houses are what ruin economy in gaming if you don't want to join a guild then you miss out. Heaven forbid you interact with people on an MMO.
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »I second you OP , mostly because AH are a LOT easier to work with.
The fact im forced to join guilds to access their goods annoys me greatly.
And while totally support people that spam the chat , i prefer to play than to go back 15 years in MMO development.
Auction houses are what ruin economy in gaming if you don't want to join a guild then you miss out. Heaven forbid you interact with people on an MMO.
AH is what makes the economy it doesn't ruin cant have an economy without an open market. Right now, the ability to buy/sell/trade with people is extremely limited. 5 guildsx500 people per guild =2500 people that you can see/show items to sell....and then there is the spamming chat option....
I agree that some mmo's markets are flawed...swtor for example has no buy orders so the market greatly favors the seller...
EVE Online's market on the other hand is wonderful. Buy and sell orders and a listing of every item that can be on the market so you can just point, click and see whats in supply and whats in demand.
I would love for ESO to adopt EVE's market model, but at this point I would settle for one that everyone can access, because spamming chat is a joke, and finding people with things that I want, which they want to sell, and vice versa is next to impossible.
kemp.garretub17_ESO1 wrote: »Title says it all. To be honest I don't think guild stores are that good for trading they are to limited in design. Auction houses provide stable prices and easier accsess to trade which is why I want them I don't feel like writing the typical forum essay that others go to lengths to produce so ill just end it here
I don't really understand the guild stores yet, though I have joined a trading guild to try to figure it out. It just seems like if you don't luck out or spend all your time trading you won't get what you want, which makes me not want to bother with the system. Buying and selling is one of the dullest part of the game for me so an AH makes it quick and easy, and this system makes it a chore. I realize this is an unpopular opinion yet still I have it. It has nothing to do with wanting to make ESO into WoW. I haven't played WoW in ages and don't want to play it again.
Someone yesterday was surprised and offended nobody wanted to stand at the blacksmiths trading armour back and forth to level. Um, I want to quest and explore. Trading, selling, etc is not on my radar except when my bags are full.
kemp.garretub17_ESO1 wrote: »Title says it all. To be honest I don't think guild stores are that good for trading they are to limited in design. Auction houses provide stable prices and easier accsess to trade which is why I want them I don't feel like writing the typical forum essay that others go to lengths to produce so ill just end it here
Okay, auction houses are segregated via guild. Other MMO's do the exact same thing, except that they segregate their auction houses via shard/realm/server whatever you prefer to call it. Yes the individual markets are smaller. Yes that means there will inevitably be pricing inequities. And it is in those inequities that profit can be made by the smart man who can pay attention to the details. It also means that the same item that on a consolidated auction house would see one, or perhaps two sales generated if the initial price was overtly low. In this system a single product might see a dozen resales over the course of it's life time as it moves quietly from market to market each player taking his or her cut. And so does this single item feed into the vital gold sink mechanism so vitally essential to any healthy in game economy.
We have five guilds to work with on every account. And even though you think you want stable prices, all that would accomplish is to completely devalue every non best in slot item that exists. While simultaneously inflating these so called BIS items to outlandish proportions. Learn what this system can do, give it time to evolve and grow on it's own. The brilliance of this conceptual model far more closely emulates real world economics then your precious consolidated auction houses. But then again your conception here is so half baked that you lack the will or perhaps it's simply the ability to actually support your own position with anything more then flotsam, assumption, and bias.