1. issue:
Rush of Agony pull ignores block minimally in 50% cases due to well known Cyrodiil latency and lags as PvP servers simply lack processing capacity.
The bug happens especially during special spamming group encounters where a dedicated group overwhelms server processing queue and basically creates 2-3 second forced synthetic GCD for all other players. (this is a very well know purpose of "ball groups" a.k.a. kills through forced latency)
2. issue:
When you perma-block and roll-dodge while still blocking, Rush of Agony pulls right after the roll-dodge end even when the characters goes instantly back into perma-blocking.
It means Rush of Agony gets hard-queued into ongoing roll-dodge between two permanent block states.
Pull into mid-roll-dodge that gets executed right after the roll-dodge animation and players are denied any possibility of reaction should be immediately removed from PvP environment.
Players can't be getting hard-queued pulls or CC's against them mid-roll-dodge, it breaks the sense of existing base game mechanics.