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Guys... slow down!

Just a suggestion inspired from a friend who didn't know all the extra stuff you could find in the world. If you find yourself with the time to try something new here are some tips.

I see it all the time people roboting from one quest to the other. Don't do that guys there is no reason to.. slow down and explore I have seen some amazing sights in this game already. I see people CONSTANTLY missing chests, lore books, and even sky shards some times. Not to mention some of the beautiful hidden gems and easter eggs.

Slow down smell the roses and enjoy the game. Take time to visit every house in each city because sometimes you find lore books... and sometimes you see... interesting things...

Talk to all the npcs in town some of them actually teach you cooking recipes or show you locations on the map. Sometimes you have mini quests that aren't even marked!

Slow down and read some of the books/papers. Sometimes they give you hints to hidden treasures.

Stop and go into the inns and enjoy some of the amazing music. Go upstairs in some of them and see just why this game got a M rating.

Leave your voice chats EVERY once in a while and enjoy the amazing music the game has to offer.

This isn't a normal MMO your supposed to take your time and enjoy the world. Forget quests sometimes and just explore. I once found a skeleton tied to a tree pointing in an odd direction so I went that way and found a lore book and a skyshard.

I'm not telling anyone how to play there game I am just reminding everyone that there is a lot more to this game than just questing to the top level. I think you would all enjoy it a lot more if you just stopped smelled the roses and enjoyed some of the fine details that ZoS put into this masterpiece. I know the bugs and everything have been frustrating (i have been right there bitching with you) but there is SO SO much to love.
Edited by Laura on April 4, 2014 4:37PM
  • Tompa1
    Soul Shriven
    Ppl are in rush. I really love to explore the world and feeling so free.
    I also see ppl complaining about maintenance, you should be glad that developer really doing something about the bugs.
  • Ri_Dariit
    Ri'Darit shares your sentiment, but racers will always run. This is ok, Laura, Tompa, & Ri'Darit will have more things to pickup. Many men do not enjoy the simple things anymore and will move to another universe soon. This one likes the true fans to continue playing and not the pretenders. Pretenders will finish, leave and quit. They always have and always will.
    Fusozay Var VarJaji kor nirni. Ri'Dariit ahnurr shir Gouranga an vasa rid-t'har.
  • Laura
    Ri'Darit shares your sentiment, but racers will always run. This is ok, Laura, Tompa, & Ri'Darit will have more things to pickup. Many men do not enjoy the simple things anymore and will move to another universe soon. This one likes the true fans to continue playing and not the pretenders. Pretenders will finish, leave and quit. They always have and always will.

    If you weren't a khajit I'd hug you. You are the sun on my scales.
  • krapmyself
    You tell players to play a certain way, then say you're not telling players how to play?

    I giggle.

    Freedom means everyone can pursue their own interests. I'm sure your plea falls on deaf ears.
  • Laura
    krapmyself wrote: »
    You tell players to play a certain way, then say you're not telling players how to play?

    I giggle.

    Freedom means everyone can pursue their own interests. I'm sure your plea falls on deaf ears.

    I knew someone was going to split hairs. Its sad when we have to put disclaimers in our post but I put the last bit as a disclaimer. My point was that some people might not have tried it.

    of course what do you expect from someone named "krapmyself" right?
    Edited by Laura on April 4, 2014 2:13PM
  • Ri_Dariit
    Laura wrote: »
    If you weren't a khajit I'd hug you. You are the sun on my scales.

    Ri'Dariit appreciates @Laura's respect from providing restraint of close body contact. This one has scaled friends, however is cautious of Knahaten Flu. Hugging this Khajiit might end deadly for Ri'Dariit.
    Fusozay Var VarJaji kor nirni. Ri'Dariit ahnurr shir Gouranga an vasa rid-t'har.
  • opaj
    One thing that I tried doing that I'm finding surprisingly fun is to only do one quest at a time. If I'm on a quest, I'll walk (ah, who am I kidding--more often than not I'm running) right past other potential quests and come back for them later. I'd suggest (yes, suggest--this isn't a commandment, as someone in this thread seems to think) trying it out. It certainly won't be for everyone or even for most people, but it's proven to be a nice way to set the pace of the game for me.
  • Gisgo
    "Im doing it right, you are doing it wrong" thread in disguise?

    Play as you like and dont bother.

    Personally after 15 years of playing MMOs id rather not spend hours on quests, theres nothing a DEV can do to make the concept "new".

    Does that make me a bad player? Guess i will deal with it.
    Edited by Gisgo on April 4, 2014 4:35PM
  • Genev
    I'm currently level 50 and redoing the zones for all the quests and skyshards and whatnot.
    Works too :)
  • Laura
    Gisgo wrote: »
    "Im doing it right, you are doing it wrong" thread in disguise?

    Play as you like and dont bother.

    Nope. its just a suggestion this thread was inspired by a friend of mine who didn't realize all the extra stuff you could find while exploring so I thought there might be others. Nice try though!

    guess you had to make those edits? did anyone insinuate it made you a bad player? stop trying to take offence to everything might make you live longer.
    Edited by Laura on April 4, 2014 4:38PM
  • Laura
    Genev wrote: »
    I'm currently level 50 and redoing the zones for all the quests and skyshards and whatnot.
    Works too :)

    yeah whatever gets your rocks off but I hear a lot of "there is no reason to explore in this game" and silly things like that which I'm sure you agree is simply not true.
  • opaj
    I really don't understand all the backlash. This is just a suggestion, people! Nobody is saying you're a bad person if this isn't your playstyle.
  • Laura
    opaj wrote: »
    I really don't understand all the backlash. This is just a suggestion, people! Nobody is saying you're a bad person if this isn't your playstyle.

    honestly surprised there isn't more. That's just the nature of gamers these days - toxic and venom. but I thought it needed to be said in case anyone didn't really see the option there like my friend didn't (he never has played ES but plays lots of MMOs)
    Edited by Laura on April 4, 2014 4:45PM
  • Gisgo
    The point is: if you really are having all that fun, why does it bother so much how everyone else is playing?

    You could have titled you thread "i love questing" but instead you chosed to underline the fact that "your way" of playing the game is right: "slow down guys, thats how to play the game".

    Its subtle but its there. And no im not offended, just amused.

    TLDR why do you care how i play the game?
    Edited by Gisgo on April 4, 2014 4:59PM
  • gryffon2
    This Khajit is happy that wanderers run on to serve others. Their eyes looking far away, missing the little shiny treasures not placed on the path. My bags grow heavy and my mind expands from all of those missed treasures. Fuzzbutt shall continue to seek the roads less traveled...
  • Laura
    Gisgo wrote: »
    The point is: if you really are having all that fun, why does it bother so much how everyone else is playing?

    You could have titled you thread "i love questing" but instead you chosed to underline the fact that "your way" of playing the game is right: "slow down guys, thats how to play the game".

    Its subtle but its there. And no im not offended, just amused.

    TLDR why do you care how i play the game?

    I don't care how you play the game. I could care less about you in general in fact you sound like an annoying basement cynic and I tend to avoid those sorts of people. anyway I'll spell this out for you...

    "Just a suggestion... " is how I started my post. I started playing this game as a normal MMO and had A LOT more fun when a friend of mine "SUGGESTED" i try this. I thought it would be nice to see if anyone else MIGHT be interested in this if your not I don't care.

    are we really having this conversation? I mean really have people REALLY gotten to this point? Do you understand the concept of suggestion? tips?

    Edited by Laura on April 4, 2014 5:13PM
  • gryffon2
    Laura, ignor those persons, they only seek to taunt you. They are angry that their ale has run dry and cannot afford more, so in their frustrations they lash out like a skeever who was bitten by a fire bug. They lack eyes to see the wisdom of your words. The world requires all forms and they have their place, it is simply not along our road.
  • Genev
    Suggestions are often made because "You should do this because it's better than whatever you're doing now"
    Maybe not when in conversations which are already ongoing (oh, hey, how about we do this? Or do that that way?) but when you create a "suggestion" on an already controversial topic (src: Every other thread), people get annoyed with it more easily and you place yourself on a side of the discussion.

    You're annoyed by the attitude of others in other threads, what people say at other times, and because of that you phrase your posts more hostile than you might intend them to be, which doesn't help either.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Well i use a guide so i for sure get 100% of the skyshards of each zone , but you are right ... i need a guide for 100% of the lore books too.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Genev
    Dulfy has one :p
  • MorHawk
    Yep. We live in a weird, scary society sometimes. Someone could see a crime in progress and try to help, and they'd probably get yelled at for interfering.
    Edited by MorHawk on April 4, 2014 5:45PM
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • gryffon2
    Of course they would! They're supposed to stand back and record it with their phone and post it to youtube. How else is that criminal supposed to get famous? :wink:
  • Vilified
    I've been doing a few things each day, setting aside time to test fishing holes all around the starter island, look for flowers and jute etc. Then do a quest or two and go back to exploring the world, then when my bag gets inevitably full I make my way back to town and see about crafting some new items. This game has been a nice relaxing escape the past few days and I can't wait to get home and play more. Also I think the Monkeys Rest place was my favorite find so far :smile:
    Ayita of the Dominion
  • Gisgo
    MorHawk wrote: »
    Yep. We live in a weird, scary society sometimes. Someone could see a crime in progress and try to help, and they'd probably get yelled at for interfering.


    I just dont like to be "adviced" on how to enjoy the game by someone who isnt enjoying the game enough to not care about how everyone else is playing it.

    As simple as that.

    Edited by Gisgo on April 4, 2014 5:59PM
  • BigDumbViking
    James Dalton - Nord Dragonknight

    & Trusty Steed Roadhouse

  • Luxucs
    People will play how they want to play.

    Those who have played on PTS probably have smelled "all the roses" at this point and just want to get their characters up to where they are on PTS, myself included.
  • Meowdouken
    I actually enjoy a game more by experiencing the fullness it has to offer. Never been one of those types who blaze through a game.
  • foxsyd
    I totally agree! And you forgot to mention the start area people now miss, a great story for your hero starts there. Without it your character loses context.

    Example: I saved and got to know the people of Bleakrock Isle, and their stories followed me all the way to the main city , and who knows, I don't think it's the last I've seen of some of them. And when tragedy happened, it had impact.
    Join my guild!
    "Thank Sanguine its Fredas"
    North America Server, Ebonheart Pact, PVE/PVP, friendly & funny community. Welcomes all types of players!
    Preachers of #TeamIsland - Share your adventures and screen caps on our Facebook group!
  • RustyBlades
    I have 8 alts.. so I have 6 that do quest and explore and collect resources, while two are doing progression quests. Each alt has a job - weapons, heavy armor, leather armor/bows, cloth armor, staves, provisioning, enchanting, shields/potions. Although some would scream combine all the blacksmith/clothing/etc.. the research alone would take months for one character to do in each area. Since there are tons of resources to be had and each alt collects any resource as encountered.

    So yep, I am looking everywhere and just find so much in the environment that is awesome.
  • Covarnis
    @Laura - I follow your sentiment very much. Creators of this world put a lot of effort into all these details, and at least for me they seem to be the main thing - not levels and whatnot.

    Too bad it is also an analogy with our superficial world - people just rush everywhere without seeing beautiful things or even thinking why they do things they do.

    But! Too each its own. I'm gladly seconding your suggestion, however if a person wants to act differently, you can't really force the outlook change. Things have to go naturally, they might find another aspects/play-styles when they want them. It's really nice, that this game caters to this.
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