Professional/Student Guild

Soul Shriven

Section Disparue is a new guild seeking additional members. We are low key gamers who love to play but have professional obligations! We won't be a massive guild who are doing all raids all the time but we will be a close knit community!

PVE, PVP, Casual, Crafting and exploring ESO.

Currently we have a few docs, grad students, a banker etc. If you love gaming but have life to attend to, then send me a message! We have folks in all 3 alliances as well.
  • yooken
    Is this NA or EU?
  • januss331
    Soul Shriven
  • ConquerorDromtar
    Grad students? You're not doing it right if you've got time to play video games! Wait, what am I saying…I spent half my days in grad school playing games. LOL I'll look you guys up.
  • King_Merrygold
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