Loremaster's Archive: Elder Scrolls and Moth Priests

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Community Manager
Hi everyone! We’re happy to bring you the very first Loremaster’s Archive for 2025! With the Fallen Banners dungeon pack arriving in March (which includes Lep Seclusa), we’d like to give the community a chance to delve into the lore surrounding Elder Scrolls and Moth Priests, no blindfolds required! To help, we’ve enlisted Sister Chana to answer your burning questions about Elder Scrolls, Moth Priests, their work, and their sanctuaries. Submit your questions between now and Feb. 1 at 10am ET, and we’ll select a few for the initiate to answer*.

*We will move this to the lore section once the question period is over.
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on March 5, 2025 3:27PM
Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
Staff Post
  • Aliyavana
    Can one or has someone used an Elder Scroll to protect themselves or deal some damage? They are said to be indestructible, so I'm thinking they would be great to use as blunt weapons, or maybe I can tie several of them together to wear around myself so none can get through my defenses.

    -War Maiden Ulfra of Whiterun
    Edited by Aliyavana on January 28, 2025 4:20PM
  • Tyrvarion
    Greetings, Sister Chana,

    During my time in Cyrodiil, I've heard of the martial style known as the Way of the Peaceful Fist, and of Gudrun, who introduced this art to the Moth Priests. Could you explain to me, a simple Reachman wrestler, how this fighting style came to be?

    Cormac of the Clan Silverwing
    Edited by Tyrvarion on January 27, 2025 1:36PM
  • prof-dracko
    Esteemed Mothperson

    The behavior of my Lord has made me question how prophecies work. Most people agree that what's on a scroll is inevitable, but also changeable. Some people claim to have created prophecies whole-cloth that have subsequently been recorded in the scrolls, but it's also said that a scroll cannot be altered by man or divine. Can someone create a prophecy and have it accounted in a scroll (or scrolls), or do the scrolls themselves determine that a prophecy was created and the creator is merely a pawn in the bigger picture with a degree of self-delusion?

    V. Harikol
  • KingArthasMenethil
    During my time In Cyrodiil, I've noticed that Cyrodiil has moth silk, names its Legions after Moths (Deathshead Legion, Moonmoth Legion, Hawkmoth Legion, Buckmoth Legion) and has a cult named after the Ancestor Moth.
    Just what is the Cyrodillic thing for Moths and why do the Legions use the short hand name for the Legion? (First Legion, Second Legion) Instead of a full name for something like "First Legion Deathshead". As I have no idea if that is a full name and was curious as to why they do not use the full name for the Thirteenth Legion over in Senchal or the Seventh Legion in Bangkorai (I'm also unsure if any of those Legions or a yet to seen/revived Legion are the Sphinxmoth Legion who had a fort named after them in Elsweyr).

    Dame Edwinna Gelas

    Sources or further explanations.

    TES3 Generic Dialogue as the Imperial "moth" forts are actually named after the Legion instead of the forts being named after moths.
    A unit of the Imperial Guard protects the Duke, and the Hawkmoth Legion is also garrisoned within the walls of the castle.

    there's a Deathshead Legion garrison in Gnisis, and pilgrims come to see the Mask of Vivec at the Gnisis Temple."

    Was curious myself since one of the Imperials inspiration is the Romans and Roman legions were named "Legio I Adiutrix" = First Legion Rescuer and well the Cyrodillic thing for moths has never really been explained.
    Edited by KingArthasMenethil on January 27, 2025 1:24PM
    EU 2000+ CP
    Gaius Sulla 50 Cyrodiil DragonKnight.
    Livia Sulla 50 Cyrodiil Nightblade.
    Divayth-Fyr 50 Dunmer Sorcerer.
    Ragnar Shatter-Shield 50 Nord Dragonknight.
    Selvia Sulla 50 Cyrodiil Templar.
    Attrebus Mede 50 Cyrodiil Warden.
    Zirath Urivith 50 Dunmer Dragonknight.
    Dame Edwinna Gelas 50 Breton Dragonknight.
    Agrippina Tharn 50 Cyrodiil Necromancer.
    Bedal Dren 50 Dunmer Dragonknight.
  • CE_Nex
    Greetings Illuminated Sister,

    I am curious as to the origins of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth, particularly its potential ties to Dibella and the Atmoran Moth Totem. Atmoran Writings claim that the Moth holds many secrets and she unveils mysteries to the worthy, not unlike the Elder Scrolls.

    Edited by CE_Nex on January 27, 2025 4:02PM
  • TyrTrolas
    What do the moth priests eat? I hope it is not moths...
  • spartaxoxo
    Do Moth Priests ever keep pet moths? Are moths ever used for other purposes besides their connection to the Elder Scrolls? I have seen scholarship on just what these moths are but what do you think?
  • drip_fromtheinkwell
    Hello, Sister Chana,

    Something I have sometimes (okay... more than sometimes) wondered when studying the history and fall my ancestors in the Heartland is, how did the Ayleids deal with the Elder Scrolls? Did they study them like you Moth Priests do? And if they did study them, did any of their methods, rituals, or beliefs around the Scrolls live on in the modern Cult of the Ancestor Moth?

    Thank you for your time, and do try to stay safe around those things. They seem more than a little dangerous.

    – Urnarseldo Sancrevar, (formerly) of the Illumination Academy
    Edited by drip_fromtheinkwell on January 27, 2025 2:20PM
  • Legoless
    Venerated Sister,

    Your order pays a heavy toll in the pursuit of prophetic understanding. Is blindness inevitable for all who read the Scrolls, or is this a limitation of our mortal eyes? I have seen Elder Scrolls in the libraries of Apocrypha; I fear what an immortal Daedra would do with such knowledge, should they learn how to read the fjyrons of mortal souls.

    —Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

    (Edit: Adding a photo of one such scroll.)
    Edited by Legoless on January 27, 2025 3:02PM
  • Prophet_of_Malacath
    In Morrowind, the Gods walk amongst us and one's politics and piety can be gauged by so much as the color of a garment or the manner of their shrines - in contrast, one never sees these so-called Moth priests among their people!

    How do we know the Cocoon Council is not some Imperial cover for the rumored one thousand and eight Cyrodilic weapons of rapture? What weapons program do the Moth Priests hide? The famed Solis Aduro spotted the metal wings of a potential Moth ship wrecked in Black Marsh - what schemes do you hide?!

    - Buoyant Armiger Ashur Dres
    The Pariah's Forge is an Orsimer-focused Discord RP Hub: https://discord.gg/KfuWGFDXJC
  • Vincentius1
    Soul Shriven
    Hello Sister Chana,

    I know that across Tamriel are Ancestor Glades, forest sanctuaries where Canticle Trees grow and attract ancestor moths, allowing people like Moth priests to read the Elder Scrolls. Could you tell us more about them? Do Canticle Trees grow anywhere, even in the Alik'r Desert or Vvardenfell, or does someone plant them and they naturally attract the moths? Could you also tell us where more are hidden, just in case I need to read an Elder Scroll?

    Kind regards,

    Gaspar Manteau, Explorer-at-Large
  • ZulaviMalvayn
    Soul Shriven
    Sister Chana,

    Blessings be upon you.

    As well we know, some of the Princes of Oblivion claim the knowledge of fate and prophecy among their domains, yet I've only ever heard of the Daedra wanting to claim an Elder Scroll as a trophy or a museum piece, never to study it. It seems to only be us mere mortals that actually read the Scrolls. Why is that?

    Kind regards,
    Zulavi Malvayn
    Guild Alchemist, Mages' Guild, Northpoint Chapter

    PS. Please find enclosed a voucher for 10% off your next order of eye drops, eye salve, and allergy ointments. Maximum 1 order per customer. Terms and conditions apply.
    Edited by ZulaviMalvayn on January 27, 2025 5:15PM
  • Benefactor
    Hello Sister Chana,

    I was hoping you might be able to tell me how I could go about determining what the contents of an Elder Scroll contains before I attempt to read one. This would help me from going blind by mindlessly reading every scroll I come across.

    ps. Do you happen to know which scroll contains knowledge on The Eye of Argonia?

    Thank you,
  • CoolBlast3
    Hello Sister,

    The Elder Scrolls speak of many things, different times, different places. What's yet to happen, what could or could not happen. And so on. They are unknowable. Paradoxical self-contradictions. And so I ask. Could they possibly reveal what no longer is, but once was? To clarify, I know something was taken from my mind. Something grand, something...right on the tip of my tongue. And it all leads to West Weald. Tell me your theories, could an Elder Scroll undo this wrong?

    Yours in Mother Sea and The Great Eye,
    Lazuli Abyss-Gazer, Arcanist
    Edited by CoolBlast3 on January 28, 2025 12:12PM
  • Secchan
    Many thanks for your time, Sister Chana.

    During my study of Cyrodiilic folklore, I have come upon a worrying tale of a poor Nedic rebel by the name of Plontinu who was said to have accused the hero Pelinal of being a "Shezarrine", and was promptly smothered by Moths that same night for the transgression. The discovery greatly disturbed me, and I was hoping you could illuminate on this passage.

    Do Ancestor Moths truly smother people at night for speaking on forbidden subjects? Or was it the invocation of the Missing God at all, or this "Shezarrine" figure, that caused this violent occurrence?

    Or is discussion of Pelinal forbidden? Am I in danger for asking such questions? Perhaps I should sleep with an eye open tonight...

    - Sahyati Urshilaku
  • Windshear
    Hail, Sister Chana,

    The Order of the Ancestor Moth has been held in high regard for generations innumerable.
    It is known that the Elder Scrolls speak of heroes, their epic journeys and adventures, tales the common folk can only dream of.

    I would be curious to know if you could perhaps tell me of some lesser known heroes that the rest of Tamriel are not as familiar with, so I might share their stories with my children. In your Order's vast vaults, are there any epic heroes whose names have escaped the knowledge of the general public, but are still celebrated among the Moth Priests?

    My sincerest thanks, dear Sister.
    An ever curious and enlightened scholar,
    Count Bahri Olo
  • MafiaCat115
    Edit: Asking a new question since looking at the link @Enodoc provided (thanks for it!), my original one was already asked.

    Dear Sister Chana,

    Given the immense potential power held by the Elder Scrolls, especially in a metaphysical sense, I am curious if the Moth Priests have ever worked with the Psijic Order on matters regarding the Elder Scrolls. If not, would such a partnership ever be sought out by your order?

    Asrea Starlight, Psijic Mage Religious Scholar of Alinor
    Original Question:
    Dear Sister Chana,

    I write in hopes of learning how the Elder Scrolls that the three alliances fight over in Cyrodiil convey benefits onto the fighters of said alliances. Does the possession and veneration of the scrolls in scroll temples garner the favor of the Divines, Fate, or the scrolls themselves, thereby granting a boon? Do Moth Priests gain similar benefits when they worship the Scrolls?

    Asrea Starlight, Religious Scholar of Alinor
    Edited by MafiaCat115 on January 28, 2025 11:35PM
    Still waiting for answers about class set aura behavior, and also hoping that one day hair dyeing will be an option. We know it's canon thanks to a book in the Manor of Masques! (House of Reveries: The Troupe)
    Proud owner of a Morrowind Banner of the 6th House (back when it actually meant something)
  • Melegil
    Soul Shriven
    Fivefold venerations, Sister,

    I write to you in hopes of learning more about your order and its relation to the people of Cyrodiil. I have heard of the sacred custom of the people of Nibenay, that of acquiring shawls made of ancestor silk by your brothers and sisters of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth. A curious practice, especially so that they are embroidered with the names of the ones commissioning them's ancestors. My question is such-what other customs and rituals do the laypeople of Cyrodiil (and not just Nibenay) practise in veneration of their ancestors? How are they related to the teachings of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth?

    May the Empyrean Light shine on you,
    Nevala of the venerable Clan Anaydis, Justiciar of the Divine Prosecution
    Edited by Melegil on January 30, 2025 3:45AM
  • Parasaurolophus
    Sister, how did it happen that the White-Gold Tower, not even being the first of the great towers, became the largest known repository of Elder Scrolls in Tamriel? I cannot recall a single story explaining how the wild elves of the Heartland managed to acquire such a significant number of these truly important relics.

    Dearest Sister,

    In my time on the warfront I have several times had the honor of bearing an Elder Scroll for the glory of the Dominion. I have, however, been puzzled by my superiors' instructions to under no circumstances ride my mount while carrying it. Fortunately, I am quite fleet of foot, but my loyal indrik is significantly faster. Why must I not ride, and what would happen if I did? Do the Elder Scrolls not like being carried by someone who is being carried by something else?

    For the Queen!
    - Andilenwenquevamilienwe, Aldmeri Dominion Lieutenant Grade 2

    (Author's note: I know that not being able to mount while carrying a scroll is a game mechanic first and foremost but I think it would be funny if there was a lore explanation for it)
  • Verse_D
    To Sister Chana,
    This is a letter about fjyrons. I know from Abbot Crassius Viria's writings on the distributed soul that it is through the fjyrons that Ancestor Moths and Moth Priests commune with the souls of the ancestors in eternity. It seems that if these fjyrons are particles of the Aedric essence, then like the Aedra they may be bound to Nirn. Are they therefore a measure of the love of the ancestors for this world? After all, the moth is the mark of Dibella in many cultures.
    —Tunaruz ag-Imrad
  • ThayanKnight
    Honored Sister Chana,

    In legends, it is said that Moth Priests connect to the ancestor moths during their readings. Is there a mechanism by which one might commune with a specific Moth Priest who has passed on? Perhaps if one had a connection with them, such as a mentor?

    May the light of the Divines ever illuminate your paths.
    ~ Caedmon Quintillius of the Colovian Estates
  • HappyB3
    Soul Shriven
    Three-and-five venerations, dear sister,

    I have come to ask about the Divinities behind, or related to, the Elder Scrolls. More specifically, about a specific Magna Ge I have found tied to the Scrolls in my studies. According to some ancient Ayleid texts, a member of the Nine Coruscations named "Mnemoli the Blue Star" has great ties to the Scrolls and their prophecized heroes. Do the archives of the Moth Priests speak on this deity in any length? Are there other Gods tied to the prophecies of the Elder Scrolls?

    May you find joy on the path to Alaxon.
    — Celeborn of Silsailen, Eye of the Queen
  • Enodoc
    For anyone who's interested, here are the questions that were answered last time we had this topic, as some of these may already be covered there ‐ Moth Sister Terran Arminus Answers Your Questions
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord - discord.gg/uesp
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    To the Respectable Moth Sister Chana,

    How long has the Order of the Ancestor Moth been in existence, and how did it come into being?

    Warm Regards,
    First Emissary Rohais, Craglorn Embassy
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works
    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • OgrimTitan
    In Cyrodiil, my patron god Julianos is interlinked with the Elder Scrolls. His holy triangles on the scroll pedestals in the Alliances war temples are unmistakable even in the heat of battle. How this deific relation originated and how widespread it is in your country?
    Lord Nicolas le Bellerose, spellknight-sciensor of Daggerfall School of Julianos

    (picture is taken from UESP)
    In 3rd Era Julianos is still connected to the Elder Scrolls, while in ESO times there is a retroactively included deeper and older connection via Scroll Temples.
    Edited by OgrimTitan on February 1, 2025 2:59PM
  • maxandkon
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you for your time Sister Chana.

    I've heard legends about airborne vessels piloted by the Mananauts of the Reman Dynasty, with some claiming they were in the shapes of moths. ''Lost Tales of the Famed Explorer: Fragment III'' even appears to mention something that matches their description that crashed in Black Marsh.

    Do these (potentially mythical) vessels have anything to do with Ancestor Moths or Moth Priests?
    -Message relayed on behalf of Spencer Notte, Invisible College of Daggerfall
    — Maxandkon
  • Sir_Raccsworth
    Soul Shriven
    To Sister Chana of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth,

    Fivefold greetings, ceruval

    In my studies of your people and your customs during my extended stay on the continent, I have had a burning desire to learn more about your order, and particularly about the Elder Scrolls which you protect. They are objects of mystery, divinely ordained scrolls of mystical power with a penchant for prophecy, and in fact, remind me a good deal of the Scrolls of Praxis that we Altmer have back home in Crystal-Like-Law. Much like the Elder Scrolls, they have foretold the future of Summerset numerous times, ordaining the coming of Her Majesty Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri and many others of her line and serve to guide the eternal Aldmeri civilisation forth into the uncertain future.

    So, my question is this: Do you believe there is any connection between the Elder Scrolls and the Scrolls of Praxis? Perhaps the Scrolls of Praxis are Elder Scrolls themselves? I can only speculate, but I would love the input of a seasoned mystic and expert of the Scrolls such as yourself.

    Yours with the greatest respect,
    Anareth of the great and venerable clan Malarelle of Shimmerene
    Edited by Sir_Raccsworth on January 29, 2025 11:47PM
  • OgrimTitan
    Some theological and scientific communities theorise that schematics and diagrams made by Magnus to construct our little Nirn are nothing other than the Elder Scrolls themselves, what makes them "the existence blueprints" of sorts. What is your order's position on the theory and the deity themselves, given the fact that Magnus is not in favor in most popular religious cyrodiilic confessions?
    Lord Nicolas le Bellerose, spellknight-sciensor of Daggerfall School of Julianos

    Sources: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Varieties_of_Faith:_The_Bretons
    One story says that, while the idea was thought up by Lorkhan, it was Magnus who created the schematics and diagrams needed to construct the mortal plane.
    Edited by OgrimTitan on February 1, 2025 2:59PM
  • tarponpet
    Soul Shriven
    Greetings moth lady!
    Not many people bother to care about the Goblin-ken races such as Goblins, Ogres, and those delightful little "squeakers" with the tiny arms. Common sentiment is that they are obstacles to slay and not get to know. Since I worry for them, I wanted to ask... do Goblin-ken have any place in those Elder Scrolls of yours? Do any of them speak of their past or their future?! I thank you humbly!
    - "Goblin Tim"
    Edited by tarponpet on January 31, 2025 5:18AM
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