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Zone chat...

It's day-one of launch, and already Zone chat in the first few zones is just a horrid, jerk-filled event. I make one comment about it being a mistake to make horses so expensive, given how most people will want to experiment with crafting first and thus not get enough gold to buy one for awhile, and the next 5 minutes is filled with sheer egoist stupidity.

I then comment on everyone being *** for no reason, and suddenly I'm a troll.

I have never before turned a 'general chat' channel off so fast in an MMORPG before, and that I think is a very sad thing indeed. But what's even sadder is what the online gaming community, who used to be so much fun and tight-knit over our passion for the same hobby, has become.

Sigh...anyway, I guess I'm just 'trolling' the forums now or whining or bitching or whatever kool-kids call it these days when you have an opinion. I think I'm too old and considerate to game nowadays, if just a handful of twerp kids can make me already regret my purchase. :( How do you other polite adults deal with this, other than just turning all chat off?
Edited by maniacal1 on April 4, 2014 1:50PM
  • UnknownXV
    Personally, I think I like it. Somehow. Just the general activity of it. I don't get easily offended or distracted. I find it hilarious how easily people get worked up over what is said in chat. I avoid insults, get to the root of what I want from it, and stick to friends for the most part.

    No big deal.
  • Nicolyne
    I avoid zone chat for the most part because when I have been on most of the chat has nothing to do with the game. I don't want to argue about politics or if Tupac is alive..lol
  • Mulk
    mostly, we turn it off. I have neither the energy nor the desire to argue with someone whose intellectual grasp of discourse amounts to "your mom." There is also no winning an argument with someone who lacks the mental power and inner character to know when they should back off. It's foolish to even try.

    I could wish that there was stiffer moderation of those channels, but the number of people ZOS would need to hire to enforce that amongst a group of a few million is probably an expense they are not willing to incur at this moment. I can't imagine how much they have to do, how many lines of chat they have to comb through.

    The only game I play that I have zone chat on for is LOTRO.
  • Laura
    just turn zone off. literally the first thing I did when I got into game
  • Sarenia
    Zone/server chat in every MMO since ever has been awful, which is why I just move it to it's own rarely glanced at tab.
  • Frosthawk
    Yes the chat is time to time extremely immature especialy around 3pm to 22pm EU gmt+2 when kids get to computers after schools but ignore is your friend for worst cases.

    For EU best gaming time wihout over shooting trolling and whining seems to be around 9 am to 3 pm by gmt+2 zone but then you see more variety of languages on chat which isn't that bad after all. I'm not sure what things looks in NA when country is so large and there is players from Oceania too mixing time difference.
    Edited by Frosthawk on April 4, 2014 2:01PM
    EU - Adlmeri Dominion
    Sanquin's tester
  • Era
    Yep sadly I have taken the approach which I have generally done with most MMO's over the years. Make a character, sort skillbars, then make a chat tab containing only whispers/tells and guild chat.

    Its unfortunate I agree, but as others point out sadly not unusual
  • Grim
    Yep, zone chat was off the by the end of the first day.
  • Wedge
    Barrens chat: Noun
    Barrens chat is a condition which occurs when you have a large, sprawling area that is the primary means of leveling from 10-20.

    The first thing you should do is make a new chat tab called "Spam", and add zone to it, then remove zone from your primary.
  • maniacal1
    It's unfortunate that so many seem to have come to the same conclusion that I did. : / I, also, come from LotRO and, believe it or not, a good solid WoW server with a generally helpful and friendly community ( it's low-population RP, so maybe that's why ), so I like to be chatty to pass the time in-game. Guess I'll just have to find a good, mature guild to join when they re-activate them and avoid zone like the plague. The whole thing just kinda makes me shake my head and sigh, but you make a point...no use getting bent out of shape over it.

    And yeah, moderating chat channels would be an exercise in futility...I'm happy they are at least jumping on gold-sellers already, so it's best they focus solely on that. :)
  • Willow
    Create a new channel that has things you wish. I create a Story chat. I turn off yells,and zone chat. I add npc to it and I am good to go.

    I have the default tab there in case I have a question etc.
  • RubyTigress
    You already know this. You are not the troll.

    If you do weigh in against the tide of jerkdom, you'll need a thick skin and a firm goal in mind.

    I usually will comment, for example, if I see sexist or homophobic comments-and get taunted for it. (I still report it as well). *eta* usually my comment is something mild, like "X, don't be a jackass". Something I also do if folks are being mean about a simple question.

    I do it, however, because I think it's important to demonstrate to folks that language hurts they aren't alone.

    That said, no one can take that all the time, so yes, turning off zone chat unless you need it is also an option.
    Edited by RubyTigress on April 4, 2014 2:18PM
  • Miths
    I always leave it on. Makes for an interesting and frequently disturbing view into common variations of the human mind :).
  • Shimond
    Any kind of zone/global chat is going to be largely useless. This is not unique to ESO.
  • Metella
    So far, when I've looked at the chat box, it's all been remarkably sensible and friendly (apart from BUY GOLD BUY GOLD BUY GOLD spam, obv). Unfortunately nobody was able to answer the couple of questions I've asked, but nobody laughed at me and called me a noob or speculated on my sexuality or whatever, so overall I'm happy with that! (I had pretty low expectations from watching friends play other MMOs).
  • Klauen
    It really depends on the time... I have seen people helping others with their questions, or telling others there is some world boss or anchor up so all can go and kill it... but yeah sometimes there's some people that you just need to ignore, just like irl right? :P
    The Surgeon of Death
  • Azarul
    It is unfortunate how down hill it goes. Was great the early betas before they basically made it open beta and allowed the kids in. Now thats its released you can forget about it ever being usefull.
  • SadisticSavior
    maniacal1 wrote: »
    I then comment on everyone being *** for no reason, and suddenly I'm a troll.
    Well "***" is subjective. And there is really no point in commenting. What result were you expecting?

    Zone chat is not a help channel. It's not meant to be huggy and helpful...it's just chat.

    That being said, I think Fallen Earth actually had the right idea. They have moderators (Player volunteers) in the major chat channels and do ban people for being ***. After a while people stopped trying to be *** alltogether. it's the most effective system I have seen so far.
  • Morana
    General chat in any MMO is usually the first thing I turn off. I've left it on for now, as sometimes it's helpful for knowing if a quest is bugged. But for the most part it just scrolls by and I don't bother reading it.
  • Sue_D_Nim
    I hid chat pretty soon after the servers came back up. May give it another try, but probably not until the 30 day free period has weeded out some of the kiddies.

    Zone chat was, with a couple of notable exceptions, really pleasant during early access, and I let that lull me into a sense of ease. Mistake. It may settle down, but right now it's just as bad as all other MMO general chat I've seen.

    What I really want to know is this. Why was Vanguard's general chat so very, very nice, full of helpful, friendly people and virtually no trolls or annoying juvenile posturing, and WHY can't we make a community like that HERE?!
    maniacal1 wrote: »
    I think I'm too old and considerate to game nowadays, if just a handful of twerp kids can make me already regret my purchase. :( How do you other polite adults deal with this, other than just turning all chat off?
    It doesn't make me regret my purchase in the least. It just makes me regret that I live in a society where bratty, uncivilized, hateful behavior is the norm. It makes me feel old and makes me feel much less hopeful for humanity.

    Zone chat is not a help channel. It's not meant to be huggy and helpful...it's just chat.

    That being said, I think Fallen Earth actually had the right idea. They have moderators (Player volunteers) in the major chat channels and do ban people for being ***. After a while people stopped trying to be *** alltogether. it's the most effective system I have seen so far.
    This is why we need /trade and /help chats. I like the moderator idea, too.
    Edited by Sue_D_Nim on April 4, 2014 4:46PM
    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • tawok
    Either leave zone chat, or a better idea (IMO), is to just create another tab that has everything except zone chat. It's a perfect home for your whispers, guild chat, and things you actually care about. This also leaves it so you can switch to your zone tab in the event you need to LFM or trade.
    Leader of Stand by Your Van

    Find me online @Tawok
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    Hayl: Sword & Board DragonKnight
    Tawok: 2h Aedric Templar
    Hyll: Summer Sorcerer Extraordinaire
  • Donez8tor
    Zone chat is always going to be terrible with certain trolls who join these kind of games - I read about some add on's that help to filter to a certain extent the amount you can receive from these kind of people, perhaps try one of those?
  • Metella
    Sue_D_Nim wrote: »
    I hid chat pretty soon after the servers came back up. May give it another try, but probably not until the 30 day free period has weeded out some of the kiddies.

    Zone chat was, with a couple of notable exceptions, really pleasant during early access, and I let that lull me into a sense of ease. Mistake. It may settle down, but right now it's just as bad as all other MMO general chat I've seen.

    Oh dear, really? I haven't been able to log back in since last night (beta had a queue, much better than typing password and being rejected over and over again!) so haven't seen the general masses.
  • Kiash
    Zone chat was relatively tame in the pre launch phase. It's a shame the trolls came out afterwards it seems.

    Just remember OP, there are bad apples in every bushel, and it can make the entire bushel smell rotten. The good apples are still there though, waiting to be eaten :)
  • Sue_D_Nim
    Metella wrote: »
    Sue_D_Nim wrote: »
    I hid chat pretty soon after the servers came back up. May give it another try, but probably not until the 30 day free period has weeded out some of the kiddies.

    Zone chat was, with a couple of notable exceptions, really pleasant during early access, and I let that lull me into a sense of ease. Mistake. It may settle down, but right now it's just as bad as all other MMO general chat I've seen.

    Oh dear, really? I haven't been able to log back in since last night (beta had a queue, much better than typing password and being rejected over and over again!) so haven't seen the general masses.

    I didn't mean to scare you off. I just think that we'll very likely see a surge of adolescent behavior in zone chat for a while from all the trolls and kids who enjoy stirring up trouble and picking fights during their free 30 days. In other words, I think it'll get worse before it gets better.

    Edited by Sue_D_Nim on April 4, 2014 5:11PM
    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • Brusco
    Soul Shriven
    Zone chat and trolls...

    If you can't beat them; join them.

    Trust me makes life so much easier and/or funnier.

    But yeah as others have stated, ignore or wade through with thick skin; at the end of the day we are mostly just a bunch of strangers on the internet congregating over a shared interest - no harm in some fun and no love lost either. Tomorrow is a new...you get the point.

    Peace it!
  • Vikova
    Having five guilds really helps. I have zone chat off at all times now because my guild chats are going by too fast as it is.
  • NordJitsu
    I think a lot of people just resign themselves to "Its an MMO, its gonna happen" but I think that's a lazy response.

    I have been giving ZOS feedback for a long time on this type of thing but they didn't seem interested in hearing it. Believe it or not, this type of behavior was not uncommon in the Beta (at least later on.) Unfortunately, ZOS never did anything about the rudeness and trolling. All they would have to do is have a GM whisper these folks and say, "cut that out." Refusing to punish or even warn people for misbehaving is tacit approval and 100% guarantees that they will continue to do it.

    As a Beta tester, I thought they might like my feedback on their moderation and customer support as well as the actual game. Guess I was wrong though since nothing ever changed and I was never even responded to by the community team.

    I've also turned zone chat off and I'm disappointed that I had to. But its no one's fault but ZOS.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
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