The Valkyrie Build

The Valkyrie

Character Requirements:
Human like race (Nord for extra RP points!)

Pure Heavy Armor

While there are no javelin or polearm weapons in ESO, there is the Aedric spear!
This skill tree has a significant amount of Knockback, stuns, and interrupts. Some of them are even ranged!
These skills will prove invaluable in PvP when a stunned or interrupted caster is as good as dead.
The knockback should also prove decent at keeping other melee characters running instead of hitting you and your party.
I do need to see how effective knockback as a melee based skill stopper, if their skill is still completed and I’m still hit than it proves less useful.
During PvE instances she can CC, and during solo she can keep herself engaged with multiple targets without fearing for her life.

Build Theory:
Now, in the spirit of the Valkyrie, we have a hard decision ahead.
She should definitely use a shield, but bow is also a viable option both on the combat side and the RP side.
I can see the bow plus the aedric spear ranged skills being able to kite indefinitely. This is great for single targets, however once multiple targets are on top of you the bow becomes almost useless. I’m not sure how easy it would be to hit a moving target in PvP, plus the range is pretty short.

Combine these with the fact that many of the best skills available to the Aedric Spear are in fact not ranged, the huge tank available to a Templar, and the decent dps available in melee, it seems to make more sense to use a 1h1s set up.
1H1S also gives us the added defense bonus, which is pretty huge; the ability to reflect skills and block and bash at reduced cost is epic as well.

In PVP she decimates ranged and caster characters, as her ranged knockbacks and charges will allow her to apply her DPS quickly, and prevent them from retaliating. She can reflect damage of casts that do get off.
She can handle other melee based characters by outmaneuvering utilizing her knockbacks, stuns, bashes, and charges.
In PvE she is perfectly capable of holding her own against multiple targets. Switching to a bow for farming could be a great option as well.
In an instance, I don’t see her being top damage dealer, but a very viable CCer. While she can’t completely remove targets out of the fray for long, she can keep 3 or more targets busy approaching her as she continually knocks them away from healers and casters. In fact, if utilized correctly, she could prove to be a very decent main tank.

I will continually update this build. I have a few rough skill maps, but am still working out the details.

Anyway, there is my PvP Valkyrie theorycraft!

What does the community think?
  • DankShank
    She is going well!
    The build will use a total of 52 skill points. The bulk of these go into passives with maybe a dozen points into actual skills and morphs. This is with both PvE and PvP racks.

    She uses 1H1S exclusively.
    She uses Heavy Armor exclusively.
    Her active skills come only from 1H1S and Aedric Spear
    She uses all of the Redguard passives, most heavy armor passives, as well as the 1H1S passives. This gives her great bonuses to block, armor, and resistances. While the stamina bonuses may prove useless end game, she is such a low point build that they are justifiable.

    Leveling her is easy, she is a pretty beastly tank. Her DPS is lacking, so if she gets swarmed and no one comes to help you can get into trouble; you just can't take out the enemies fast enough to maintain your tank.

    She is able to control "bosses" with relative ease. Keeping them knocked down and stunned is fairly easy.

    Current point distribution is 100% stamina, this is not exactly intended. The plan is to keep Health and Stamina equal, as values. Because i am a Redguard, and because Max Health gear is so prevalent, this means that the bulk of points go into stamina. This will eventually balance out but is great for leveling as all that stamina really helps with CC.
  • colombo85b14_ESO
    Consider mixing in some medium armor (4/3 h/m or 5/2 h/m, you will hardly see it visually) to increase your damage quite a bit with the medium armor passives(critical strike, etc) as well as helping with stamina regen.
    Edited by colombo85b14_ESO on April 9, 2014 7:05PM
  • DankShank
    I've considered mixed armor.
    My conclusion was not to. By wearing 5 heavy armor the cost of block is reduced dramatically. This is much more useful than getting that stamina back over time. I could wear one piece of medium but at that point I would be spending a lot of points for minimal returns.

    Stmina glyphs are a must though. Bash eats stamina.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    I will follow this thread , i made my main a breton (sorry but i cant stand bad racials) templar just because of the spears. It reminded me of valkyries since second one.

    My build is nothing worth posting heh.

    But im doing quite well in PvE , i use a sword+shield/healing staff , and i manage to go dps.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • DankShank
    Right? Pointy sticks have proven superior to steel and iron throughout history haha.

    Currently the PvP plan features more 1h1s than spear though.
    Invasion, power bash, and that reflect spell projectile. She still has the spear throw though :). And sun shield if it proves effective in PvP.

    Cool thing is the spear launches them like 20 meters, but the charge can go 25.
    So bash, launch them with spear, charge, bash again. takes a lot of stamina but will roll over any single character.
  • cliveklgb14_ESO
    DankShank wrote: »
    I've considered mixed armor.
    My conclusion was not to. By wearing 5 heavy armor the cost of block is reduced dramatically.

    You do realize there are 7 armor slots, you can add in a couple medium and still have your 5 heavy. You don't get anything extra for having more than five for those passives that require that number.

    And it doesn't affect the look at all if you pick the right pieces: shoulder, gloves, boots, even legs).

    I've got a Templar that mixes 2 heavy 5 cloth for better healing stats. Chest and Helm are my heavy pieces and it still looks like an heavy armored character.

    But hey, if you don't actually want constructive help you should have just said so from the start.
  • DankShank
    Lol? I explained the reasoning, although I did say one not two spare slots. My bad.
    Whether or not more than half a dozen skill points is worth it to only get 2x the bonuses is the real question, and I'd rather have 7x maxed heavy passives than split it.

    But thank you for your... advice.
  • cliveklgb14_ESO
    DankShank wrote: »
    Whether or not more than half a dozen skill points is worth it to only get 2x the bonuses is the real question,

    Contradicts this.
    and I'd rather have 7x maxed heavy passives than split it.

    If the amount isn't that much, then it isn't that much if you up 5x maxed to 7x maxed.

    You need to look at the stats you'd be getting between both, and well the leather 2x are actually better than the bump you'd get from 5x to 7x.

    But again, if you actually don't want to discuss the build and help with it, why did you even post and ask.

  • DankShank
    doesn't contradict ***, there is the difference of an extra 9 skillpoints.

    11 skillpoints for 7x bonuses
    11 for 5x
    9 for 2x

    See? 9 more skill points, for a crap bonus either way...

    We agree the bonuses are minimal, so why spend 9 extra skillpoints?

    I, personally, am not putting 9 *** skillpoints into a useless tree to only wear 2 pieces of it.

    Listen Clive...klgb14_ESO i'm sure your build is cool too, make a post and i'll check it out.

    And then i will *** on it.
  • cliveklgb14_ESO
    DankShank wrote: »
    doesn't contradict ***, there is the difference of an extra 9 skillpoints.

    11 skillpoints for 7x bonuses
    11 for 5x
    9 for 2x

    See? 9 more skill points, for a crap bonus either way...

    We agree the bonuses are minimal, so why spend 9 extra skillpoints?

    I, personally, am not putting 9 *** skillpoints into a useless tree to only wear 2 pieces of it.

    Listen Clive...klgb14_ESO i'm sure your build is cool too, make a post and i'll check it out.

    And then i will *** on it.

    And you don't realize how much the crit bonuses are vital to DPS builds. It is 3 skill points, not 9 for the CRIT bonuses. A 3% addition to crit is not a minor increase.

    And I'm not shitting on your build. Over all the build is fine, it is just a minor suggestion. You know the whole point of build posting.

    I am though, on your lack of ability to take constructive minor suggestions.

    Edited by cliveklgb14_ESO on April 16, 2014 9:01PM
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