Would really like to see auction house

Title says it all. To be honest I don't think guild stores are that good for trading they are to limited in design. Auction houses provide stable prices and easier accsess to trade which is why I want them I don't feel like writing the typical forum essay that others go to lengths to produce so ill just end it here
  • lynix112
    I'd rather keep the economy stable and not have gold kings with billions of gold. This is a great way to do that. If you think auction houses are a good idea you're not very smart.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    I second you OP , mostly because AH are a LOT easier to work with.

    The fact im forced to join guilds to access their goods annoys me greatly.

    And while totally support people that spam the chat , i prefer to play than to go back 15 years in MMO development.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on April 5, 2014 7:10AM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • lynix112
    I second you OP , mostly because AH are a LOT easier to work with.

    The fact im forced to join guilds to access their goods annoys me greatly.

    And while totally support people that spam the chat , i prefer to play than to go back 15 years in MMO development.

    Auction houses are what ruin economy in gaming if you don't want to join a guild then you miss out. Heaven forbid you interact with people on an MMO.
  • Tipsy247
    I don't think developers should go to an auction house because I think their original intent was to make more of a bartering system to give the game more of that kind of feel. The guild stores and such definitely aren't a great replacement because they aren't reaching the masses as many before me have stated, and I don't think they were designed as a "replacement". I think an alternative should be put in place. My idea is a board that is accessible in the menu where players can put what they want to buy or sell without prices and transactions going through it. Leave it up to the players to contact the individual and let them barter and make the exchanges themselves. This would improve the economy and the social aspects of the game, but that is just my opinion on the matter.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    lynix112 wrote: »
    I second you OP , mostly because AH are a LOT easier to work with.

    The fact im forced to join guilds to access their goods annoys me greatly.

    And while totally support people that spam the chat , i prefer to play than to go back 15 years in MMO development.

    Auction houses are what ruin economy in gaming if you don't want to join a guild then you miss out. Heaven forbid you interact with people on an MMO.

    I ALWAYS join 1 guild , that guild does not need to be big , that guild does not need to have tons of players focused in one thing or another. I usually join guilds where people like to hang out , do guild events and just play together , no need to be the best anything.

    The situation im in right now is this:

    Im still trying to find a guild where i can trully fit in and so on , but i do have 4 guilds with tons of player i have MUTED so i can ignore them all , and just use their AH.

    I dont like this , im just leaching a guild slot just because i want to check what they have to sell , that simple.

    And ofc , i wont stop doing that , because it is either that or no AH for me , which i wont accept either.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • lynix112
    So you mute them so you don't have to be social?
    You just reinforced the point I made.

    This isn't wow... Stop trying to make it wow
  • Sharee
    I dont like this , im just leaching a guild slot just because i want to check what they have to sell , that simple

    I have joined a trading guild, whose sole purpose is to allow it's members to use the guild store. In such a guild, you are not leaching a guild slot to see what they have to sell because all members are there for exactly that reason.

    You can join 4 guilds like that, and disable their guild chat, without feeling bad about it.

    And just in case it was not obvious - i very much like the current system, and do not want a global auction house.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    lynix112 wrote: »
    So you mute them so you don't have to be social?
    You just reinforced the point I made.

    This isn't wow... Stop trying to make it wow

    I mute them , because i dont even want to be in their guild , it is that simple , im in there only for the items, the people i could not care less about. They are similar to the zone chat to me, just another color.

    A situation , forced by this game.
    Tipsy247 wrote: »
    I don't think developers should go to an auction house because I think their original intent was to make more of a bartering system to give the game more of that kind of feel. The guild stores and such definitely aren't a great replacement because they aren't reaching the masses as many before me have stated, and I don't think they were designed as a "replacement". I think an alternative should be put in place. My idea is a board that is accessible in the menu where players can put what they want to buy or sell without prices and transactions going through it. Leave it up to the players to contact the individual and let them barter and make the exchanges themselves. This would improve the economy and the social aspects of the game, but that is just my opinion on the matter.

    While you solution is much more resonable since it actually allows players to find a more diversified amount of items , which cant be dont with just 500 players , i still would prefer the faster system the global AH provides.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on April 5, 2014 7:46AM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • RaynMaykr
    Auction Houses are bland design. Breaking the market up by guilds leads to much more interesting market dynamics. A single guild can act as a pseudo auction house. (although the interface needs an overhaul) And if I'm in a couple I can buy and trade between the two to make use of pricing differences. This happens in real-life economies and has the potential to happen here. At the end of the day if people actually do this.... prices should be relatively stable across a handful of large trading guilds. Again this happens in real life... no reason it can't happen here.

    In summary, Auction Houses are bland and lazy design. While they serve a purpose, there's no real gameplay added. They are just a item broker. Separate guild market hubs, create a new type of market gameplay for players that are clever enough to discover it.
  • kemp.garretub17_ESO1
    So basically all of us should be forced to join a guild to do trading and if we don't agree with lynix we should consider our selves idiots so much for opinions I guess.

    I don't consider auction houses lazy at all guild markets aren't that accessable in my opinion and I don't see guild markets as a "dynamic tool" it just seems like some annoying obstacle I have to go through just to trade the Items I crafted

    On top of that guilds only offer a small amount of players sure 500 may sound like a lot but even if it were 1k its gonna be pretty hard to sell your items or even find what you want that all combined is why I really want a auction house.
    Edited by kemp.garretub17_ESO1 on April 5, 2014 2:21PM
  • marty83
    Nope and nope!
  • bloodwulfe
    Just add a search function and fix so materials doesn't show everything
  • Arinvald
    I have to go with an Auction House. I am definitely feeling the loss of not having one. Trading just seems too inconvenient and cumbersome without a central clearing house.
  • kemp.garretub17_ESO1
    To refine my point.

    Im not saying that I don't like being social by saying lets add an auction house but the problem without having one its soo much of a hassle to trade your stuff. Its inconvienet you literally have to join several guilds and hope that people actually use the store half the time not enough people do to make anything profitable. I craft surplus items to sell them not to put them in a guild store and hope one of them are looking for it.

    Also it doesn't help that in eso due to class flexibility it makes the items I craft have even a lower chance to sell. If zenimax doesn't want players getting rich then they can make the items harder to make or easier to get that or nerf the items getting them "rich" which to be frank who cares if they are they obviously worked to obtain all that gold. To top it off you still have to communicate with other players for very specific things Esos crafting has so many options that if you want something specific you have to seek someone out probably from your guild. Its unlikely someone will make the item with the style lvl enchant glyph trait and set bonus that you are specifically looking for. So having to seek crafters out is still a thing and if you played wow people had to seek out crafters but that was more so for enchanters than anything else.
  • Malkavianqueen
    I would like the guild stores more if they weren't so limited right now. You can't search for specific items and everything is clumped into the materials section (in which you can't even search for categories of items). It makes buying things very inconvinient!
  • Vikova
    I'm happy without an AH. Large trading guilds suffice. Not to mention, there simply isn't as much need for buying and selling in this game since you can craft most of what you need as you level.
  • Enteum
    I really do not want an auction house. I would, however, like "Market Days" Where we can set up a little store and sell our goods..

    I know this would be chaos with potentially millions of players doing the same thing. But I just like that thought.

    Trading Guilds are fun :) It's new and will take some getting used to. But I'd like to see how it works out before screaming for an auction house. At the moment I like it.
    Asira Avalis - Mage
  • Wolfpaw
    Adding a search box to buy like the search box to sell would greatly benefit guild stores.
  • kemp.garretub17_ESO1
    Enteum wrote: »
    I really do not want an auction house. I would, however, like "Market Days" Where we can set up a little store and sell our goods..

    I know this would be chaos with potentially millions of players doing the same thing. But I just like that thought.

    Trading Guilds are fun :) It's new and will take some getting used to. But I'd like to see how it works out before screaming for an auction house. At the moment I like it.

    Fair enough I haven't seen enough time to see how its gonna work out and the ingame economy doesn't really come into play until a good percentage of players have reached endgame

  • Mizumi
    I like the Trading Guilds system so far, at least it feels like this mmo tries to encourage player interaction instead of turning it into the usual "solo-play feeling with some sporadic pug dungeon socialization" mmo.

    But i'd be great if they ever consider adding housing to allow guilds to set up shop in their respective guild house like in good'ol daoc, so players can buy from other guilds they dont belong to.

  • Orcula
    lynix112 wrote: »
    I second you OP , mostly because AH are a LOT easier to work with.

    The fact im forced to join guilds to access their goods annoys me greatly.

    And while totally support people that spam the chat , i prefer to play than to go back 15 years in MMO development.

    Auction houses are what ruin economy in gaming if you don't want to join a guild then you miss out. Heaven forbid you interact with people on an MMO.

    AH is what makes the economy it doesn't ruin it...you cant have an economy without an open market. Right now, the ability to buy/sell/trade with people is extremely limited. 5 guildsx500 people per guild =2500 people that you can see/show items to sell....and then there is the spamming chat option....

    I agree that some mmo's markets are flawed...swtor for example has no buy orders so the market greatly favors the seller...

    EVE Online's market on the other hand is wonderful. Buy and sell orders and a listing of every item that can be on the market so you can just point, click and see whats in supply and whats in demand.

    I would love for ESO to adopt EVE's market model, but at this point I would settle for one that everyone can access, because spamming chat is a joke, and finding people with things that I want, which they want to sell, and vice versa is next to impossible.
  • kemp.garretub17_ESO1
    Orcula wrote: »
    lynix112 wrote: »
    I second you OP , mostly because AH are a LOT easier to work with.

    The fact im forced to join guilds to access their goods annoys me greatly.

    And while totally support people that spam the chat , i prefer to play than to go back 15 years in MMO development.

    Auction houses are what ruin economy in gaming if you don't want to join a guild then you miss out. Heaven forbid you interact with people on an MMO.

    AH is what makes the economy it doesn't ruin it...you cant have an economy without an open market. Right now, the ability to buy/sell/trade with people is extremely limited. 5 guildsx500 people per guild =2500 people that you can see/show items to sell....and then there is the spamming chat option....

    I agree that some mmo's markets are flawed...swtor for example has no buy orders so the market greatly favors the seller...

    EVE Online's market on the other hand is wonderful. Buy and sell orders and a listing of every item that can be on the market so you can just point, click and see whats in supply and whats in demand.

    I would love for ESO to adopt EVE's market model, but at this point I would settle for one that everyone can access, because spamming chat is a joke, and finding people with things that I want, which they want to sell, and vice versa is next to impossible.

    He says what I was trying to say much much better than how I did. To top it off most successful mmos or atleast the most notable have an auction house of some sort like Eve, wow, Runescape it also gives farther value to crafting items. To top it off most people as of now atleast are ignoring them due to there limitations.

  • mu2
    I don't really understand the guild stores yet, though I have joined a trading guild to try to figure it out. It just seems like if you don't luck out or spend all your time trading you won't get what you want, which makes me not want to bother with the system. Buying and selling is one of the dullest part of the game for me so an AH makes it quick and easy, and this system makes it a chore. I realize this is an unpopular opinion yet still I have it. It has nothing to do with wanting to make ESO into WoW. I haven't played WoW in ages and don't want to play it again.

    Someone yesterday was surprised and offended nobody wanted to stand at the blacksmiths trading armour back and forth to level. Um, I want to quest and explore. Trading, selling, etc is not on my radar except when my bags are full.
  • Ri_Dariit
    This one wants to agree with many of the previous opinion so Khajiit will compile all opinions with his own, yes?
    - Global auction would create broken, overinflated economy. Mer and men loving coin more than game will profit from such system.

    - Medium could be found by making auction house, unlinked between large (only capital) cities. This would encourage trade and have more unstable economy just like global market. Trading caravans would profit from this and gives reason to travel for coin and barter exchange.

    - Third choice, Ri'Dariit would prefer and many others might like. @Enteum's sentiment with personal store might help with easy barter of skilled, non-guilded artisans. This one remembers the day of SWG when high skill gave "shop" option (skill) to barter crafted goods. As this universe has similar skill line with professions, this would be easily added and functional.

    As final thought, Ri'Dariit understands that this topic is emotional. Some Mer don't want to travel far and make coin quickly, others think that this will break experience with play. The gods have thought well about this, it is not perfect this one agrees, but constructive praying to the makers will ensure positive feedback.
    Currently trading on /zone is dangerous and hopeless as many creatures have disabled due to coin-vendor spammers. If you post name, them coin-thieves (as they really are in disguise) will take your name, and spam your mailbox. Alleviation can be found by /say around crafting stations, this one had quite success with it, as long as they not remember to spam too much. Also this is realistic as unless you speak the Thum, nobody can hear you in all of zone.
    Fusozay Var VarJaji kor nirni. Ri'Dariit ahnurr shir Gouranga an vasa rid-t'har.
  • Mialiah
    Rather than add an AH, which I rather like not having - why not just add a crafter skill board type thing.

    That probably made no sense.
    I mean, why not a board where folks who are willing to 'sell' their crafting skills - say they have completely researched everything for, I dunno, robes - then they could plop themselves on the board (like group finder maybe?) with a short note, or something regarding what they are 'selling'.

    *shrugs* Then folks can pretty much poke that person, or whatever, they can make arrangements to meet someplace and voila! Or even mailing via COD.. does ESO have COD in the mail system? o.O I have yet to check for that feature.

    Anyway, the point is there ARE options other than an AH. Personally, I rather feel an AH would somehow just not be a smooth mix with the flavor of the game. That and I've only seen a few MMO's where an AH works well - in others, not always so good.
  • Corithna
    Title says it all. To be honest I don't think guild stores are that good for trading they are to limited in design. Auction houses provide stable prices and easier accsess to trade which is why I want them I don't feel like writing the typical forum essay that others go to lengths to produce so ill just end it here

    Okay, auction houses are segregated via guild. Other MMO's do the exact same thing, except that they segregate their auction houses via shard/realm/server whatever you prefer to call it. Yes the individual markets are smaller. Yes that means there will inevitably be pricing inequities. And it is in those inequities that profit can be made by the smart man who can pay attention to the details. It also means that the same item that on a consolidated auction house would see one, or perhaps two sales generated if the initial price was overtly low. In this system a single product might see a dozen resales over the course of it's life time as it moves quietly from market to market each player taking his or her cut. And so does this single item feed into the vital gold sink mechanism so vitally essential to any healthy in game economy.

    We have five guilds to work with on every account. And even though you think you want stable prices, all that would accomplish is to completely devalue every non best in slot item that exists. While simultaneously inflating these so called BIS items to outlandish proportions. Learn what this system can do, give it time to evolve and grow on it's own. The brilliance of this conceptual model far more closely emulates real world economics then your precious consolidated auction houses. But then again your conception here is so half baked that you lack the will or perhaps it's simply the ability to actually support your own position with anything more then flotsam, assumption, and bias.
    For all the millions of pages of codified law we have enacted in this nation alone, all of it, every word, sentence, paragraph and nuance, is steeped in the singular idea of this:

    "Be good to one another."
  • Corithna
    mu2 wrote: »
    I don't really understand the guild stores yet, though I have joined a trading guild to try to figure it out. It just seems like if you don't luck out or spend all your time trading you won't get what you want, which makes me not want to bother with the system. Buying and selling is one of the dullest part of the game for me so an AH makes it quick and easy, and this system makes it a chore. I realize this is an unpopular opinion yet still I have it. It has nothing to do with wanting to make ESO into WoW. I haven't played WoW in ages and don't want to play it again.

    Someone yesterday was surprised and offended nobody wanted to stand at the blacksmiths trading armour back and forth to level. Um, I want to quest and explore. Trading, selling, etc is not on my radar except when my bags are full.

    Actually I'd like to thank you for an open, honest expression of your feelings on this matter without all the vitriol that usually accompanies such posts.

    You said that you've joined a trading guild, that's a good start. Join more for a total or four or five. If you want to also be in a social, raiding, or pvp guild then make it four trading guilds. As you start to see what is offered in the various markets that you can see but are invisible to others you'll start to notice opportunities emerge. Buying low from one market and selling high in another. But if that's not appealing you at least you could have 2000, to 2500 players all utilizing those markets to sell their wares. Cumulatively a large market even by real world standards.

    It's going to take time for these markets to evolve into what they can become. But that would also be true in a more universal market place. The bad part of when a market grows too large is that undercutting eliminates any chance at profit. And so your artisans(craftman) simply abandon this pursuit, in favor of, other, greener pastures.
    For all the millions of pages of codified law we have enacted in this nation alone, all of it, every word, sentence, paragraph and nuance, is steeped in the singular idea of this:

    "Be good to one another."
  • kemp.garretub17_ESO1
    Corithna wrote: »
    Title says it all. To be honest I don't think guild stores are that good for trading they are to limited in design. Auction houses provide stable prices and easier accsess to trade which is why I want them I don't feel like writing the typical forum essay that others go to lengths to produce so ill just end it here

    Okay, auction houses are segregated via guild. Other MMO's do the exact same thing, except that they segregate their auction houses via shard/realm/server whatever you prefer to call it. Yes the individual markets are smaller. Yes that means there will inevitably be pricing inequities. And it is in those inequities that profit can be made by the smart man who can pay attention to the details. It also means that the same item that on a consolidated auction house would see one, or perhaps two sales generated if the initial price was overtly low. In this system a single product might see a dozen resales over the course of it's life time as it moves quietly from market to market each player taking his or her cut. And so does this single item feed into the vital gold sink mechanism so vitally essential to any healthy in game economy.

    We have five guilds to work with on every account. And even though you think you want stable prices, all that would accomplish is to completely devalue every non best in slot item that exists. While simultaneously inflating these so called BIS items to outlandish proportions. Learn what this system can do, give it time to evolve and grow on it's own. The brilliance of this conceptual model far more closely emulates real world economics then your precious consolidated auction houses. But then again your conception here is so half baked that you lack the will or perhaps it's simply the ability to actually support your own position with anything more then flotsam, assumption, and bias.

    I did say id give it time in a previous post but still non the less the process to me atleast is frustrating its a very small market and while it does devalue certain items I have to say im fine with that it opens up the market more in my opinion and I have joined trading guilds.

    However I will say yah if they right now just inserted an auction house then certain items would be devalued while others inflated (typically the items used for crafting or lvling crafts) however devs can modify the value of the items by adjusting spawn rates, rarity, and base sell/buy price (value of the item when being sold to npc). Since the devs can do this they can also control supply and demand therefore its in their in control and again ill give guilds a chance and all but as it stands now I find them annoying.
  • Hellbane
    I think it would be cool if they implemented a feature which lets you setup your own stall that people can view/buy from. You could also set buy orders and if anyone has it and is willing to sell for your price then they simply deposit the item into your window and they receive the gold. Similar to what Knight Online had maybe?
    Captain Hellbane of the Dominion at your service.
  • tino.antoninieb17_ESO
    In my opinion it is to early to say is guild shop system working. Majority of players are still leveling and while leveling people are having different focus than when they reach end game . Pvp is still not in full strength so guild shops didnt shown its full nature. Tools for search and analysis we have in guild shops are still pretty basic and they are not user friendly. My basic profession in other MMO's i played was trader so from that perspective i am missing AH as point of my personal entertainment. For sure if i had AH on my disposal so far a lot of items i sold so far to vendors would end up there coz in general i dont have time make these transactions happen. Free market fully liberal is not working and for sure captive markets are even worse. Truth is somewhere in between.
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