I had hoped preorders would qualify for some sort of discounted subscription plan...

When I used to play Rift, I did so before it went F2P, even preordered. They gave players who preordered the option of a unique discounted monthly subscription ($13.99/mo I think) with the caveat that canceling your subscription for any reason voided the ability to re-select the discounted rate later.

I was really hoping to see an option like this when they finally opened up the subscription plans for ESO... such sad. -_-
  • foxsyd
    I pre-ordered Rift's collectors box. I don't remember a discount for for pre-order, however pretty sure there was a discount for a 12 month sub. Which I believe ESO has. Which is the usual norm for MMOs right?
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  • thismudtasteslikechocolaterwb17_ESO
    That plan was announces for Rift well before the game went live. Since nothing was mentioned about it for ESO, why did you have hopes at all for it?
  • Strawberrycocoa
    That plan was announces for Rift well before the game went live. Since nothing was mentioned about it for ESO, why did you have hopes at all for it?

    Because I'm blinder than the Prophet wearing David Caruso's shades.
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